cardiovascular drugs Flashcards
what are 3 major events to which tx of heart failure is targeted?
- decreasing cardiac workload 2. controlling excess fluid 3. enhancing myocardial contractility
what are 5 groups of drugs that can reduce cardiac workload in heart failure?
- Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors 2. Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists / ARB-angiotensin receptor blocks 3. Direct vasodilators 4. Beta-blockers 5. Spironolactone/Aldosterone antagonist
what are the compensatory or adaptive mechanisms that maintains cardiac reserve in Heart Failure?
- Frank-starling mechanism: the contractility of heart increases in response to an increase in volume of blood filling the heart - activation of sympathetic nervous system - renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism - myocardial hypertrophy and remodeling
what is the role of physiologic compensatory mechanism of the progression of HF?
- when cardiac fx is impaired, the compensatory physiologic mechanisms maintain arterial pressure and perfusion of vital organs by maintaining normal cardiac output in face of heart disease. but their capacity to do so may ultimately overwhelmed. moreover, superimposed pathological changes in the heart muscle causes further functional disturbances. - chronic activation of sympathetic nervous system and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis is associated with remodeling of cardiac tissue, characterized by loss of myocytes, hypertrophy, and fibrosis. The geometry of heart becomes less elliptical and more spherical, interfering with its ability to efficiently function as a pump. this prompts additional neurohumoral activation, creating a vicious cycle that, if left untreated, leads to death.
what are 3 benefits of ACE inhibitors in heart failure patients?
- improve symptoms 2. slow progression of heart failure 3. prolong survival *also used in tx of hypertension
hat is MOA of ACE inhibitors?
-blocks synthesis of angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor -reduce aldosterone secretion from adrenal cortex resulting in net water loss
which drugs are examples of ACE inhibitors? what are major side effects of ACE inhibitors?
Captopril (infrequently causes agranulocytosis or neutropenia) Enalapril *ACE inhibitors increase bradykinin in LU, causing chronic dry, irritating cough (other side effects include: HA, dizziness, abdominal pain, confusion, renal failure, impotence)
1) which class of drugs are given as response to ACE inhibitors causing cough? 2) what is their MOA? 3) give an example of drug?
1) Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist / ARB 2) these drugs interfere w binding of angiotensin II with its receptors. they do not produce cough and is also used in tx of hypertension 3) Losartan
name a Direct Vasodilator? what is the dual action of this drug?
Minoxidil dual action: 1) vasodilator 2) hair growth (can be found in Rogain)
what is MOA of Beta-blockers
-blocks sympathetic nervous system -reduce HT rate and reduce force of contraction
1) what is MOA of Sprionolactone? 2) In what stage of Heart Failure is it used?
1) antagonizes aldosterone; stops retention of sodium & water so reduce edema 2) used for advanced cases of heart failure
what is the purpose of using Diuretics in heart failure patients?
Heart Failure is associated with retention of sodium and water. Diuretics can control excessive fluid accumulation i and relive symptoms, but it does not stop progression of disease.
what are 3 groups of diuretics?
1) Thiazide diuretics 2) Loop diuretics 3) Potassium sparing diuretics
1) what is mechanism of Thiazide diuretics? 2) give an example? 3) what are undesirable effects? 4) it is contraindicated for?
1) inhibit sodium and chloride reabsorption in thick ascending loop and early distal tubule. this loss of ions increases urine volume. 2) Chlorthiazide 3) hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hyperglucemia, hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia 4) contraindicated in gout bc of hyperuricemia
1) what is MOA of Loop diuretics? 2) give an example? 3) what are undesirable effects?
1) inhibit chloride reabsorption in ascending loop of Henle. used in tx of pulmonary edema bc of their potent and rapid action 2) Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid (most ototoxic) 3) ototoxic (deafness - KD opens to ears), hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia
1) what is MOA of Potassium sparing diuretics? 2) give an example? 3) what are undesirable effects?
