Ch 10 Epithelial pathology Flashcards
Benign proliferation thought to be viral induced, cauliflower appearing (fingerlike projections)
Squamous Papilloma
Virus induced (HPV), frequent in children, common on skin and infrequent in oral cavity. Cutaneous horn form extreme accumulation of keratin
Verruca Vulgaris
HPV, considered sexually transmitted. Koilocytes
Condyloma Acuminatum
- teenagers and young adults
Hyperplastic condition of epithelium with characteristic accumulation of lipid laden histiocytes beneath the epithelium
Verruciform Xanthoma
- common in whites 40 to 70 females
Viral induced localized proliferation of squamous cells, multiple flat or rounded papules which are usually clustered with normal color (not white)
Focal Epithelial hyperplasia aka Heck’s Disease
- Childhood condition
Skin condition in elderly from chronic sun exposure with hereditary tendency
Brown plaque that appears to be “stuck on” skin
Seborrheic Keratosis
- Histo: horn & pseudo-horn cysts & melanin pigmentation in basal cell layer.
Laser-Trelat sign is
numerous Seborrheic Keratosis with pruritus (itching) associated with internal malignancy
Dermatosis papulosa nigra
type of SK occurs in 30% blacks with AD pattern.
Ephelis (Freckle)
Genetic skin discoloration produced by excess of melanin deposition in the epidermis; blond and red hair. Sunscreen prevents new & darkening
Age or liver spots. Don’t change in color intensity after exposure to UV light
Actinic Lentigo
Mask of pregnancy
melasma - symmetric hyperpigmentation of sun exposed skin of face and neck
Flat brown discoloration caused by focal increase in melanin deposition (maybe increased malanocytes). Not related to sun.
Oral Melanotic Macule
Peutz-Jaehger’s Syndrome
associated with circum-oral and intra-oral pigmentation + intestinal polyps
Benign acquired pigmentation.
Dendritic macrophages dispersed throughout epithelium
Oral melanoacanthoma
- Alarming growth rate
- Blacks only
- mostly females
- 30 to 40age
- Buccal Mucosa
Acquired Melanocytic Nevus types
common mole
- Junctional nevus
- Compound nevus
- Intramucosal
Leukoplakia high risk areas for malignancy
Floor of mouth
Ventral tongue
Soft palate
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia
SCCa usually within 8 years of PVL diagnosis
Chronic, progressive, scarring, high risk precaancerous condition
- mucosal rigidity & pain
- trismus
- tongue immobile
Oral submucous fibrosis
- High malignant transformation rate
Sun damaged lip cant tell where vermillion ends and skin begins
Actinic cheilitis
- chronic sun exposure and immunocompromised high risk
- Males
Iron deficiency, greater risk for SCCa of esophagus, oropharynx and posterior mouth
Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
Epstein Bar V is associated with which cancers
nasopharyngeal carcinoma
burkitt’s lymphoma