Cardiopulmonary Words Flashcards
Lung Sounds
Whispering Pectoriloquy
Bronchophony: increased vocal resonance with greater clarity and loudness of spoken words (e.g. 99)
Egophony: A form of bronchophony in which the spoken long “E” sound changes to a long nasal-sounding “A”
Whispering pectoriloquy: recognition of whispered words 1,2,3
Vesicular Breath Sound
Normal: a soft rustling sound heard throughout all of inspiration, and the beginning of expiration
Bronchial Breath Sounds
Hollow echoing sound normally found over the R Superior anterior Thorax and corresponds with an ara over R main stem bronchus.
Heard through all of inspiration and most of expiration
Crackles (Rales, Crepitations)
a crackling sound heard usually during inspiration that indicates pathology
- atelectasis
- fibrosis
- pulmonary edema
- Basilar rales often accompany L ventricular HF
Adventitous breath sounds: Wheezes
high-pitched, sibilant, musical
Adventitous breath sounds: Rhonchi
- continuous low-pitched, sonorous breath sounds that are more prominent during INSPIRATION.
- air passing through narrrow airways
- Common with asthma and chronic bronchitis
Musically pitched sound, usually heard during Expiration, caused by airway obstruction
- asthma
- foreign body aspiration
Pleural Friction Rub
- dry crackling sound heard during both inspiration and expiration
- occurs when inflamed visceral and parietal pleurae rub together
- heard over spot where pt feels the pain
- result of inflammatoin or neoplastic processes
Stridor Breath Sounds
continuous high-pitched wheeze hear with inspiration and expiration
indicates upper airway obstruction
Types of Dyspnea
Paroxsysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea
Dyspnea Borg Scale
- DOE = brought on by activity
- Orthopnea = inability to breathe in horizontal pos
- Paroxsysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea = sudden inability to breathe during sleep
- Dyspnea Borg Scale = 0-10
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
- an abnormal vasoconstrictor reflex
- exacerbated by exposure to cold or emotional stress
- affects mostly females
- tips of fingers develop pallor and cyanosis
- numbness, tingling and burning
Karvonen’s Method of Calculating THR
- HRmax = 220 - age
- THR =
[.65\*(HR<sub>max</sub>- HR<sub>rest</sub>) + HR<sub>rest</sub>] [.90\*(HRmax - HRrest) + HRrest]
- shrunken and airless state of lung, acute, chronic, complete or partial often w/ infection.
- Presents with
- p! on affected side,
- dyspnea,
- cyanosis,
- drop in blood pressure,
- tachycardia,
- diminished or absent breath sounds,
- dull or flat percussion,
- fever
- reduced chest excursion on affected side.
increased inspiration/expiration as the result of an increased rate/depth of respiration
results in depletion of CO2 (resp alkalosis) with accompanying symptoms
- fall in BP, vasoconstriction, sometimes syncope, marked anxiety and wrist cramping
- **immediate treatment = breathing into paper bag until CO2 returns to normal **
volume of blood circulated through lungs
gravity dependent
*if pt has perfusion problems, treatment should occur with the involved side down*