Captain quiz session #41 Flashcards
According to the Manual of Operation, “Fire Prevention - General,” fire station personnel inspect Group A occupancies with an occupant maximum of?
According to the Manual of Operation, “Fire Prevention - Specific Hazards,” all hazardous vegetation or native brush situated within ____ of any structure, regardless of whether said structure is located upon such land or adjacent land, and all hazardous vegetation or native brush situation within ___ of the outer edge or edges of the usable surface of any highway, street, alley or driveway shall be maintained at a height of not more than ___ above the ground.
According to the Manual of Operation, “Fire Prevention - Specific Hazards,” the use of a F-1308 for hazard correction of violations concerning hazardous vegetation outside the Very High Hazard Severity Zone or Fire Buffer Zone for dead trees are cited if within ___ of structure,
According to the Manual of Operation, “Fire Prevention - Specific Hazards,” persons complaining of abandoned vehicles creating a public nuisance for OTHER THAN FIRE HAZARDOUS reasons shall be referred to?
department of building and safety
According to the Manual of Operation, “Fire Prevention - Specific Hazards,” members who encounter hazardous refuse (pack rat) conditions shall follow regular inspection procedures including issuing a F-340 A and forward the third copy with a F-338 directly to:
Department of Building and Safety
According to the Manual of Operation, “Fire Prevention - Specific Hazards,” A “CERTIFICAT OF DISCLOSURE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, which is required under Div 8 certificate requirements, is issued by ?
City Clerk
According to the Manual of Operation, “Fire Prevention - - School, Church and Day Nursery Inspection,” a fire alarm drill in school shall be held at least?
Once a month
According to the Dorothy Mae Ordinance, all multiple unit residential buildings built before 1943 with three or more stories in height must meet all of the following:
A FD inlet connection is required when the total number of sprinklers in the building exceeds 20
All sprinklers heads used to comply with the ordinance shall be listed residential type or quick response type and be rated for the lowest operating temperature available
Polybutylene pipe may be used for fire sprinkler piping providing it is used only for horizontal piping on the same floor without penetrating into another floor
According the LAFD Brush Clearance, “ Minimum Requirements,” selected native brush shall be trimmed up from the ground _____ of its total height and be no closer than _____ from each other and structures:
18 feet
According the LAFD Brush Clearance, “ Minimum Requirements,” tree branches to be trimmed from ground level to a height of ____?
6 feet
According the LAFD Brush Clearance, “ Minimum Requirements,” tree branches shall be at least ____ from chimneys?
10 feet
According the LAFD Brush Clearance, “ Minimum Requirements,” all brush, weeds and grass shall be cut to ____ inches in height for a distance of ___ from all combustible fences:
3 inches
10 feet
According to section 409 of the LAFC, “Emergency Planning and Evacuation Requirements for High-Rise Buildings,” upon any change of ownership or management in a high-rise building, the previous owner shall provide all copies of the Emergency Plan to the new owners within_____ days of the change of ownership
10 days
According to section 409 of the LAFC, “Emergency Planning and Evacuation Requirements for High-Rise Buildings,” the new owner shall, after receiving the Emergency Plan, submit any required updates within:
10 days
According to section 409 of the LAFC, “Emergency Planning and Evacuation Requirements for High-Rise Buildings,” all high-rise building occupants shall be instructed annually on the procedures to be followed in the event of a fire, or other emergency and participate in a mandatory fire drill. These instructions shall also be made available to all new occupants within ___ days of their assuming occupancy in the building
14 days
According to section 409 of the LAFC, “Emergency Planning and Evacuation Requirements for High-Rise Buildings,” the Fire Safety Director or Assistant Fire Safety Director shall conduct ______ building safety inspections to identify hazards and obstructions in the egress pathways
According to book 11 , “Communicating Manual,” when assistance is needed from outside agencies, requests specify?
Type of problem
Assistance needed
According to book 11 , “Communicating Manual,” a sound approach for members follow for TACTICAL communications would be at a minimum communicating?
Conditions, Actions, Needs
According to book 11 , “Communicating Manual,” IMPRES portable radio batteries that are intrinsically safe bear which of the following marking (s)?
IMPRES and Green Dot
According to book 11 , “Communicating Manual,” radio messages tht are not acknowledged are ?
assumed to be not received
According to book 11 , “Communicating Manual,” the leading cause (s) for premature battery failure is /are?
