18: Community Dynamics Flashcards
community dynamics
the changing pattern of community structure through time
things that change community structure
seasonal changes, life history changes, disturbances
a temporal change in community structure and composition (change across time for a given space)
change across space
pioneer or early successional species
fast growing, high dispersal, smaller size, light loving
late successional species
slow growing, low dispersal, large and long lived
During succession, is the replacement of species with time random?
Primary succession
occurs on a site previously unoccupied by a community
secondary succession
occurs on previously occupied sites after a disturbance resets the community
community dynamics is a result of what?
environmental change
classification of change
Autogenic vs. Allogenic
Autogenic Environmental Change
direct result of the presence and activities of organisms within the community (biotic in nature)
Allogenic Environmental Change
feature of the physical environment (ex. precipitation)
what is plant succession liked with
succession in heterotrophs