Ch. 10 Lecture Flashcards
What PROCESSES determine current population size (Nt)?
Dispersal, Survival Patterns, and Age Distribution
current population size equation
Nt: current population size
Nt-1: previous population size
B: # births
D: # deaths
I: # immigrants/joiners
E: # emigrants/leave
- move from where they were born to a new area
- variable within species AND among populations
- dispersal barriers at edge of Habitat Tolerance Range
Survival Patterns
- Survivorship Curves
- Life Tables
Age Distribution
- history of survival (high/low periods)
- periods of successful reproduction
- population growth potential
Growth Potential
are older individuals replacing themselves or not?
Survivorship Curves: horizontal line
high survivorship
Survivorship Curves: vertical line
low survivorship
Survivorship Curves: diagonal line
steady survivorship
Survivorship Curves: Type I
high => low survivorship.
most individuals die later in life
Survivorship Curves: Type II
steady survivorship.
uniform rate of decline
Survivorship Curves: Type III
low => high survivorship.
huge decline in young
Survivorship Curves: Axes
X-axis: Life span
Y-axis: number of survivors (Nx)
Survivorship Curve: r-selected species
Type III
Survivorship Curve: k-selected species
Type I
How do we estimate patterns of survival?
Life Tables
Life Tables
Provide picture of survival and mortality in populations.
Explore pop. dynamics in context of:
- birth
- death
- survivorship
- age distribution
Types of Life Tables
Cohort v. Static
Cohort (Dynamic) Life Table
- identify individuals BORN AT SAME TIME and keep records from birth to death
- useful for PLANTS and SESSILE organisms (immobile) or relatively SHORT-LIVED species
Cohort (Dynamic) Life Table: components
- Age (x)
- Number Alive (Nx)
- Survivorship (Ix)
- Mortality Rate (Mx)
- Survival Rate (Sx)
Cohort Age Class
census interval (x to x+1)
Mortality Rate
Survival Rate
What is a useful tool for inferring population processes?
Life Tables
Static Life Table
- record AGE AT DEATH of individuals within a certain TIME PERIOD
- differs from the cohort methods because individuals are BORN AT DIFFERENT TIMES
- useful for MOBILE and LONG-LIVED organisms
- must be able to age organism at death!
Why are there so few young cottonwoods in the Rio Grande population?
Population has not reproduced for over a decade!
- seeds germinate in flood plains (spring floods also reduce competition for cottonwood seedlings)
- seasonal flooding has been disrupted by dams
How to make a life table:
Record # individuals alive (Nx) in each age class => Cohort
Record # deaths in each age class => Static
Static Life Table: components
- age interval
- # dying during interval
- # surviving at beginning of interval
- # surviving as fraction of newborn (1st #3)
- mortality rate (#2/#3)