According to book 11 , “Communicating Manual,” a charge indicator of “flashing red” on an IMPRES battery charger would indicate:
battery is not making proper contact
According to book 11 , “Communicating Manual,” when requesting assistance from outside agencies, allow ____ BEFORE REQUESTING ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL:
30 minutes
According to Department Bulletin #15-13, “Supply Aid to Victims of Emergency (SAVE) Card Program and Distribution Process,” a monthly accounting report of the SAVE card disbursement and replenishment is provided to:
Community Liaison Office
According to Department Bulletin #15-13, “Supply Aid to Victims of Emergency (SAVE) Card Program and Distribution Process,” a “benchmark” of 25% property loss was created to determine when the disbursement of a SAVE card is appropriate. Property loss includes all of the following:
According to Department Bulletin #15-13, “Supply Aid to Victims of Emergency (SAVE) Card Program and Distribution Process,” after normal business hours, ___ will be contacted for SAVE card distribution.
Platoon duty Assistant Bureau Commander
According to Training Bulletin #97 “The Key to Effective Communication,” a public distance for strangers is ____ or more:
12 feet or more
According to Training Bulletin #97 “The Key to Effective Communication,” non-verbal communication can be the “ Most meaningful way” in which to communicate with the public with ____ communication sent through non-verbal or body language means:
50 to 60%
According to Training Bulletin#140, “Elevator Operations at High-Rise Incidents,” Phase l elevator emergency operations refers to the manual or automatic recall of elevators to the lobby or designated recall level of the building either through the operation of an emergency service key located ___ or ____ by activation of ____?
Lobby; fire control room; an elevator lobby smoke detector
According to Training Bulletin#140, “Elevator Operations at High-Rise Incidents,” in high-rise elevators pre-dating the 2008 Elevator Code, the lobby three position switch has three position of )N_OFF_BYPASS. Which of the positions is used to place the elevator in operation on a temporary basis when the entire building has been deemed safe for normal use, but there is still enough residual smoke to actuate the detector?
According to Book 100, “High-Rise Operations,” a minimum four-member initial attack team shall ascend to the reported fire floor. Two members of the team shall be used as fire attack and the remaining two members shall standby?
in the stairwell
According to Book 100, “High-Rise Operations,” the initial company going aloft during a high-rise investigation should take all of the following items aloft except
a. access keys
* *b. elevator keys**
c. lobby telephone number
d. building inventory sheet
note going aloft using stairs you won’t need elevators keys
pay attention to the question
According to Bool 100, “High-Rise Operations,” elevator ascent during investigations or firefighting operations shall only be used when the reported location is on the ___ floor or above.
books says ABOVE the 6th floor
According to Book 100, “High-Rise Operations,” elevators, when used, shall not be taken closer than ____ floors below the reported fire floor or ___ floors below the lowest indicated alarm floor location.
According to Book 100, “High-Rise Operations,” if the high rise building is equipped with split banks of elevators, do not use an elevator that services the fire floor if a lower bank of elevators reaches within __ floors of the fire floor.
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , Elevator Operations at High-Rise Incidents,” when an engine company is the first fire suppression resource at a high-rise fire, the minimum amount of personnel needed before an elevator is used to go aloft is?
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , Elevator Operations at High-Rise Incidents,” the City of Los Angeles enacted a high rise retrofit ordinance (1989) that requires all elevators on all levels in all existing high rise buildings, except R-1 open into elevator lobbies which are separated from the remainder of the building, including corridors and other exists, by walls a fire-resistive rating of not less than?
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , Elevator Operations at High-Rise Incidents,” all elevator lobby openings shall be protected with ___ automatic closing fire assemblies with magnetic hold-open devices for door closure actuated by an initiating device located on the floor.
45 minute
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , Elevator Operations at High-Rise Incidents,” no more than ___ personnel with equipment shall be permitted in any one elevator at a time.
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , Elevator Operations at High-Rise Incidents,” before using a high-rise elevator for ascent at a high-rise fire, a test of Phase ll operations shall be conducted. In addition to the floor of termination, a minimum of ____ additional floor(s), for precautionary checks should be conducted below the designated exit floor.