1) enhance sodium excretion and retain potassium by action in distal tubule. often used in combination with other diuretics to help maintain potassium balance 2) Spironolactone 3) hyperkalemia (*only drug to do this in this group, other two groups cause HYPO-kalemia / potassium)
name 3 groups of drugs that enhance contractility of heart in heart failure patients?
1) Cardiac glycosides 2) Sympathomimetics 3) Phosphodiasterase inhibitors
1) what is MOA of Cardiac glycosides? 2) give an example? 3) what is the importance of its therapeutic index?
1) more calcium = forceful contraction Inhibits Na+ -K+ -ATPase. this causes increase in level of sodium ions in myocytes, which leads to rise in level of intracellular calcium ions. this occurs bc of sodium/calcium exchanger on the plasma membrane depends on constant inward sodium gradient to pump out calcium. 2) Digoxin : decreases sodium concentration gradient and the subsequent calcium outflow, thus raising calcium concentration in myocardiocytes. thus force of myocardial contraction is increased. (calcium binds to troponin, so contraction is more forceful) 3) has low therapeutic index - which means that the plasma concentration that causes serious toxicity is only slightly higher than the therapeutic dose. * Toxicity can manifest as arrhythmia, anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, drowsiness, fatigue, visual disturbance
give examples of Sympathomimetics?
- Dobutamine: β1 agonist - Dopamine: in patients with impaired renal fx, the use of dopamine (instead of dobutamine) may preserve renal blood flow and, as aresult, renal fx
what are 3 groups of drugs used in tx of angina pectoris?
1) organic nitrates 2) β - Blockers 3) Calcium channel blockers
How does Angina Pectoris occur?
- occurs when coronary blood flow is insufficient to meet the oxygen demands of myocardium leading to ischemia - due to an imbalance bt the supply (perfusion) and demand of heart for oxygenated blood - >90% cases are due to coronary artery atherosclerosis -in the setting of coronary artery obstruction, ischemia can be aggravated by an increase in heart energy demand as occurs in conditions, such as increase heart rate (tachycardia)
1) what is mechanism by which organic nitrates cause relaxation of vascular smooth muscle?
2) what are their common side effects
3) what is their interaction with sildenafil?
1) - they dilate the large myocardial arteries to increase blood supply of heart
- they also reduce cardiac preload by reducing venous tone
- increase nitrates –> increase nitric oxide –> increase cGMP –> increase Dephosphorylation of myosin light chain –> vascular smooth muscle relaxation
2) common side effects: HA and postural hypotension are
3) Sildenafil (viagra) potentiates the action of nitrates thereby causing dangerous hypotension. an interval of at least 6 hrs bt ingestion of 2 drugs is recommended.
1) what is drug of choice for ACUTE CORONARY SPASM?
2) what is common route of its administration?
1) Nitroglycerine
2) administered SUBLINGUALLY for rapid onset of action (2 min), but it can be applied transdermally for a longer duration of action
1) what is the MOA of Beta-blockers in relieving angina pectoris?
2) which group of patients are they particularly useful for?
3) how these drugs should be withdrawn?
1) they decrease oxygen demands of myocardium by lowering both the rate and force of contraction of heart
2) they are particulary useful for tx of patients with myocardidal infarction, and have been shown to prolong survival
3) gradually tapered off over 5 - 10 days to avoid rebound angina or hypotension
1) that is MOA of calcium blockers in reliving angina pectoris?
2) give examples?
1) they block calcium influz into smooth muscle cells of arteries causing them to dilate
2) Diltiazem, Amlodipine
Give pathogenesis of Hypertension
- HBP develops when blood volume is large compared to avaliable space in blood vessels
- control of blood pressure is complex and involves vascular, cardiac, and renal physiology
- mean arterial pressure = cardiac output x periphreal resitance
- according to this equation, a decrease in either cardiac output or peripheral resistance will decrease blood pressure. Conversely, if HBP is present, something must have increased one of the 2 variables. a number of factors will increase cardiac output, including increased HR, increased contractility, and increased in sodium and water retention. Vasoconstriction will increase peripheral resistance.
what is goal of antihypertensive therapy?
