Surface markings of the borders of the heart
anticlockwise: 3rd RCC –> 6th RCC –> 5th Left ICS @MCL –> 2nd Left ICS 2.5 cm from sternum –> 3rd RCC
Where would you auscultate the heart valves?
Aortic = right 2nd ICS at sternal border Pulmonary = lefts 2nd ICS at sternal boder Tricuspid = left 5th ICS at sternal border Mitral = left 5th ICS at MCL
Anatomical locations of the heart valves
All lie under the sternum Aortic = right 3rd ICS Pulmonary = left 3rd CC Tricuspid = right 4th ICS Mitral = left 4th CC
examine the carotid pulse
anterior to sternocleidomastoid lateral to larynx - count for 30s and multiply by 2 - report pulse rate (normal 60-100bpm) and rythm (normal or irregular)
examine the brachial pulse
mid arm: medial side between biceps and triceps tendons
cubital fossa: medial to biceps tendon
- count for 30s and multiply by 2 - report pulse rate (normal 60-100bpm) and rythm (normal or irregular)
examine the radial pulse
radial side of rist 2cm bellow base of thumb
- count for 30s and multiply by 2 - report pulse rate (normal 60-100bpm) and rythm (normal or irregular)
examine the ulnar pulse
ulnar side of wrist under lateral border of flexor carpi ulnaris
- count for 30s and multiply by 2 - report pulse rate (normal 60-100bpm) and rythm (normal or irregular)
tachycardia vs bradycardia pulse rates
tachy = >100bpm resting brady = <60bpm resting
palpate the apex beat
at left 5th ICS at MCL - with palm and middle 3 fingers - start palpating from lateral side and move anteriorly
causes of absence of apex beat at 5th ICS
"DR. POPE" D - dextrocardia R - ribs P - pericardial effusion O - obesity P - pleural effusion E - emphysema
Routine venepuncture sites
Antebrachial vein (branch off of median cubital vein) median cubital vein (connects the cephalic and basilic veins in the cubital fossa)
- ask patient to repeatedly make fists while you restrict blood flow (use hands as a tourniquet)
Boders of the cubital fossa
medial border = brachioradialis
lateral border = pronator teres
superior border = line between epicondyles of humerus
contents of cubital fossa
laterally to medially: radial nerve biceps brachii tendon median cubital vein brachial artery median nerve
surface markings of the aortic arch
beginning of arch = Right 2nd CC
top of arch = midpoint between jug notch and sternal angle
end of arch = Left 2nd CC
branches off the aorta
from R to L
brachiocephalic trunk (becomes r common carotid and subclavian arteries)
left common carotid
left subclavian
surface markings of ascending and descending aorta
AA = lower border of R 3rd CC to R 2nd CC DA = L 2nd CC to 2.5cm superior to transpyloric plane
surface markings of common carotid arteries and internal jugular veins
right CC = from brachiocephalic trunk to under right SCM muscle (point on anterior border of SCM from sternoclavicular joint to earlobe)
left CC = from aortic arch to under L SCM
Jugular veins - run just lateral to CC
what structures does the right coronary artery supply
right atrium
right ventricle
SA node
AV node
structures supplied by the left main coronary artery
left ventricle
left atrium
(gives rise to circumflex artery)
where does the coronary sinus drain
into the right atrium
Position of patient in cardio exam
supine with bed at 45 degrees