CH 11 Flashcards
the process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.
task conflict
a type of conflict in which people focus their discussion around the issue while showing respect for people who have other points of view.
relationship conflict
a type of conflict in which people focus on characteristics of other individuals, rather than on the issues, as the source of conflict.
win-win orientation
finding solutions beneficial to both parties, expanding pie
win-lose orientation
I get mine… so you dont… fixed pie
smooth over conflict or avoid
give in completely
look for middle ground and find benefits from losses
superordinate goals
goals that the conflicting parties value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties
any mech that loosesn the coupling between two or more people work units
employees who coordinate the activites of work units toward completion of shared task/project
combine jobs
increase enrichment and reduce task interdependence
third-party conflict resolution
any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help conflicting parties resolve their differences
the process whereby two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence
best alternative to a negotiated settlement (BATNA)
the best outcome you might achieve through some other course of action if you abandon the current negotiation