Ch 1 Test Materials Flashcards
the part of the body between the chest and the hips that contains the pancreas, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and other organs.
the outer end of the spine of the scapula that protects the glenoid cavity, forms the outer angle of the shoulder, and articulates with the clavicle
Pertaining to the armpit area, including the lymph nodes that are located there.
the part of the arm or forelimb between the brachium and the carpus : forearm
belonging to the arm, foreleg, wing, pectoral fin, or other forelimb of a vertebrate. belonging to the upper part of such a member, from the shoulder to the elbow. armlike, as an appendage.
relating to or located in the cheeks. It can also mean relating to or located on the sides of the mouth or in the mouth.
a large and strong bone that forms the back of the foot and transfers most of the body weight from the lower extremity to the ground.
bones of the wrist that connect the distal aspects of the radial and ulnar bones of the forearm to the bases of the 5 metacarpal bones of the hand.
a short vessel arising from the aorta just as it enters the abdomen at approximately the level of the T12 vertebra.
Relating to the head or the head end of the body. Situated on, in, or near the head. Cephalic is synonymous with cranial, relating to the cranium or head.
the neck region of your spinal column or backbone. It consists of your first seven bones (C1-C7). Other structures in or around your cervical spine are your intervertebral disks, spinal cord and nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments.
of, relating to, involving, or situated near a rib.
a large, flat, irregular bone constricted in the middle and enlarged below and above. Together, the two constitute the anterior wall and sides of the pelvic cavity.
of or relating to the thigh or leg; specifically : femoral.
an area of transition between the anatomical arm and the forearm. It is located in a depression on the anterior surface of the elbow joint.
of or relating to the fingers or toes.
of or relating to the femur or thigh.