Initial contact aircraft will send?
, type, position, and altitude.
Situation update
T- Threat E- Enemy F- Friendlies A- Arty C- Clearence authority H- Hazards R- Remarks/Restrictions
Game Plan
T- Type of control M- Method of attack O- Ordinance I- Interval
Two type of Interval
Simultaneous- optimal method for multiple and moving TGTs, LGW require different laser codes Sequential- 30 seconds for type , 1 min for LGB, 2 mins for PGM from high altitude
CAS Brief
- IP/BP 2. Heading from IP/BP to TGT 3. Distance from IP/BP to TGT 4. TGT elevation in ft MSL 5. TGT description 6. TGT location 7. Mark 8. Friendlies 9. Egress
How many NM is an IP & BP normally located.
IP - 5 to 15NM (1-2 mins) BP - 1 to 5 miles
Distance is rounded how? (cas brief) Conversion meters to feet?
FW- To the nearest tenth (10.5) RW- To nearest hundred meters (1200m) (meters X 3.28) = feet
Target description (cas brief) FOK?
N- Number T- Type (tank) D- degree of protection (in the open) -Visual cues that will aid in acquisition- F- Formation 0- Orientation K- key terrain
Type mark (cas brief)
Friendlies (cas brief)
closest friendly position
referenced from the TGT
Never send a grid on this line NEVER
Remarks/ restrictions
Timing options
TOT- minutes only (TOT 35)
TTT- coundown “hack” with all players(a/c,FACA, arty.)
TGT Correlation with type of employment?
BOT- correlation is mandatory
BOC- readback of lines 4,6, and restrictions.
Acronym for Target talk-on
F- From a point
I- in a direction
D- Distance to travel
O- Object seen
Visual talk on
large to small
unit of measure
cardinal direction
(flip unit of measure)
Enhanced target description
hostile low altitute scenarios
aircrew cannot call contact
JTAC will paint that picture for pilot before he “pops”
What are four things that can be changed after correlation is achieved?
- GFC intent for fires
- ordinace selection
- fuzing options
- final attack headings
(not limited to these)
Final instructions
When you want A/C to attack (TOT)
Immediate, push when ready
“request TOT 45”
report IN with direction for clearence- when can assess geometry
report IN with heading for clearence- when cant assess geometry
JTAC responses
What do you say on type 1,2, and 3 controls for weapons to be released?
Dry calls?
type 1 and 2- cleared hot
type 3- cleared to engage
Continue dry
Type 3 continue dry
adjustments of impacts?
22, from leads hits, north 100meters, 2 trucks on road still active
What are some actions you can change in re-attack
type of control
aircraft approved for attack
new target
size- number and type eqpt
activity- movement stationary dug in
remarks- munitions expended, damage observed, mission number mison complete.
How to pass BDA
2 APC’s destroyed, 4 EKIA, @ 1345Z
Tactical show of force