Cellular Physiology Pt 2 Flashcards
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and nitric oxide (NO) act through _________ that converts GDP to _________ which is the second messenger
Guanylyl cyclase; cyclic GMP
Insulin acts through _____ _____
Tyrosine kinase
Associated with enzymatic activity in receptors (no G proteins)
Catalytic receptor mechanism
How do beta 2 stimulants affect lungs?
Terbutaline— acts on receptors via Gs protein, activates adenyl cyclase which increases cAMP.
cAMP activates protein kinases which cause brinchodilation
How do phosphodiasterase inhibitors affect lungs? (Aminophylline)
Inhibit breakdown of cAMP, meaning increased cAMP levels, more protein kinase, bronchodilation
How does ipratropium (Atrovent) affect lungs?
Inhibits inhibits M3 (cholinergic miscarinic) receptor leading to bronchodilation
What causes bronchoconstriction?
Stimulation of M3 receptor and G protein causes formation of IP3 which releases Ca from ER
cAMP Mechanism drugs/hormones
ACTH LH, FSH TSH ADH (V2 receptor) HCG B1 & B2 receptor A2 receptor Calcitonin PTH Glucagon Muscarinic (M2)
IP3 mechanism list
GnRH TRH GHRH ADH (V1 receptor) Oxytocin A1 receptor Angiotensin-II Muscarinic: (M1, M3)
Steroid hormone mechanism list
Glucocorticoids Estrogen Testosterone Progesterone Aldosterone Vitamin D Thyroid hormone
Activation of tyrosine kinase
Nitric oxide (NO) ANP
Opening of Na/K pump channels
Nm (N1)
Nn (N2)
Upstroke of action potential
Na moving into the cell
Downstroke of action potential
K moving out of the cell