Captain quiz session #34 Flashcards
According to Book 83 "Fire Investigation Manual" Most fires (especially those in structures) can be divided into three separate phases. During the Incipient (growth phase), temperatures can reach 1000 degrees F. Oxygen in the area remains near \_\_\_\_\_\_%
21 %
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”, there are fou classifications of fire. Which classifications involve liquid fuel?
Class B
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”, evidence can take many forms and it is up to the ____ to search out all areas of the scent to determine what evidence is and what is not.
Incident Commander
Fire Scene Investigator
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”, when conducting a fire investigation, start from the exterior and work towards the interior, from?
The least damage to the most
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”
conduction is best defined as transfer of heat from one object to another through
Direct physical contact
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”, Douglas fire and other similar soft woods have a char rate of approximately ____ in _____ when exposed to temperatures of 1500 to 1900 degrees F
1 inch; 45 minutes
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”, large cracks in and heavy smoke on glass usually indicate?
A slowing burning fire
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”, three main elements involved in the determination of every fire cause are?
Heat, fuel and event
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”, all of the following are identified as fire cause classifications except:
a. accidental
b. incendiary
c. natural
d. undetermined
e. ** suspicious**
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”, in order for a conductor to act as an ignition source, there must be?
a flow of current
According to Book 83 “Fire Investigation Manual”, common building wire is rated for continuous service at ____ degrees F maximum
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, the chief hazard associated with electrical switches is the ____ produced when the switching device is operated
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, all suspected electrical failure investigations should always start at?
At the electrical service entrance
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, copper melts at _____ degrees F, somewhat above the average temperature of a typical fire.
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, smoking related fire deaths have accounted for nearly ____ of a residential fire deaths where the cause of the fire was known.
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, smoker type fires typically take from ____ to develop into free burning phase.
20 minutes to two hours
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”,all fires must be investigated. A critical fact to keep in mind is all fires should be considered ____ at the beginning of each investigation.
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, when called to the scene of a fire, the incident commander’s first responsibility after suppression is:
Determine the cause and origin of the fire
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, all of the following are indicators of a fast-burning fire except:
a. extensive damage in one place of the ceiling
* *b. a wide angle “v’ pattern **
c. irregular shaped cracks and slight smoke film on glass
d. heavy alligatoring and shiny smooth blisters on exposed wood surface
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, the conditions that have much to do with whether or not spontaneous heating will created a dangerous condition include all of the following except:
a. Air supply
b. rate of heat generation
* *c.acidity**
d. insulation properties of the immediate surroundings
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, the most common contributing factor (s) when flammable or combustible liquids are suspected of being in the area of origin and the first to be ignited are?
improper storage
improper use
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, cigarettes require good insulation in order to cause flaming combustion with an average incubation or smoldering time of about?
90 minutes
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, the term “Chain of Evidence “ refers to the chain of custody of an item of evidence from the point in time___ to ___.
it was discovered;
the time it was presented in court
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, the most predominant motive for a fire encountered is?
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, children have a natural curiosity about fire, usually occurring in both sexes between the ages of ?
4 and 12
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, the procedure in which questions are asked by an attorney or the court to test the witness competency and expertise relating to the elements or issues pertaining to a particular subject or case is referred to as?
Voir Dire
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, the F-902 (NFIRS) (Field Incident Report) is a ____ document and is available to the general public approximately ___ days after the incident.
5 working days
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, if a child’s intent was not to set fire and/or if the act was intended as playing or experimenting with fire, the incident should not be classified as
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, in determining whether a light bulb is a contributing factor as a heat source, all of the following needs to be considered, except:
wattage of bulb
shape or design of bulb
position of bulb
** none of the above are exceptions**
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, the ignition of a fire is dependent upon:
mass of fuel
state of fuel
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, uninterrupted runs of wire or cable rarely cause fires unless:
the wire has been damaged
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, depending on such factors such as brand and freshness, cigarettes can smolder for as long as?
30 minutes
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, heating devices could become a fire cause for all of the following reasons, except:
proper installation
According to Book 83, “ Fire investigation Manual”, an inverted “v” pattern is created by?
very rapid intense combustion
According to department Bulletin 12-03 “field incident code book - fire loss revision”, the “guide is divided into the following three categories, except
a. demolition and structural loss rebuilding estimates
b. guidelines for structural repair and vehicles fires
c. content loss guidelines
* *d guidelines for improving and evaluating fire code requirements**
According to Training Bulletin #83”, when encountering a swarm of aficanized honey bees, an “exclusion zone” is established around the insects. An exlusion zone should be a minimum of ______ and is subject to change according to swarm activity.
300 feet
According to Training Bulletin #83”, “Africanized Honey Bees”, prior to responding into the area of an Africanized Honey Bee attack, all personnel involved shall don all of the following except:
Class B suit
According to Training Bulletin #83”, “Africanized Honey Bees”, if a colony of bees is located inside a structure, the Incident Commander shall advise the property owner to request____ to eradicate the bees.
