CAQs For OB & HRM Flashcards
Which theory is based on the assumption that human behavior is influenced more by unseen or unconscious forces rather than conscious and rational thoughts?
What is the goal an individual would like to achieve during his / her lifetime referred to as?
Terminal value
The attitude of the employees with reference to the rules and regulations of an organization is called as what?
What is the main focus of study of OB?
Human Behaviour
When individuals have similar likes and dislikes, they are known as a group of what type of group?
Peer Group
What are the three levels that OB can be observed in organizations?
Individual ,Group and Organizational
The basis of which model is power with a managerial orientation of authority?
Who introduced the concept of MBO ?
Peter Drucker
The feeling an employee gets when the job does fulfil all his expectation is referred as what?
Job Satisfaction
The extent to which a person is able to identify himself with his job is called as what?
Job Involvement
How many dimensions are there to job satisfaction?
The extent to which a person considers himself to be capable and important is referred as what?
In theory X how did the manager perceive the workers ?
Lazy , with no motivation
What can be described as how a person affects others, how he understands and views himself and his pattern of inner and outer measurable traits?
If someone is afraid of spiders that person will then scream. This attitute is referred as what?
Behavioural Component
What is the ability to affect others for the sake of accomplishing only one goal is known as?
The productivity studies at Western Electric’s Hawthorne plant in the United States was conducted by whom?
Elton Mayo and Roethlisberger
The feelings of an employee towards his job, as well as his colleagues is referred to as what?
To change one’s attitude, people are often influenced by one of the following approaches; which one is this?
Friends and Peers
Who was the first person who attempted to study human behavior at work using a systematic approach?
The belief of an individual that what happens is within or beyond his control is called what?
Locus of Control
The standards that an individual adopts when making an appraisal of someone or something is referred as what?
Public relations officers, salesmen and receptionists are chosen mainly on the basis of which skill?
Communication skills
Which model of OB is based on leadership with a managerial orientation of support?
The concept of an attitude comes from which study?
Social psychology
In which model are the employees towards security and benefits and are heavily dependent on the organization?
The feeling of an employee regarding his job, supervisors, and fellow employees is referred to as what?
Theory X and Theory Y were propounded by who?
Douglas Mcgregor
People who are relaxed and easy-going would fall under which kind of personality?
Type B
Which skill is required to be successful in such jobs as those as sales representatives and public relations officers?
What is described as a structure driven process for integrating an organization’s personnel, information and technology?
Organization Design
What skill is considered direct and forceful?
Which of the following is the main characteristic of a diverse workforce ?
“According to Herzberg which of following factor is considered as hygiene factor?”
Company Policies
What should every leader have to conceptualise future of the organization?
Which OB model is based on power with a managerial orientation of authority?
Which theory is based on the assumption that human behaviour is influenced more by unseen or unconscious forces rather than conscious and rational thoughts?
Control of information that other people need in order to achieve an essential objective is an example of which power?
Information Power
What do we call a relationship between people according to the network of personal and social relationships which originate from within the formal set-up?
Informal Organization
According to Managerial grid which leadership style is considered to be all time effective?
Team Management
Which legitimate power is based on the social norm?
“From which ancient word does the term ‘Leadership’ comes from?”
Who is credited with bringing out the concept of the Hawthorne Effect?
Which power is used by those who have a heightened need for power to modify behavior and exert influence?
Legitimate Power
According to which theory is the organization considered as a machine and the human beings as different components/parts of that machine?
Classical Theory
How many forces does Porter refer to in his Competitive Forces and Strategies ?
Accommodating people’s needs by leaders and organizations is called as
Concern for people
What are the three needs proposed by McClelland’s theory of needs?
Power, Affiliation , Achievement
Which power is based on what one knows, experiences and special skills or talents?
Expert Power
What is the temporary alliance of two or more individuals or organizations that, for the shared objective, combine their efforts and resources?
What are the realistic steps to accomplish the vision and aim of a company as planned referred as?
Operative goals
What are socially structured units composed of individuals called as ?
On what basic foundation leadership is built upon?
To have a wider outlook, what should a leader encompass?
Knowledge of varied fields
Which of the following term describes “The firm seeking share of the market or market standing”?
When there is a scarcity of the organization’s resources, different groups compete with each other to get a greater share of those resources. what does this refer to?
What is the name given to a system used to define a hierarchy within an organization?
Organization Structure
Which of the following refers to acquisition of the required material resources and financial resources?
The extent to which a person is able to identify himself with his job is called as what?
Job Involvement
What do we call two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent who have come together to achieve particular objectives ?
Which is the initial phase of team development in which members of a group are introduced to others?
“Identify the name of the structure of jobs and functions which are defined by the management to achieve the objectives of an organization called as?”
Formal Organization
In which of the OB models does the manager play the role of a coach ?
Who has created a series of metrics known as a balanced scorecard?
Robert S Kaplan and David P Norton
Promises of promotion, money and reward from many social sectors are an example of which kind of reward?
According to which theory is the organization considered as an open system that regularly interacts with the environment?
Modern Organizational Theory
Which of the following are examples of Group-level concepts in OB ?
Teams and conflicts
Which skill is required to be successful in such jobs as those as sales representatives and public relations officers?
What is the full form of SOPs?
Standard Operating Procedures
What is the goal an individual would like to achieve during his lifetime referred as?
Terminal value
Leaders need to know the demographic composition, culture of the organisation’s consumers and consumer patterns to design goods and services for unique populations, what does this attributes to?
Factors in sociology
Who propounded the Hierarchy of Needs Theory?
Abraham Maslow
What helps leaders to give competitive edge over others?
Who recommended a “pull” rather than a “push” strategy to motivate employees?
Mary Parker Follet
Public relations officers, salesmen and receptionists are chosen mainly on the basis of which skill?
Communication skills