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , Elevator Operations at High-Rise Incidents,” if the circular “fire service fire helmet: or Maltese cross jewel” indicator light is blinking on the elevator control panel, it serves as a warning of the impending elevator shutdown due to an elevator shunt switch activation. ___ used for this operation will cause the visual warning indicator to intermittently blink
Heat detectors
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , Elevator Operations at High-Rise Incidents,” when an elevator is used for ascent, precautionary stops shall be made _____ in order to test and confirm that the elevator is operating properly in Phase ll as designed?
every 5 floors
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” members using an elevator for ascent should also determine the location of the stairwells in relationship to the location of the elevator vestibule. This is accomplished by observing emergency exit plan located at each elevator lobby landing sign, above:
the building lobby
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” the normal first alarm assignment for a reported fire in a high rise structure includes all of the following
an ems captain
an ALS ambulance
an airborne engine component (Task Force)
According to Department Bulletin #15-08, “Brush Fire Operations - 2015,” Brush Ops- the total number of fire companies dispatched on a “Red Flag day is?
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,”under the full deployment of the Incident Command System at a high-rise fire , the Medical Unit, would report directly to?
Service Branch
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” the movement of air in a high-rise building, either upward or downward, is subjected to?
temperature differences between inside and outside temperatures
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,”the staging area at a high rise incident will normally be located?
two floors below the fire area
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” the automatic sprinkler system in a new high-rise exceeding 275 feet in height, shall have a minimum on site water supply of ___ gallons
According to Section 508 of the LAFC, “fire command center,” signs above a fire control room in a high-rise building shall be in contrasting color to the wall, with lettering not less than ___ in height.
1 1/2 inches
According to Section 508 of the LAFC, “fire command center,” the fire command center shall be a minimum of ___ square feet in area with a minimum dimension of ____.
200: 10 feet
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , High-Rise Operations ,” a high-rise water system directly connected to a water supply and equipped with both 2 1/2 outlets for use by FD personnel and automatic sprinklers describes what type of system?
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , High-Rise Operations ,” in considering elevator control at a high rise incident, ____ is when fire department personnel have manual control of the elevators and control the movement of personnel and equipment above ground?
Phase ll
According to Book 100, “High -rise Operations,” at a high rise fire incident, Base may be estbalished by available engineers (s) from the first alarm assignment or by a ____ with optimum safe distance from the building of ____.
Greater Alarm Company
200 feet
According to Section 409 of the LAFC, “Emergency Planning and Evacuation Requirements for High-Rise Buildings,” for a commercial high rise building 35 stories or more in height, total evacuation of the entire building must be performed once every?
3 years
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , High-Rise Operations,” a type l high-rise building is classified as :
fire resistive
According to Training Bulletin # 140 , High-Rise Operations,” the primary responsibility of the first-in company at a high rise fire is?
locate and identify the emergency and determine its scope
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” the first company on the scene at a high rise fire shall by the use of a safe route proceed to the area where the emergency exists and ____ the emergency:
assess the scope of the emergency
communicate this information to the IC
Take measures to mitigate the emergency
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” a reverse stack effect in a high -rise building becomes more pronounced when?
outside temperatures are higher
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” once the first-in company commits to a (an) ____ objective and other resources arrive on the scen, command of the incident should be ___ to another on-scene officer or ___to a higher ranking officer.
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” the incident commander at a high-rise fire shall provide back up for the initial attack team asap through the use of ?
fire attack teams
companies assigned to staging
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” the second-in company establishes ____ and the officer becomes the ___ as this is considered a (an) ___ assignment?
lobby control
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” Lobby Control has a significant responsibility for ___ safety because they are responsible for controlling the elevators, vertical access routes, and responsible for initially activating the building’s communication systems?
occupant and personnel
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” at a high rise fire, an important consideration is to plan for early relief for fire control personnel. They early relief time to consider is :
10 to 15 minutes
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” once occupants from a high - rise building have been evacuated, police assistance should be requested to assit in directing evacuees to a safe location, at a minimum of?
200 feet
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” a safe distance for the command post from the high rise building is a minimum of ?
200 feet
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” a safe distance from the building for base is a at least ___ and ___?
200 feet
not in proximity to the command post
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” regardless of who establishes base at a high rise fire, the location is announced on the tactical channel and to ___ to direct all companies to report to that location?
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” Air operations helispot at a high rise fire is at least ____ from the involved building?
1/2 mile
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” normally, helicopters should remain a minimum of ____ from the involved building while in flight and away from the command post?
500 feet
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,”who is responsible to protect elevator shafts, elevator rooms from water?
salvage group
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” Fire Attack, upon arrival, gives a size-up and orders additional resources if indicated. Then proceeds to the lobby with all company personnel and appropriate equipment and the high-rise operational packet, and obtains information from security/building management. The fire attack company would obtain which of the following items from the lockbox, if provided:
building inventory sheet
set of keys
sound powered phone would not be in lockbox.
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” upon ascent, the fire attack officer SHALL evaluate the two floors below the reported fire floor for its use as the staging area and communicates this to ?
