CDEM02 - Sections Flashcards
Outline s86 - Evacuation of premises
If state of emerg in force - Controller opinion necessary to save lives - they and whom they authorise can
>evacuate any prem/place inc public pl
>exclude people or veh from any prem/place inc public pl
Outline s87 - Entry of premises
If state of emerg in force - Controller OR Const opinion - they and whom they authorise can
>enter / or break into any prem/place to
>save lives/prev injury - remove injured/edang persons
>carry out urgent measures for relief of suffering
Outline s88 - Close Roads
If state of emerg in force - Controller OR Const OR other relevant authorised person can close public roads.
Outline s89 - Remove aircrafts vehicles
If state of emerg in force - Controller OR Const opinion - they and whom they authorise can
>remove vessel to boats to hovercrafts
>can break into them as well to remove
If state of emerg in force - Controller OR Const opinion - they and whom they authorise can
> place anything from animals to boats to heavy equipment to food to medicine UNDER their control and Direction
>Must give that person written notice - what’s being taken and who’s in control
>If owner can’t be found - take it
>But asap get written notice to that owner
>Owner must also help in any way
Outline s91 - Power to give directions
Direct person to stop activity that may contribute to the emerg - ask or write to take action to limit the extent of emerg
Outline s92 - Power to carry out inspections
examine, mark, seize, sample, secure, disinfect, destroy any prop, animal or other thing to prevent or limit the extent o the emerg
Outline the s95 - Fails to comply with requirements CDEM.02 what other failure sections?
Obstruction is s98 Penalty s104 3 mnths imp / $5,000 or both > body corp $50,000
Who can declare an Emerg?
CDEM Group must appoint one person of the group to declare an Emerg - Mayors and Mins can decl Emerg