Care outside the family Flashcards
Day care
Mayall and Petrie (1983) found that the children often appeared insecure in the minder’s home, and scored below expectations on tests of language or cognitive ability
Mellhuish compared children (before 9 months) with non maternal care with relatives vs childminding vs nursery. Found most positive effects with relatives and lowest with nursery. By 12 months langauge and communication was best with relatives. nursery children did show more prosocial behaviour including sharing and empathy. No cognitive development differences.
BELSKY- when day care of more than 20 hours per week began before the child was 1 year of age, the risk of insecure attachment to the mother was 43%, compared to 26% for infants with less or no day care
SCARR AND THOMPSON measured Bermudan children - found no difference between those who experienced lots of day care and those who didnt.
Day care and aggression-
Borge et al. (2004) actually found that children in home care showed more mother-rated physical aggression at 2 and 3 years than children in day care
NICHD longitudinal study
observation, interview, survey used.
1364 children up until school
High quality daycare is related to better langauge development and higher academic achievment
Quantity of daycare is related to more agression and disobedience.
children with difficult temperament showed more behavioural issues when in low quality day care than high quality.
however this study is based in 1991