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” as the fire attack team ascends, the officer SHOULD report conditions in the building to the IC for informational purposes and to assure adequate communication is maintained. These reports should be made?
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” if using an elevator for ascent, after exiting the elevator the officer SHALL NOTIFY the IC of the stairwell identification being utilized for continuing aloft and conditions found, then SHALL do ALL of the following;
locate the emergency
check for vertical extension
give a size up
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” if the fire attack team is unable to extinguish the fire they should consider?
protecting vertical exposures
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” if the fire attack team is unable to effect a direct and sustainable attach they should consider?
exposure protection and assisting with search and /or evacuation
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” for equipment and supplies, the staging area manager will order through ____ to base preferably on a separate radio channel?
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” rapid intervention companies area assigned to the IC/Ops but are to standby at?
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” the RIC kit includes all of the following except? (Note; Goldenrod change made to reflect changes made on may 4, 2015 )
a. nylon bag with sling and carrying handles
b. 45 or 60 minute air cylinder
c. First stage pressure reducer with 20 feet of intermediate pressure hose
d. 150 drop bag
note: it is now 60 min air bottle and 10 feet of hose.
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” normally, ___ companies should be kept at base for each company held____?
in staging
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” when water supply is established via the stairwell____shall provide provide a supply line to the entrance to the stairwell:
According to Book 100 , High-Rise Operations,” if an auxiliary water supply is required, the officer assigned to ____ will coordinate and supervise this effort?
ground support
Regarding the tactics to accomplished equipment transport via a stairwell to determine the number of personnel necessary to accomplish this task, consider one member per ____ and one officer per ___ firefighters.
two floors
4 or 5
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6,” copies of building inventory sheets shall be maintained at all of the following locations:
in the building inventory books of first alarm companies
in the building inventory books of designated battalion and division sedans
in the lock boxes in the occupancy
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6,” liquids having a flash point at or above 73 degrees F and below 100 degree F are classified as:
Class lc
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6,” no cylinder or tank of liquefied flammable gas shall be filled within____ of any open flame or other source of ignition?
10 feet
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6,” any severe violation jeopardizing the occupants of a hotel shall be issued a notice with a ___ maximum correction time?
24 hour
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6,” “No Smoking” signs shall be posted in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. The installation, repair, or replacement of signs is the responsibility of?
Department of Transportation , Parking Enforcement and Traffic Control Group
According to Department Bulletin #15-12, “Fire Prevention Web-based Reporting System (FP-WBRS),” which of the following fire prevention information is not tracked in FPOS, resulting in requiring the station commander to manually track and enter on the FP-WBRS web form?
number of re-inpsections completed in the month
number of occupanices sent to legal liaison
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6 - Brush Inventory Program,” locations to be included in the brush inventory program are selected by :
battalion commanders
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6 - Brush Inventory Program,” the third line on the heading of the written sheet shall list the seven-digit cadastral number for the main point of access to the area. These cadastral numbers are obtained from:
1200’ map book
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6 - Brush Inventory Program,” brush inventories shall be filed alphabetically within the?
building inventory book
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6 - Brush Inventory Program,” station commanders shall review their districts during the months of ___ and conduct pre-fire inspections for the purpose of updating written and plan sheet information.
may though july
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume 6 - Inspection Procedures,” which of the following does not accurately describe the issuance of a citation (f-211)
fire code section 57.20.16 shall be used as the specific section numbers
According to Training Bulletin #73, “Tactical and Operational Considerations for Personnel Safety,” the most critical element of personnel safety is referred to as?
Street smarts
According to Book 1, “ Basic Inspection Guide,” Occupant Load Signs in a restaurant, night club or dance hall, shall have the words designating the occupant load, the use and the number of occupants in letters not less than____ inch in height?
According to Training Bulletin #86 , “Structural Fumigation and Pesticide Incidents,” prior to tent removal of a structure undergoing fumigation, all downwind structures withing ___ feet shall be evacuated.
30 feet
According to Training Bulletin #86 , “Structural Fumigation and Pesticide Incidents,” chloropicrin is a tear gas with an extremely strong odor used as a warning agent to fumigation chemicals. Chloropicrin when used with sulfuryl fluoride is introduced ___?
prior to the introduction of sulfuryl fluoride
According to Department Bulletin #15-11, “Risk Management Policy and Firefighter Emergency / Mayday Procedures,” which of the following situations would not require the immediate initiation of a “Mayday” call?
activation of low are alarm in an IDLH