Case Study Key Issue 1 Flashcards
If the total programme only lasted 9 months, when were you engaged?
RLB were engaged in January to undertake Quantity Surveying Services for the client.
What were the client’s main drivers?
The client’s main driver was time and ensuring that they were open for the Christmas Trading period. They also had a focus on ensuring that they achieved value for money.
Can you define value for money and was it achieved on the project?
Value for money looks at whether the project was delivered whilst meeting the client’s main objectives.
As mentioned previously, this was to ensure that the project was delivered in time for the Christmas trading period, which it was.
Additionally, the client wanted to ensure that the price they received represented value for money. The costings received were benchmarked and confirmed to be at market level.
What do you understand by value?
This relates to the benefits brought by a development in relation to the resources needed to achieve/complete it.
Why was a D&B selected?
A D&B was selected as the client had a tight programme and a D&B would allow for the overlap of design and construction. This therefore allowed for an earlier commencement on site.
As the contractor had completed a similar scheme for the client previously, they felt like they could benefit from their buildability input into the scheme. This came to a head as they provided input on a temporary works design which saved around £100k from the project value.
Were there any amendments to the D&B?
There was a contract amendment in relation to Covid-19.
It stated that mandatory public health measures must be in place and the contractor must alleviate the spread of Covid which would result in sit closure.
Provided that the contractor can prove they complied and the Covid event was outside their control, they can claim for time/expense in relation to material delays and other associated project delays.
It was written that the employer would have the final decision on any discrepancy between the ER’s and CP’s.
The payment terms were also amended from 21 days to 28 days.
What was the £/sqft?
Total area of the development was approximately 4,500m2 or 48,000sqft.
The cost was approximately £740/m2 or £69/sqft.
Were there any site constraints?
The site was a working environment and therefore deliveries were coming in and out all day.
This was combatted by ensuring that any deliveries to site were made in the morning to keep the access road clear.
What procurement route did you decide on to suit the client’s drivers?
Design & Build procurement route.
This was due to the fact that it allowed for earlier commencement on site, as well as buildability input of the contractor.
Why would a single stage tender provide competitive tendering and pricing?
This is due to the fact that there are a series of pre selected tenderers that are all competing for the same work. They therefore want to ensure that they provide a competitive price to give them an opportunity to win the work.
Why would an extended programme lead to issues on the project?
This is due to the fact that the development would not have been open for the Christmas Trading period and therefore caused distribution problems for the client.
How did you agree a contract sum with the Contractor if the design was not complete?
As the design was developing the contractor was providing costed work packages and these were agreed to firm up the contract sum.
Even though the design was not fully complete, the contractor was happy to agree on a firm price as the largest work packages had been reviewed and priced by the sub contractors.
Was this a target cost or a fixed price contract?
It was a fixed cost. As the design was progressing the contractor was providing me with costed work packages which I reviewed and provided my commentary. This led to the cost being firmed up and a contract sum agreed.
What was the budget?
The budget for the scheme was £3.075m.
How progressed was the design when you were engaged and by what point was this complete?
The design was not very progressed at all when we were engaged. Although, within an 8 week period the design had developed to a point that allowed us to agree the contract sum as the biggest packages had been designed.
The design was complete by May and by this point the main work packages had been agreed and let.
You mention that option 2 would have allowed for early contractor involvement and buildability input, how much earlier would this have been than option 1?
As the 1st stage tender process for a two stage process would have only been a 2 week period, coupled with a 1 week period for the tender report, this would have meant that a month was saved in comparison to option 1.
With a single stage process, the tender process would have been 5 weeks, with a 2 week period allowed for the tender report.
What relevant documents did you produce as part of the tender process?
I assisted in producing the contract conditions, as well as the Employer’s Requirements which contained the drawings and specifications for the project.
Following the tender process I assisted with producing the tender report as well.
Were there any other procurement options considered?
There weren’t really any other procurement options that were considered. Construction management or management contracting could have been considered as they would have allowed for an earlier start on site, although this would have meant that there was no cost certainty on the project.
How does a two stage approach differ to that of a single stage and negotiated approach?
With a single stage approach, the contractors provide a firm competitive price following the tender process.
Following the first stage on a two stage process the successful contractor is appointed under a PCSA. This is based on the quality of their bid, people, prelims, OH&P, fees and a basic construction cost.
They will then enter the second stage with the aim of developing the design and providing buildability input to hopefully firm up a cost for the works.
When would the programme have been delayed until, with the Single stage approach?
Completion would have been achieved in December with the Single Stage approach.
When would the programme have been delayed until, with the Two stage approach?
Completion would have been achieved in November with a Two stage approach.
You mentioned that the two stage tendering process would have extended the programme. Why is this?
In comparison to the negotiated approach, this was due to the fact that there was an additional month associated with producing tender documents, the tender period and tender analysis.
Why may a negotiated approach not present best value for money and what could you do to combat this?
This is due to the fact that a negotiated approach is anti competitive and therefore the contractor could possibly look to increase their costs.
In order to combat this, I requested that an open book approach was adopted and three quotations for each work package were received.
I benchmarked the costs returned against our in house cost data.
How do you ensure competitiveness through the negotiated tender approach?
I adopted an open book approach and requested 3 quotations for each work package.
The costs were benchmarked to ensure they were at market value.