Captain quiz session #43 Flashcards
According to the Manual of Operation, “Medical”, a member of y our company injures him/herself at an emergency and obviously cannot perform his/her duties. Which one of the following shall place the member off duty?
Commanding officer, pending determination of the treating physician
According to the Manual of Operation, “Medical”, in order for a member who is injured on duty to receive treatment at city expense, a Form 5020 must be forwarded within ___ after the occurrence of the illness/injury.
30 days
According to Training Bulletin #57, “ Evacuation Guidelines”, when a hazardous material release will be of a short duration and evacuating residents is counterproductive, the appropriate evacuation procedure may be described as:
sheltering in place
According to Training Bulletin #57, “ Evacuation Guidelines”, when the company commander arrives at an incident which evacuation procedures have been implemented, the company commander will identify bilingual personnel. This information will be recorded by ___ for later use.
Resource Status Leader
According to the Department’s Substance Abuse Policy, if you are a captain and you observe a member that appears to be under the influence of a controlled substance or alcohol, you should notify?
Battalion commander
According to Book 100, “High-Rise Incident Command System”, at a high-rise incident, a minimum number of occupants may be relocated to areas of safe refuge within a building. at a working fire occupants from which floors may be relocated?
Fire floors, the involved floor , two floors above the fire and two floors below the fire only
According to training bulletin #53, “Air Ambulance”, the incident commander contacts the air ambulance and informs the pilot of the landing site. Under normal conditions, the air ambulance should be on the ground for no more than?
2 to 3 minutes
According to training bulletin #53, “Air Ambulance”, the air ambulance can normally carry multiple litter patients with prior notification. Under these circumstances, what is the maximum number of patients that can be transported?
According to the Manual of Operation, “Emergency Operations”, fire cause may be categorized into four major groupings. They are?
According to the Manual of Operation, the seven-digit location found on the third line of the building inventory written sheet can be obtained from what source?
1200 foot hydrant map book carried on apparatus
According to the Manual of Operation, volume 4 - Supplies loan of inventory items which have been sent in for repair to supply and maintenance are limited to a ___ day period?
30 day
According to the Manual of Operation, “ communications”, during a radio watch which of the following procedures are prescribed?
portable hand held radios may be used.
according to Department Bulletin #10-12, “ traffic accident investigation procedure - uniform members”, the form general 88, City of Los Angeles Automobile Accident Report, must be forwarded by the ___ within ____ of any accident involving a fire dept member.
Driver of the vehicle
14 days
According to Book 37, “ Hazardous Materials Operations Manual”, when product identification is necessary at the scene of a railroad incident, fire department personnel should request from the train authorities at the scene a copy of which of the following?
waybill and/or Consist
According to Book 100, “High-rise Incident Command System”, a Class lll Combination Standpipe System is an on-site water supply and pump. The outlets on this system are:
2 1/2 inch and 1 1/2 inch
According to Training Bulletin #35, “Overhaul Procedures”, which of the following is/are main objectives of overhaul?
To ensure the fire is out
To determine the most probable cause of the fire
To leave insurance adjusters a means to determine the fire lose
According to Training Bulletin #35 “overhaul procedures”, the number one priority when planning any overhaul is?
safety of personnel
According to Training Bulletin #35, “Overhaul Procedures”, during an overhaul, charged hose lines shall be maintained in position until the ?
potential for rekindle no longer exist
According to Training Bulletin #73, Tactical Operations”, at the scene of a reported assault, you are confronted by a hostile armed individual. In such a situation, emergency personnel are most likely to be able to reason with a person whose mental status is?
According to the Manual of Operation, “Performance evaluations”, all of the following are benefits of regular performance evaluations.
assist in locating talents and abilities
measure performance against dept standards
provide for effective personnel counseling
According to the Manual of Operation, “Reports/Records”, the form F-338 is used to refer hazards to all of the following agencies.
dept of building and safety
public works dept , lot cleaning division
transportation dept, parking enforcement division
According to Training Bulletin #60, “ Methanol Vehicles”, of the following, a distinctive hazard associated with methanol vehicles is that methanol:
burns with low flame luminosity
According to training bulletin #159, “Fire Dept Response to Suicide Jumpers”, the preferred source of electricity for inflating the air rescue cushion is?
truck’s on board generator
According to training bulletin #121, “the transport hood”, all patients placed in a rescue ambulance who are restrained by the police department are to be placed in a?
left lateral position
According to the Manual of Operation, “Emergency Operations”, when the Incident Commander determines that there is a need for police assistance to control a large hostile crowd and apparent danger to personnel, the message to be communicated to MFC is?
fire department needs assistance.