- diuretics can be used to decrease blood volume
- drugs to interfere with renin-angiotensin system, which is intimately involved in salt and water balance in body
- drugs to decrease peripheral vascular resistance or cardiac output. this can be done with direct-acting vasodilators or by using agents that block sympathetic nervous output
name 10 groups of drugs used to treat hypertension?
1) Diuretics
2) β-Blockers
3) ACE inhibitors
4) Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist (ARBs)
5) Calcium channel blockers
6) α - Blockers
7) Central acting adrenergic drugs
8) drugs affecting neurotransmitter uptake or release
9) direct vasodilators
10) drugs used in hypertensive crisis
1) what is MOA of diuretics in lowering blood pressure?
2) what is the first line drug therapy for hypertension?
1) eliminates excess salt and water from body
2) diuretics
1) what is the MOA of Beta-blockers in lowering blood pressure?
2) what concomitant disease with hypertension, are the beta-blockers particularly useful for?
3) give examples of drugs
1) they prevent sympathetic stimulation of heart thereby causing decreased heart rate and cardiac output; similar to ACE inhibitors, β-blockers may not be effective in lower BP in African American patients
2) particularly useul in patients with angina or those with migraines
3) Atenolol, Metoprolol
which 2 groups of hypertensive patient, are the ACE inhibitors particularly useful for?
particularly useful in hypertension that is result of increased renin levels, and in diabetes patients with hypertension (bc they do not affect glucose levels / protects KD in longtern diabetic patients)
which group of hypertensive patient is Calcium channel blockers particularly useful for?
African-American hypertensive patients and patient older than 55 yrs old
which drug is suitable to tx pregnant hypertensive patients?
[is a Central acting adrenergic drug, it blocks norephinephrine in CNS, so block cardiac center in medulla and thus less sympathetic stimulation; has mininal effect on fetus]
1) what is hypertensive emergencies.
2) which drug tx hypertensive emergency and what is the MOA of this drug?
1) diastolic BP is 120 mm Hg or more, and/or systolic BP is 180 mm Hg ore more, with evidence of an associated organ damage, such as stroke, MI, angina pectoris, encephalopathy, cerebral hemorrhage etc
2) Sodium Nitroprusside is used
- give IV; causes prompt vasodilation; capable of reducing BP in all patients regardless of cause of hypertension
- poisonous if given orally bc of its hydrolysis to cyanide, antidote is sodium thiosulfate
what is pathomechanism of hemostasis (stopage of bleeding)
- there are 3 phasese: vascular, platelet and coagulation
tissue injury –> transient vasoconstriction –> platelet aggregation –> activation of intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of coagulation –> common pathway –> formation of insoluble firin clot
- fibrinolytic phase that follows prevents the clotting process from spreading out of control beyond the site of injury [plasminogen in blood is converted to plasmin by plasminogen activator]
- platelets respond to tissue injury by adhering to site of injury, they then release granules containing chemical mediators that promote aggregation
- factors released by platelets and injured tissue cause activation of coagulation cascade. this results in formation of thrombin, which in turn converts fibrinogen to firbin. the subsequent cross-linking of fibrin strands stabilize the clot.
what is MOA of Asprine?
- inhibits platelet aggregation by inhibiting thromboxane A2 synthesis in the platelets, and thus prolongs bleeding time
- reduce risk of MI and stroke
What is MOA if Clopidegrol?
blocks platelet aggregation by irreversibly inhibiting the binding of ADP to its receptors on platelets and, thus inhibit the activation of GP IIb/IIIa receptros required for platelets to bind to fibrinogen; thus it blocks platelet aggregation
what is MOA of Abciximab?
prevent platelet aggregation by blocking the binding of fibrinogen to the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor on surface of platelet