Cardiology U WORLD Questions Flashcards
harsh crescendo-decrescendo systolic mumur, right sternal border, syncope, dizzy, angina, on exertion
Most common cause world wide?
Most common cause in US?
3rd cause
aortic stenosis
Rheumatic heart disease
calcific aortic valve disease
congenital bicuspid valve that calcifies
malaise, SOB, dec appetite, decrescendo diastolic murmur at 3rd intercostal space LSB, low hemoglobin, + Strep gallolyticus
symptoms similar to?
associated w/??
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Strep viridans SBE
Colonic neoplasia (25%)
multiple epidoses of syncope, young male, sedentary, family history of sudden cardiac death
genetic mutation in
leads to
results in
congenital prolonged QT syndrome
K+ channel protein (dec. outward K flow)
prolonged QT interval and action potential
Ventricular arrhythmias (TSD, Vtach), sudden cardiac death
dyspnea, gen weakness, fatigue, palpitations, tingling and numbness in both lower limbs, bilateral edema, basal crackles, dec. touch and vibration, dec DTRs
Dry vs wet
Thiamine deficiency
Dry is peripheral neuropathy, wet include HF
non nodal conduction
rapid upstroke Na+, plateau w/ Ca++, hyperpolarize w/ K+
two categorical variables association test
Chi square test for independence
stroke symptoms + afib, normal valves =
most like formed in
thromboembolic event
left atrial appendage
long term anticoagulation
myocardial cells increase in size due to ischemia caused by?
Ca2++ accumulation and Na+ accumulation, draw water into cell
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
5th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
maxillary artery
stapedial artery
common and proximal internal carotid arteries
true aortic arch and subclavian (portion of)
pulmonary arteries and ductus arteriosis
vasodilation of skeletal muscles blood vessels during active exercise results in ______ despite inc sympathetic tone
sympathetic tone inc
dec in Total systemic vascular resistence
inc Caridac output and splanchnic vasoconstriction
NAVEL femoral triangle
Nerve, artery, vein, empty space, lymphatics
lateral to medial
exertional dyspnea, orthopnea, bibasilar crackles, elevated JVP, LE edema =
diastolic HF due to and caused by
LV pressure/volume
decompensated congestive heart failure
dec. ventricular compliance
HTN, obesity, infiltrative disorders (TTR amyloidosis, sarcoidosis)
up and to the left
easy fatigue, exertional dyspnea, diminshed first heart sound, apical holosystolic murmur radiating to the axilla, diffuse pulmonary crackles, no elevated JVP, no peripheral edema =
major determinant of forward to regurgitant flow ratio
mitral regurgitation with left sided heart failure
left ventricular afterload
episodic substernal chest pain, inc w/ activity and dec w/ rest, HTN, hyperLipid, smoker, S4 heart sound, LVH on ECG, inducible ischemia on inferior surface of heart =
which coronary artery occluded
posterior descending branch of RCA
exertional dizzyness then syncope, followed by LOC; ECG bradycardia, unsynched P and QRS =
paced by
3rd degree heart block
AV node
severe midback pain, nausea, diaphoresis, lightheadness, HTN, CKD, dissection flap of desc. aorta =
usually originates
Type A refers to?
usually originates
Standford Type B dissection
origin of L subclavian A
ascending aorta
sinotubular jxn
ANP secreted by
accentuated by
atrial cardiomyocytes
inc urinary exc. of Na+ and vasodilation
Neprilysin inhibitors (Sacubitril) prevents degradation
Sudden palpitations in young man, carotid sinus massage leads to
PNS tone inc via vagus nerve, dec AV node conduction and prolonged AV node refractory period
CO =
CO also =
rate of O2 consumption / AV O2 content difference
infant, continuous murmur along w/ inspiratory splitting of S2 machine like in left infraclavicular region
synthesis of fibrous cap on athersclerotic plaque caused by
Vascular smooth muscle cells
Lungs ant/post to heart?
midclavicular stab wound?
left lung, deep enough apex of LV
Wide fixed splitting S2 that does not vary w/ respiration =
can produce?
type of shunt
chronic pulmonary HTN, sclerosis, Eisenmenger syndrome (reversal of shunt)
dec in BP >10mmHg on inspiration, JV distention, tachycardia after blunt chest trauma, muffled heart sounds, hypotension
lung exam
cardiac tamponade