According to Training bulletin #75, “Bomb Scene Incidents”, the most serious of all decisions to be made in the event of a bomb threat is?
whether to evacuate or not evacuate a building
According to Training bulletin #75, “Bomb Scene Incidents”, whenever fire department personnel have reason to believe a bomb may be on the premises, they should suspend radio transmissions within ___ feet of the working area
According to the Manual of Operation , “Reports/ Records”, all of the following statements concerning the use of the State DWC Form 1 are correct except one.
the employee must fill out the form and return it to the supervisor in all cases (is incorrect)
According to the Manual of Operation, “leaves”, if no part of a trade of shifts has been consummated, it may be canceled with agreement of?
both members only
According to the Manual of Operation, “Medical”, a member off duty due to IOD injury or illness is required to call the Medical Liason unit?
after each doctors visit
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, an operational permit is required to store, process or use materials above ground of the type and in the amounts exceeding those set forth in Table 105.6.14 or exceeding the permit amounts for hazardous materials in Chapter 50. The amount of combustible metals exempt from permit requirements is:
500 pounds
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, an operational permit is required to store, process or use materials above ground of the type and in the amounts exceeding those set forth in Table 105.6.14 or exceeding the permit amounts for hazardous materials in Chapter 50. The amount of small arm ammunition exempt from permit requirements is:
1000 pounds
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, a combustible liquid is defined as liquid having a closed cup flash point at or above?
100 degree F
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, an occupancy used for the gathering of purposes for purposes such as civic, social, or religious functions; recreation , food or drink consumption would be classified as?
Group A
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, an occupancy used by more than six persons at any one time for educational purposes would be classified as?
Group E
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for sleeping purposes when not classified as an institutional group l or when not regulated by the California Residential Code would be classified as:
Group R
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, any vacant or abandoned building or structure determined to be unsafe pursuant to Section 110 of this code relating to structural or interior hazards shall be marked as required. A placard symbol of triangle with a slash would indicate:
structural or interior hazards exist and interior firefighting should be conducted with extreme caution
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, guy wires, rods, aerial or antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure have a slope of less than 30 degrees provided that there is full clearance of ?
7 feet
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, the filing of the emergency plan , after approval by the fire department, shall be filed:
in the office of the high-rise building
at the security desk
in the vicinity of the annunciator /control panel
According to the Los Angeles Fire Code, total building evacuations are required for commercial high-rise buildings every___and___or more stories in height.
3 years;
35 stories
According to training Bulletin #131 , “ Holmatro Self-Contained Rescue Tool”, the Holmatro SCRT should not be used for?
According to training Bulletin #131 , “ Holmatro Self-Contained Rescue Tool”, the self-conatained rescue tool will automatically shut of after ____ of non-use?
30 seconds
According to training Bulletin #131 , “ Holmatro Self-Contained Rescue Tool”, at the completion of an operation with the self-contained rescue tool, the arms should be?
closed leaving a 1/4 inch gap
According to training Bulletin #131 , “ Holmatro Self-Contained Rescue Tool”, the maximum opening for the spreader / cutter of the self-contained rescue tool is?
10 1/2 inches
According to training Bulletin #131 , “ Holmatro Self-Contained Rescue Tool”, the tool is powered by?
A 24 volt DC battery
According to training Bulletin #131 , “ Holmatro Self-Contained Rescue Tool”, they hydraulic fluid in self-Contained Rescue Tool should be changed?
According to training Bulletin #131 , “ Holmatro Self-Contained Rescue Tool”, a battery conservation feature for the self-contained rescue tool which slows the unit to idle activates when the control handle is not operated for ?
