cat Flashcards
- Hawthorne vs Rosenthal effect
Hawthorne: Participants improve behavior when watched or studied / Rosenthal: Self-fulling prophecy, experimenter expectancy effects results
- Maslow’s work expanded into what IO principle
2 factor theory (ERG is modifcation, not expansion
- Ages of Piaget stages
sensorimotor (0-2), preop (2-7), formal 7-11, formal 11+
- types of scoring
additive - each score contributes to final score, higher scor offsets lower scores (is compensatory)
compensatory - higher consempate for lower
conjunctive - each score looked at individually and must be above a certain cutoff
25 Lewinson - depression due to…
low rates of behavior
- altruism in kids due to these child rearing practices
assignment of responsibility, modeling positive behaviors, inductive disipline ( calling attn. to negative consequences to other of bag behavior)
attitude is a ____ _____ according to CC
conditioned response
IQ correlations for siblings reared together, separately, twins, parents
together .5, separate .25, twins .75, parents .45
FOR - frame of reference training used for
improve accuracy of performance ratings
use ANCOVA when
unanticipated extraneous variable
quality assurance vs. utilization review
QA - access, UR - costs/conservations
predicting violence in forensivs
widespread disagreement in field
custody eval with only mom involved
conduct but cite limitation of data
Larry P Riles vs. Griggs
riles - racial/cultural biases in IQ tests for school kids, griggs - biases in industry testing
V shaped mmpi
LFK, V is faking good, inverted V is faking bad
higher order conditioning
conditioned response less intense and magnitude than UR. HO CR is even less magnitide than original CR
deracinated person
pre-encounter, views being black as obstacle, perfer dominant valued
Bayes theorum
relation among various conditional properties
aversive conditioning - modifiying the ___ ____
stimulus vs. response generalization
stimulus - generalizing CS to other neutral stimuli (Cat to dog, little albert); response - behavior emitted that was similar to behavior previously reinforced
Soloman 4 group design
used to control for effects of testing (practice effects). 4 groups: 1) tested before and after tx, 2) tested twice w/o tx, 3) pre and post test 4) post test only
multiple baseline designs eliminate threat of _____
Bipolar 1 includes at minimum
manic or mixed episode
realistic job preview benefits
increases longevity of employment
man with extra X chromosome
Taylor Russell Tables - to optimize incremental validity you want ___ base rate and ____ selection ratio
.5 base rate and .1 selection ratio
Gestalt: introjection, projection, confluence, retroflection
introjection (taking what others say whole without own critical analysis), projection (suspiciousness), confluence (lack of awareness of conflict), retroflection (turing on oneself rather than others)
item response theory/latent trait model
when test content is varying difficulty, uniform scales of measurement can be applied to persons of different ability levels
self-instructional theory (Michenbaum)
repetition, graded practice, cognitive restructiring
distributive vs procedural justice
distributive (outcome is fair) vs procedural justice (fairness of process to arrive at decision)
OCD in kids
more common in boys, equal as adults
providing referrals - liable for their mistakes?
No - no professional relationship within sole referral
hierarchy - activity reinforced by any activity above it in hierarchy
autism onset prior to age____, prognosis best with _____, ___-___x more common for boys
onset prior to 3, prognosis best with late onset, 4-5x more common in males
credibility and giving - processes important in….
therapy with minority cts
key aspect in test construction for Dx test is
herzberg - what causes satisfaction, what causes dissatisfaction
dissatisfaction: lower level needs i.e. working relationships, pay, working conditions, supervisor ;;;; satisfaction: upper level - lack of challenge, lack of recognition, responsibility
brain at birth has
almost as many neurons as adult brain
substance in seasonal affective disorder
CHC theory of IQ
3 strata model with general IQ at top, broad cognitive abilities in middle, narrow abilities at bottom
indifference and euphoria - damage to ____ hemispher
right (personality damage)
left is language
LISREL, structural equation modeling, used for
testing causal model of relationships among variables
optimize responsibility - heterogeneous or homogeneous sample
intermittent explosive
discrete episodes of difficulty resisting impulses that result in assault or destruction - not purposeful or premeditated, neuro abnormalities, aggression/impulsivity between episodes, embarrassment/remorse after
cognitive changes w/ aging
reason and logic not affected with aging, crystallized improves, fluid decreases (peaks in adolescence)
discriminant analysis used when
several IV used to predict group membership (discrete categories)
multiple regression used when
several IV used to predict one continuous DV
path analysis
multiple regression techniques to test theoretical model that specifies causal links among veriables
Organizational Development (OD)
systematic way to bring planned change - based on systems theory, focused on relationships, goal is to increase performancy
Autism - strengths shown on
embedded figures test
managed care ends contract - psychologist obligation is…
doesn’t need pre termination counseling if action of managed care preclude it
low power associated with
less liklihood of significance
opiod peptide vs antaganist
p - mimic opoite effect A - block nt
higher order cond - pair ___ with ___
pair CS with NS
autosomal dominant disease