Ch 1 Flashcards
definition of social psychology
social psychology:
the scientific study of the ways in which people’s thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors are influenced by the real or implied presence of other people
hindsight bias:
our tendency (usually erroneous) to overestimate our powers of prediction once we know the outcome of a given event
exact replication
(also called “direct replication”). In this form, a scientist attempts to exactly recreate the scientific methods used in conditions of an earlier study to determine whether the results come out the same.
conceptual replication
This occurs when—instead of an exact replication, which reproduces the methods of the earlier study as closely as possible—a scientist tries to confirm the previous findings using a different set of specific methods that test the same idea.
research design, Observational method
Observing people, thoroughly
recording measurements or
research design, Archival Analysis
Examining the accumulated documents (archives) of a culture Diaries, novels, magazines, social media, internet use
research design, The Correlational Method
Assessing the relationship
between two variables
research design, The Experimental Method:
Allows causal inferences
Independent Variable
The variable changed or varied to
see if it has an effect on another
Dependent Variable
The variable measured to see if it’s
influenced by the IV
Generalizability Across Situations
The extent that we can generalize from experimental situations to real-life situations
Psychological Realism
How similar psychological processes triggered in an experiment are to everyday life
Cover Story
Disguised version of the study’s true purpose