3 seconds
According to training Bulletin #131 , “ Holmatro Self-Contained Rescue Tool”, the battery i the self-contained rescue tool should be checked daily for proper connection and replaced?
daily and after use
According to training bulletin #51, Precautions while treating and transporting chemotherapy patients”, any exposure to a chemotherapy agent must be evaluated by ?
a physician
According to Training Bulletin #51 precautions while treating and transporting chemotherapy patients”, all of the following statements are accurate regarding treating / transporting chemotherapy patients
gloves should not be worn for more than 30 minutes when handling chemotherapy agents
if the agent gets into eyes, immediately flush with normal saline solution for at least 5 minutes
members who are nursing should not participate in the care of these patients
According to the Manual of Operations, “Volume 6 - ship inventory program”, copies of the written plan sheets for ships using facilities at the LA Harbor on a regular basis are kept?
in the building inventory book
According to the Manual of Operations, “Volume 6 - ship inventory program”, items identified on the plan sheet will show as symbols used in the building inventory program. Where there is not an appropriate symbol, these features will appear?
on the proper deck level
port side features will be identified within a circle
starboard side features will be identified within a triangle
According to Book 98, Earthquake Emergency Operational Plan,”, operational priorities shall be established based on a problem assessment and availability or resources, considering that the overall objective during an earthquake is to?
Evaluate and manage existing conditions
According to Dept Bulletin #15-03, “Emergency Services Bureau Reorganization/ 4 Bureau”, when companies are conducting their district drive-through and assessing damage within their districts, they shall report their findings to their Battalion Commander?
within 30 minutes of initiating their drive-through
According to Dept Bulletin #15-03, “Emergency Services Bureau Reorganization/ 4 Bureau”, strategic considerations during an earthquake include all of the following priorities except?
Determine resource needs
According to Dept Bulletin #15-03, “Emergency Services Bureau Reorganization/ 4 Bureau”, the earthquake visual intensity scale (EVIS) provides ____ categories for determining the intensity and /or damage resulting from an earthquake.
According to Dept Bulletin #15-03, “Emergency Services Bureau Reorganization/ 4 Bureau”, findings of windows broken would be indicated on the EVIS scale as a?
According to Book 98, Earthquake Emergency Operational Plan”, the rehousing of apparatus is the decision of?
Fire Chief or Deputy Department Commander
According to Book 98, Earthquake Emergency Operational Plan”, if a battalion Commander is unable to fulfill their radio/status check responsibilities during an earthquake, that responsibility falls on ?
the station commander where the battalion chief is housed
According to Book 98, Earthquake Emergency Operational Plan”, in a mass fire situation during the earthquake emergency mode, the primary firefighting mission is to?
control those fires that have conflagration potential
According to training bulletin #134, “Communications with MAC for Multi Casualty Incidents”, communications with the Medical Alert Center is normally initiated by?
the attendant from the first paramedic rescue ambulance
According to training bulletin #134, “Communications with MAC for Multi Casualty Incidents”, which of the following incidents should contact MAC should be established?
an incident where 6 patients are going to be transported
According to training bulletin #134, “Communications with MAC for Multi Casualty Incidents”, HEAR is the acronym for?
Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio
According to Training Bulletin #106, “L.C.E.S and Watch Outs for Structure Fires”, it is the responsibility of ____ operating at the scene of an emergency to maintain a visual awareness of what is happening around them at all times.
All members
According to Training Bulletin #106, “L.C.E.S and Watch Outs for Structure Fires”, as an adjunct to operational retreat, what means is utilized to indicate that all companies need to retreat to their safe area?
sounding an air horn for ten seconds followed by ten seconds of silence and repeated three times
According to Training Bulletin #106, “L.C.E.S and Watch Outs for Structure Fires”, there are ____ interior firefighting “watch out” situations.
According to Training Bulletin #106, “L.C.E.S and Watch Outs for Structure Fires”, identified four critical actions that have been provided for firefighter safety at wildland incidents. Additional considerations have been added to provide proper risk analysis and decisions on the fire ground. These additional considerations are:
Location, conditions, and safety equipment
According to Training Bulletin #106, “L.C.E.S and Watch Outs for Structure Fires”, which of the following is not one of the four critical actions that provide the basis for initiating wildland operations?
line selection
According to Training Bulletin #106, “L.C.E.S and Watch Outs for Structure Fires”, which of the following is not true regarding mezzanines?
