Case study - Eastern Quay Flashcards
What is an insurance “excess”?
Amount the insured must pay towards cost of claim, agreed in advance.
Why does the value that is insured need to be regularly updated?
Insured value can be index-linked for simplicity, but should be updated to reflect current market building costs, ensuring full value is insured.
Explain what you have done as PD on this project
- Put forward contractors that had satisfied PQQ at tender stage
- checked credentials of structural engineer/BC/concrete specialist
- ensure client and PC/contractor are communicating,
- requested fire/general risk assessments from client
- prepared and issued Pre-Construction Information pack to contractor and client/employer to help identify significant and foreseeable risks,
- requested and reviewed Risk Assessment and Method Statement
- set up and pass H&S file to contractor/client at the end.
What is in the H&S file?
Info that may be relevant to subsequent projects, and maintenance, to ensure their H&S.
- Locations of wiring, pipes, waste
- Details of some materials/products used, eg. insulation, decking
- Fire stopping and passive fire protection measures
- Balcony warranty
What was your understanding of Approved Document B that made you think timber could be used above 11m?
Section B4, “External Fire Spread”, requirement B4.(2) of the Building Regulations 2010:
- Regulation 7(2) says “materials which become part of an external wall… are of Euro classification A2-s1, d0 or A1”
- Regulation 7(3) says “(2) does not apply to:… (j) window frames and glass”.
Applies to “relevant buildings”.
What are “relevant buildings” in ADB?
A building with a storey (not inc. roof plant)at least 18 metres above ground level… AND contains one or more dwellings” (also “institution” or “room for resi purposes”)
What is the Euroclass rating of timber?
Untreated timber is Euroclass D, s2, d0. Treated can bring it up to C.
What was the date of the FRA for this building? How often to update it?
May 2019.
On updating it, GUIDANCE set out in “Fire safety in purpose-built blocks of flats” (2011)
How had the PIR foam contributed to the fire? Is it that flammable?
LFB report specifically states “Many balconies have combustible materials as part of their construction… so if a fire starts it can spread quickly.”
PIR foam (Celotex GA4000) has Euroclass F rating (“Easily flammable” under BS EN 13501-1)
Why did you advise a MW contract?
- Relatively simple project. No need for BoQ, no named specialists needed, no sectional completion
- Traditional single-stage tender compatible
- I felt confident in designing and specifying works schedule, not leaving too much to contractor.
- Experience using it before
- Used JCT contact finder, this was advised. If not, intermediate
Why did you not use JCT Intermediate contract?
Could have done and was alternative suggested on JCT contract selector.
However felt the additional detail within was not necessary - no Bill of Quantities on project, no detailed contract provisions needed.
What was your advice regarding paying the 50% deposit?
- Contract was already signed before deposit request made. Otherwise contract could have been amended
- There is risk attached to paying for materials/install in advance that they may never turn up
- Reasonable request as big outlay for contractor. They had already shelled out for scaffold.
- May promote trust between contractor and client.
What is the clause in the JCT MW that deals with interim payments? What does it say about deposits?
- S.4.3, “interim payments” = “work properly executed”, or “materials and goods… brought onto the site for purposes of the works that are protected against weather/other casualties”
- JCT guide book: “MW16 makes no provision for advance payment”. Would require amendment of contract terms. Suggests “compensatory benefits” to allow for risk.
If you had advised your client against paying deposit, would there have been a Key Issue?
Yes but different – contractor may have claimed a variation if they incurred a £22k loss and had to order different windows, and loss/expense if there was a delay. Key Issue may be, “is it a valid variation/EoT”?
What was your advice regarding the liability of the Approved Inspector if they had incorrectly ‘passed’ the plans?
Negligence – they could pursue them in the courts for costs incurred due to plans being incorrectly passed in March.
What was the U-value of the original PIR insulation?
50mm = 0.44 W/m2K
70mm = 0.33 W/m2K
So, overall probably close to 0.35 W/m2K
What U-value did your 60mm to 30mm HARDROCK provide?
60mm = 0.64 W/m2K
How thick did the HardRock need to be to match the U-value of the original PIR?
Around 110mm (taking into account 70mm drop to 50mm of the PIR)
What would the U-value have been for Option 1, Biohm Mycelium?
Unknown as it did not come in a standard thickness, however to match the original PIR U-value of 0.35, it would had to have been around 85mm.
What would the U-value have been for Option 2, Foamglas Invatherm?
At 100mm, would be 0.43 W/m2k.
Were there any other options?
- Aerogel “Spaceloft – blanket insulation (5 or 10 mm). Euroclass C – unsuitable, also S1, d0.
- VIP (Recticel, Optim-R) is still PIR, has Euroclass rating of E. Unsuitable.
Also expensive, loses thermal properties if it is punctured.
What “significant, frequent” changes have occurred to Approved Document B in “recent years”?
- 2006 edition had 2010, 2013 and 2018 amends.
- 2019 edition had 2020 (sprinklers, signage) and December 2022 (ban on MCM with PE core, combustible materials > 18m) amendments.
Which approved documents are relevant to the windows/doors?
L - Conservation of fuel and power
M - Access to and use of buildings
K - Protection against falls, collision and impact
F - Ventilation (be careful with this apparently?)
What did you do under role of CA on this project?
- Competitive tender, analysis report
- Prepare contract, send drafts for review
- Finalise contract and obtain signatures
- Organise interim inspections based on POW
- Issue relevant certs (monthly payment/valuation certs, PC)
- Issue meeting minutes and works progress
- Issue instructions as required
What did you do under role of PD on this project?
- Designed out safety risks were I could (specified use of external hoist, netting)
- Prepared pre-construction information pack
- Took receipt of Construction Phase Plan
- Populated H&S file ready for handover to client at end of project
Which specialist consultants did you advise appointing?
Structural engineer:
- Check the external downpipes for structural support/loss of integrity
- Check the concrete slab for heat damage
Concrete specialist:
- Core samples of concrete slab for heat damage (on back of structural engineer’s report)
M&E input:
- Electrics rewire (to be up to 18th edition of IET, BS 7671 and Approved Document P)
- Gas installation (new boiler, new pipework)
Did you involve a fire engineer?
Not directly but was one appointed to the building-wide project for next year ahead of works starting, they reviewed our specification/materials as they would be undertaking similar works next year.
Note - they were fine with windows/doors, had issue with timber posts.
Were there any variations on this project? Did the loss adjuster approve these?
- Poultice cleaning product on slab underside
- Leaseholder improvements to kitchen and bathrooms
- Replace some engineered timber floor with tiles
- Replacement of slab aluminium capping pieces (not seen during initial inspection)
Loss adjuster kept informed of all instructions/minutes, agreement that H&C could approve variations up to contingency provided they were evidenced and justified.
Is BBA certification the only standard you could have used here?
At the moment yes, although BBA were called into question following Grenfell. Could be changes in coming years to testing standards (Brexit allows us to develop own rules/standards)
What did you advise your client re: deposit?
- no mechanism in JCT for deposit, unless amended
- risk of contractor insolvency and loss of deposit
- however will send message of trust and collaboration
- could ask for leeway to compensate for risk
- ideally should have bond to protect clients money