Cardiovascular And Plumonary Disorders Pt. 2 Flashcards
What is the greater the preload (“stretching of the heart”); the greater the contractility and more blood ejected?
Frank Starling law of the heart
What is the placement of a catheter in venous system into the right side of the heart for measurement of:
Central venous pressure (CVP): blood pressure experienced by the right atrium
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP): measurement of blood pressure within the pulmonary capillaries
Venous catheterization
What is the placement of catheter in arterial system into the left side of the heart for measurement of:
Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF): stroke volume
Investigation of obstruction of coronary arteries
Arterial catheterization
What is the inability for the heart to pump sufficient blood (cardiac output) to supply the body’s needs
Heart failure
____ heart failure occurs when the left ventricle can no longer maintain normal cardiac output
Congestive heart failure (CHF) most accurately describes it
Left sided
_____ heart failure occurs secondary to either left-sided heart failure or pulmonary disease
Cor pulmonale describes right ventricular enlargement and failure due to pulmonary hypertension caused by pulmonary disease
Right sided
What are are a heterogeneous group of diseases of the myocardium associated with mechanical and/or electrical dysfunction that usually (but not invariably) exhibit inappropriate ventricular hypertrophy or dilation and are the result of a variety of causes that frequently are genetic
What contrition is characterized by jugular vein distention?
Right sided heart failure
What is generalized systemic edema?
What occurs when pressure is applied to a small area and an indentation persists for some time after the release of the pressure?
Pitting edema
What is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity?
What is associated with salt and water retention, general edema, ascites and other effusions, pulmonary congestion and edema, dyspnea, poor ventilation, poor oxygen uptake, and cyanosis. ?
Left sided heart failure
What is associated with systemic venous congestion, peripheral edema, and hepatosplenomegaly.?
Right sided heart failure
What pathology is associated with the following clinical management:
Dietary changes: sodium-restricted and fluid-limited intake to reduce excessive body fluid volume
Pharmacotherapy to reduce the heart’s workload, increase muscular strength, reduce vascular resistance, and/or inhibit neuroendocrine (ANS and RAAS) responses to the heart
ACE inhibitors: reduce RAAS secretion of angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion
Diuretics: reduce excessive body fluid accumulation and congestion by stimulating renal excretion of sodium and water
Beta-adrenergic antagonists (blockers): reduce sympathetic stimulation of the heart thereby reducing heart workload
Heart failure
What is narrowing of valve opening or a valve that does not close completely causing 1) increased workload (more pressure must be created to overcome resistance forcing blood through smaller opening) 2) regurgitation of blood into the previous chamber ?
Valvular stenosis
What is incompetent or valvular insufficiency) does not close properly allow leakage of blood into the previous area
Regurgitate valve
What is a form of endocarditis that involves:
Infection by group A beta hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS)
Most common symptoms: fever and joint pain
Initiated by strep throat infection in children (ages 5 to 15)
Untreated strep throat can develop RF which can progress to
Rheumatic fever
What is the most common valve disorder caused by RF; aortic semilunar valve can be affect also
Mitral valve stenosis
What are the following clinical presentations indicative of:
Positive strep throat culture
Acute strep throat or prior untreated, prolonged strep throat infection
Polyarthritis; the inflammation of several joints simultaneously
Carditis, inflammation of the heart, presenting as valve dysfunction and possible murmur with or without chest pain
Rheumatic fever and heart disease
What is the inflammation of the pericardial membrane (pericardium) and cavity surrounding the heart
What occurs when fibrotic adherent tissue develops in the pericardium restricting heart movement
Constrictive pericarditis
What occurs when inflammatory fluid or blood accumulates within the pericardial cavity
Pericardial effusion
What is compression of the heart restricting heart movements
Cardiac tamponade
What is the welling and inflammation of a vein due to thrombus deposition with the lumen
What is the inadequate venous return to the heart over a long period of time
E.g venous dilation and valvular incompetence (varicose veins)
Chronic venous insufficiency
What are an abnormal dilation of veins leading to tortuosity (twisting and turning) of the vessel, incompetence of the valves, and a propensity to thrombosis
Varicose veins