Case study for hard engineering - Lyme Regis Flashcards
What is the coastline of Lyme Regis called? (LR coasts)
Jurassic coast
What feature is Lyme Regis located on? (LR coasts)
The bay between Exmouth and Portland
When was the landslide and how wide? (LR coasts)
400m wide
Why is defence needed? (LR coasts)
Winter storms attack the base of the cliffs and cause erosion
What type of rock is the town built on? (LR coasts)
Hard limestone, but on top of the is slippery clay
What is a reactive approach? (LR coasts)
Where defences are only put in place in the area that needs it most, creating a patchwork of different schemes
How did Lyme Regis end up managing their coastline? (LR coasts)
- Proactive approach
- Combination of hard and soft engineering along the entire coast line
e.g Northwall Rockery was re-asligned and a new sea wall was built
How must was the total cost? (LR coasts)
£30 million