Ch 1, 2, 9 Flashcards
what is deductive approach
theory first, then observations an findings
what is inductive approach
observations and findings and then create theory
process of deduction
data collection
hypotheses confirmed/rejected
substantiation, revision or reject
quantitative research is it inductive or deductive mainly
uses numbers and statistics in the collection and analysis of data
- mainly deductive
qualitative research
is it inductive or deductive mainly
uses mainly words and other non-numeric symbols in the collection and analysis of data
- mainly inductive
is quantitative mainly objectivism or constructionism
what point of view does quantitative take
point of view researcher
what point of view does qualitative take
pov of research participants
cross-sectional designs describe
involve taking observations at one point in time (no before and after comparison)
longitudinal design
cases are examined at a particular time (T1) and again at a later time or times (T2, T3, etc)
what are the two types of longitudinal design methods and describe them
panel study- the SAME people, households, organization, etc are studied at different typed
cohort study- people sharing the same experience are studied at different times but different people may be studied at each time
case study
involves an in-depth study of a single case
- can be qualitative or quantitative
- provide a description that cannot be achieved using other methods
trustworthiness four criteria
the degree to which the research is transformative and emancipatory for the people studied and society at large
credibility explained
do people in the study agree with the interpretation of their thoughts and actions of the researcher
- respondent member validation (ask them)
transferability explained
can the findings be applied to other contexts or people not studied?
thick description helps determine whether transferability is possible (provides enough information to conduct later comparison to findings from other studies )
were proper procedures followed
can the study’s theoretical inferences can be justified
auditing - is something done wherein peers review the research and procedures to see if the study is dependable
was the researcher objective and unbiased
did the researchers way the results dramatically (if a different researcher did the study would they find the same results)
- auditing