02: Top 30 Lecture (2-10) Flashcards
What are the two types of Tori?
Torus Palatinus
Torus Mandibularis
Which type of tori is more common?
What is true about tori 90% of the time?
They are bilateral
What percent of the population get mandibular tori
7-10%: Men more likely
What percent of the population get palatine tori
20-35%: Women 2:1 over Men
Which racial population has a higher liklihood of developing tori? African Americans or Caucasians?
Neither ….50/50
Is there a high cancer risk with Tori?
There is NO cancer risk at all
Why is the growth of tori often insidious?
Because they grow over a period of decades
When are the only times that tori removal is indicated
At the request of the patient (esthitic, or pain due to ulceration)
Pre-prosthetic surgery before the fabrication of dentures
What is the number 3 most common oral lesion?
What are some common manifestations of oral inflammation lesions
Traumatic ulcers Parulis Pericornitis Perio abcess ANUG
What form of inflammation lesion is known as a gum boil?
The #4 most common lesion is also the most common benign neoplasm of the oral cavity…
List in order, the most likely places in the oral cavity for a fibroma to develop?
Buccal Mucosa
Labial Mucosa
What is the treatment for a fibroma?
Surgical excision
If you took a sagittal section of a fibroma what would its shape be?
It would look like a tree (as a 3 year old would draw one) with a narrow trunk at the base (peduncalated) and a larger circular globed structure on top
What are a few names for an Irritation fibroma?
Traumatic fibroma
Fibrous nodule
Focal Fibrous Hyperplasia
What does an irritation fibroma look like?
Smooth Surface
0.1-2.0 mm tall
Pink, White, or Grey
What is the male to female ratio for irritation fibromas
What causes the leaf shaped “flat” variant of the irritation fibroma?
It is flat because it develops underneath a denture….tissue goes back to normal after excision
What are the “Fibroma Look A Likes” that are found on the gingiva? (3 P’s + FIFH)
Pyogenic Granuloma
Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
Peripheral Ossifying Granuloma
Focal Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia
Where are the places most likely to develop a Pyogenic granuloma
Gingiva (75%)
Lips/Tongue/Buccal Mucosa (25%)
What lesion is associated with the term Pregnancy Tumor?
Pyogenic granuloma
Histologically, what type of tissue is a pyogenic granuloma made up of?
Granulation tissue
What is the treatment for a pyogenic granuloma
Conservative excision + Scaling and RP
What is the most likely demo to develop a Giant Cell Granuloma?
Women ages 31-41
How does the color of a Giant Cell Granuloma compare to a Pyogenic Granuloma?
Giant cell = Bluish Purple
Pyogenic = Red
What causes a Giant Cell Granuloma?
Trauma to the alveolus
What is the histology of the Giant Cell Carcinoma
Multinucleated cells with a vascular background
What is the treatment of for a Giant Cell Carcinoma
Excision down to bone + Scale and RP
In some cases, this lesion can be describes as a maturing pyogenic or giant cell granuloma with dystrophic calcifications
Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma
What is the most likely age of a patient with a Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma
10-19 (67% Girls) –> (this is a stretch) periphera-1 0-ssifying F(emale)ibroma- ie. 10 y.o. Females.
What is the histology of a Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma?
Bone within fibrous CT
What is the cellular cause of a Focal Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia
An increase of fibrocytes and collagen production in response to irritation
What are Fordyce’s Granules
Ectopic sebaceous glands
What % of the population has Fordyce’s Granules
What is the visual description of Fordyce’s Granules?
Yellowish White Papules
Where are the two most likely locations to develop Fordyce’s Granules?
Buccal Mucose > Lips
What is the treatment for Fordyce’s Granules?
There is no treatment
When do Fordyce’s Granules start?
In childhood and they stick around through adulthood
How could you describe the number 6 most common lesion….Hemangioma?
A benign proliferation of blood vessels
What percent of kids have a hemangioma?
How can palpating the lesion help diagnose a hemangioma?
It blanches
What is the treatment for a hemangioma?
What percent of Hemangiomas are in the head and neck region?
What causes the color of the hemangiomas (Red v. Blue)
Arterial vs Venule
What is the male to female ration for hemangiomas?
What are common variations of hemangiomas?
AV Shunts
Sturge Weber Angiomatosis
What is the number 7 lesion?
Recurrent Aphthous Ulcerations
What percent of the population is affected by Recurrent Aphthous Ulcerations?
How are the lesions grouped (apthous ulcers)?
1-2 lesion
0.5-1.0 cm in diameter
What is the treatment for Recurrent Aphthous Ulcerations
Steroids + Antibiotics
How would you describe the tissue of a recurrent aphthous ulceration?
Non-bound Mucosa
What causes recurrent aphthous ulcerations?
What is the key to diagnosing Recurring Aphthous Ulcerations
Location + Size + Number of Lesions
What are 3 complications of RAU?
Major (scarring)
Herpetiform (look like herpes)
Bechet’s (in crotch, eye, and mouth).
What are some of the theories behind the etiology of RAU?
What is a good description of the Number 8 Lesion, papillomas?
A benign proliferation of squamos epithelium that is solitary, pedunculated, and wart like
What is the treatment for a papilloma
surgical excision
What vegetable does a papilloma resemble
Are papillomas painful?
How big across are papillomas?
0.1-1.0 cm
What are some variations of papillomas?
Venereal Warts
Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia (Heck’s Disease)
Sinonasal Papillomas
What is the number 9 Lesion
Epulis fissuratum
Where is an epularis fissuratum going to be found?
At the flange of an ill fitting denture
What is the demographic that typically develops epularis fissuratum?
Middle aged or older adults, women more often than men
Is there a cancer risk associated with epularis fissuratum?
These abnormally dilated and tortuous veins are the the number 10 lesion on the top 30 list
What disease is associated with varicosities?
None, strictly age related