mezzanines are often found inside a rolling steel door (is incorrect)
Mezzanines are often constructed illegally
mezzanines have been recognized as significant threats to the safety of firefighters
realizing you are working under a mezzanine is one of the fourteen interior firefighting watch-outs
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”, successful operations in hillside homes require special firefighting considerations. These considerations include:
Standard operating guidelines; strong command
continuous and accurate size-ups; well communicated strategy
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”, the three general categories of hillside homes are:
Descending hillside
Ascending hillside
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”, the most dangerous category of hillside homes are:
descending hillside
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”, one of the biggest challenges with fires in hillside homes is:
gaining access to lower floors from grade level
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”, what tactic should be considered if building features make it impossible to attack the fire at or below the lowest level of involvement?
provide limited and focused application of water streams from the exterior
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”, when fighting fires in hillside occupancies, which of the following construction feature considerations should be taken in account?
layout and floor systems
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”, a ventilation hole over an interior stairwell should only be initiated when?
after the fire attack team has descended the stairwell to the fire floor and communicated the progress of the fire
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”, what are the highest priorities when determining placement of an initial heat hole for vertical ventilation?
location of the fire, coordination and communication with fire attack , and interior conditions
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”, the tactic of applying a water stream from the exterior of a hillside structure shall only be utilized
through windows with visible fire showing
According to Training Bulletin #156 , “Hillside Home Structure Fires”,when engaging in a fire on a descending hillside home, fire attack, back-up fire attack and all other interior resources shall utilize____ until water has been applied to the seat of the fire.
a common portal of entry
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, red line trains are propelled by four traction motors per car, operated from:
750 volts dc
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, the mezzanine level is the first level below ground, which is the public access level to the tunnel. For initial fire department operations, the most important area is?
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, the area where passengers enter and exit trains is referred to as the?
platform level
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, the Emergency Trip Station (ETS) for each track is located at each end of the red line station and readily identified by?
blue light
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, the maximum “crush load” capacity of each red line train car is ____ passengers?
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, within the red line subway system are emergency exits which are identified by ____ exit signs which indicate street level access and may exit out of an emergency escape hatch.
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, the engine of the first arriving task force dispatched to a red line fire incident should indicate which of the following assignments:
fire attack; incident tunnel
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, there are a total of 93 cross passages between tunnels in the system which are used for the transfer of passengers, or emergency responders, from one bore to another. The cross passages are staggered at approximately ____ intervals and will include an ETS.
750 foot
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, you are dispatched to a smoke detector alarm in a Red Line Station at 0300 hours (after normal hours of operation). Upon arrival you find the station is secured with full height rolling -steel gates to prevent unauthorized entry. The most appropriate means to gain entry into the red line station would be.
Contacting ROC through MFC to remotely open the gate
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, a deluge sprinkler system designed for train undercarriage protection is located at track level in the station only. Activation of this system is from?
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, the train configuration is set up with a minimum two-car combination, which includes one “A” car and one “B” car, and up to 6 cars maximum. The “A” car can be identified by?
the controllers cab
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, in the event of loss of traction power, batteries provide power for:
Train Controls
interior lights
air conditioning
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, to shut off battery power in a Metro Rail Red Line care, the trip switch in the battery box can be tripped. The battery box can be located:
under the “B” car
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, in some red line stations, an ancillary level may be encountered as the first level below the street. The ancillary level is not for public access an can only be entered by?
keys found in the lock box adjacent to the EMP
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, the ancillary level contains different control rooms for station functions which include:
Train communication and control rooms
mechanical room
DWP power station
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, each red line car is equipped with ___, ____ extinguishers (s). It/They are located___.
two 10A/60BC; one in operators cab and one between the transverse arrangement in the passengers seats
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, resetting a fire alarm by fire department personnel in a Metro-Rail Red Line station can be done?
at the TC&C
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, the area where passengers enter and exit trains is referred to as :
platform level
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, in addition to sprinklers, that protect all public and ancillary areas of the station, hose cabinets are located throughout the mezzanine level, ancillary area, and platform area, These cabinets contain:
fire extinguisher, 1 1/2 wet standpipe, 2 1/2 FD outlet
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, during an emergency, which of the following statements is not correct regarding gaining entry from the outside of a red line train?
pulling down on the emergency red ball from the access panel next to the center door (is incorrect)
system air needs to be released (true)
only the center doors will release(true)
entry can be gained from either side of the train(true)
According to training bulletin #116, “Metro-rail red line”, each red line train car can seat ____ passengers?