Cardiac Phys (Rita) Flashcards
What % EF is considered cardiovascular pump dysfxn/failure?
< 40%
What BNP value is considered cardiovascular pump dysfxn/failure?
BNP > normal (age dependent)
What measurement tells us about onset of ventricular ectopy with inc. workload?
> 7 PVCs/min with hemodynamic compromise
PVC = premature ventricular contractions/min
What measurement of ST elevation/depression is considered cardiovascular pump dysfxn/failure?
> 2mm
Peripheral ischemia can be measures by what value? What symptoms?
ABI < 0.5
claudication with ambulation
Deconditioning begins with how many hours of bed rest?
24-48 hours
What are abnormal vital sign changes in response to activity?
flat response
dec. in HR and/or BP with inc. workload
3 major fxns of cardiovascular system?
- consists of heart and blood vessels
- transports necessary substances to tissues throughout body
- removes waste products from cells
What 3 factors assist the heart to drive blood through the system?
- Elastic recoil of arteries during diastole
- Skeletal muscle compression of veins during activity
- Negative thoracic pressure during inspiration
What is the fxn of the chord tendinae?
anchor support for the AV valves
–> can degenerate… leads to regurgitation
Which coronary artery infarction(s) may lead to CO dysfxn?
LCA, LAD, L Circumflex, PDA
ie: all except RCA
Which coronary artery infarction(s) may lead to electrical system dysfxn
_____-sided heart failure leads to systemic edema.
_____-sided heart failure leads to pulmonary edema.
Atrial kick refers to atrial contraction and corresponds to what LV volume?
20% LV or LVEDV (left ventricular end diastolic volume)
What sound is heard when the mitral valve closes?
What sound is heard when aortic valve is closed at end of systole?
impaired venous return would affect which component of SV?
arterial sclerosis or vavlular stenosis would effect which component of SV?
DM and myocardial ischemia may effect which component of SV?
How does DM influence stroke volume?
ANS changes due to neuropathy impair heart contractility
What is normal CO?
4-8 L/min
What are the 3 major influences of the left ventricular pump?
muscle mechanics
myocardial perfusion
electrical activity
Heart sounds are caused by?
turbulent flow
| What is chrontropy?
| increased rate of contraction (due to SNS stimulation of sinus node)