CD schedule Flashcards
Which regulation permits the use of CDs in medicine?
Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001
Class A drugs
- Most harmful drugs
- Possession: upto 7 years or unlimited fine
- Dealing: upto life or unlimited fine
Class B drugs
- Possession: upto 5 years or unlimited fine
- Dealing: upto 14 years or unlimited fine
Class C drugs
- Possession: upto 2 years or unlimited fine
- Dealing: upto 14 years or unlimited fine
Schedule 1
[CD lic]
- No medical value but causes problems through misuse
- License from Home Secretary needed for possession, supply + admin of drug
What are the two cases in which pharmacists are able to take possession of a schedule 1 CD?
- Purpose of destruction
- Purpose of handing over to police (unable to disclose patient info)
Schedule 2
- Contains opiates + stimulants
- License needed to import/export
- Pharmacists may only supply if issued by appropriate practitioner
- Must be kept in CD cupboard
- Destruction if out of date or returned by patient
- Must be recorded in CD register
- Requires identity of patient
Are all the schedule 2 CDs kept in the CD cupboard?
Yes except quinalbarbital
Which of the schedule 3 drugs, don’t need to be kept in the CD cupboard?
- Temazepam
- Diethylpropion
- Buprenorphine
- Flunitrazepam
Schedule 2 CDs are similar to schedule 3 CDs, what are their differences?
- Difference in who can possess + supply
- Less strict destruction requirement
- No record needed in CD register
Schedule 3
[CD no reg POM]
How long are CD 3 invoices kept?
2 years
What are the 2 types of schedule 4 CDs?
- Part I [CD benz POM]
- Part II [CD anab POM]
Schedule 4
- CD prescription + labelling not required
- Prescription limited to 28 days
- No safe custody requirements
- No records of supply requirement
- No destruction requirements for pharmacies
- No restriction on possession of sched 4 part II when contained in medicinal product
Schedule 5
[CD Inv POM/P]
- Dilute preparations of sched 2
- No safe custody
- No CD register entry
- Invoice kept for 2 years
- No special labelling requirement
Which dihydrocodeine is classed as a CD POM (schedule 2)?
Dihydrocodeine injection
Which dihydrocodeine is classed as a CD POM (schedule 2)?
Non-parenteral use + max strength of 100mg
What schedule and class is cannabis?
- Sched 1
- B
What schedule and class is diamorphine?
- Sched 2
- A
What schedule and class is temazepam?
- Sched 3
- C
What schedule and class is phenobarbital?
- Sched 3
- B
What schedule and class is raw opium?
- Sched 1
- A
What schedule and class is flunitrazepam?
- Sched 3
- C
What schedule and class is nitrazepam?
- Sched 4 part I
- C