A pest control operator
According to Training Bulletin #83”, “Africanized Honey Bees”, for apparatus without class “A” foam capability place a 1” hose line with a spray nozzle into service. Water should be applied in a circular motion:
covering the ground and 30 feet of air space
According to Training Bulletin #83”, “Africanized Honey Bees”, when emergency personnel encounter flying, stinging insects, without a protection line or a safe refuge area, they should:
try and reach a structure or vehicle
According to Training Bulletin #83”, Africanized Honey Bees”, if an “inactive colony (hive)” is found, and the incident commander determines that a future possibility for injury exists, the bees should be:
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, in accordance with Federal and California State laws, the LAFD Lactation Accommodation Policy must provide the employee with an appropriate space equipped with an electrical outlet. All of the following locations would be considered an appropriate space for lactation time except:
a. private office
b. a supervisors private office
* *c. a toilet stall
d. a conference room that can be secured
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, when an officer, manager, or supervisor has been put on notice or discovers that an alleged incident of discrimination, harassment, retaliation or hazing has occurred, they must take immediate action to:
a. stop the behavior
b. properly and completely report the incident
c. prevent a recurrence
* *d. All of the above
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, during an initial discrimination/harassment complaint intake by an officer with the complainant, a complainant’s allegation that they cannot remain in their place of assignment should be:
immediately shared with the entire chain of command
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, LAFD member’s role regarding potential incidents of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and hazing include all of the following except:
a. stopping
b. preventing
c. reporting
* *d. investigating**
e. resolving
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, officers, managers and supervisors are expected to comply with all of the following except:
Maintain a basic understanding of the DPPH contents
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, if a member believes he or she has been sexually harassed, the member may file a complaint into the complaint tracking system or with any of the agencies or officers listed in the DPPH. Most of the agencies allow up to____ from the date of the alleged harassment.
1 year
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, “members” shall include:
uniformed members
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, “complainant” includes any fire department member who wishes to files a complaint with the:
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, illegal harassment that creates a hostile work environment generally requires all of the following elements except:
unreasonably interfering with satisfaction
According to the Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook, an adverse employment action taken as result of a member participating in a protected activity best defines:
According to Department Bulletin #14-13, “2014-2015 Annual Fire Facility Safety Inspections”, it is the Department’s policy that all fire facilities be inspected annually to conform with ?
Cal/Osha requirement
According to Department Bulletin #14-13, “2014-2015 Annual Fire Facility Safety Inspections”, Fire Facility Safety inspection check lists shall be retained for ?
5 years
According to Department Bulletin #14-13, “2014-2015 Annual Fire Facility Safety Inspections”, facility supervisors shall forward a _____ (building repair and service request)
to address any deficiencies requiring correction by another City Department.
According to Department Bulletin #14-13, “2014-2015 Annual Fire Facility Safety Inspections”, once the safey inspection is completed, a F-225 is forwarded to the Department Safety Coordinator which shall include all of the following except:
a. the inspection was completed
b. any deficiencies found
c. what corrections have been made
* d. the date the corrections were made**
e. what corrections need to be made
According to Department Bulletin #14-13, “2014-2015 Annual Fire Facility Safety Inspections”, all recordable injuries and illness entries on the cal/osha form 300 shall be entered within____ of notification
6 working days
According to Department Bulletin #14-04, “NFPA Warning Placards,” the fourth space at the bottom of the NFPA 704 placard is used for special information which is identified by symbols. An “LW” in the fourth space would indicate.
a. smoke will severely affect the value of the building or contents
b. excessive moisture will severely affect the value of the building or contents
c. this symbol is not required by the LAFD
* *d. all of they above**
According to Department Bulletin # 13-04, Dangers of Vacant/Abandoned Buildings,” any vacant or abandoned building or structures determined to be unsafe shall be marked in the following locations (s):
According to Book 30, “Command Procedures”, a company officer assigned to manage a Division or Group beyond _____ should designate an Acting Captain for their own company or assign members to another Officer?
1 or 2 compaines
According to Book 29, “Truck Operations Manual/Gas Utilities”, the best immediate procedure for responding to a natural gas leak in polyethylene pipe include all of the following consideration except:
drive a redwood plug into the pipe with a rubber mallet
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volue lll//Fire Department connections, “ dry standpipes consist of all of the following except:
a. two or more 2-1/2 inch female inlet connections
* b.2 -1/2 inch male outlests equipped with gate valves on each floor**
c. 2-1/2 inch male outlets equipped with gate valves on each floor above ground
d. 2-1/2 inch male outlets equipped with gate valves on the roof.
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Apparatus-General,” Station commanders shall not allow apparatus to be taken off duty without first receiving permission from?
battalion chief
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Apparatus-General,” apparatus logbooks shall accompany apparatus in all of the following conditions except:
a. when assigned to relief duty
* *b. when going to the shops for repairs**
c. when going to the shops for annual pump/aerial ladder tests
d. when transferred
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Apparatus-General,” the F-620 packet shall be carried on Department apparatus at all times. Each fire station has/will have ____ extra packages.
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Apparatus-General,” members shall not change or alter the arrangements of firefighting equipment on apparatus, nor otherwise rearrange to system in effect without approval of ?
Fire Chief
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Apparatus-General,” before engaging in drafting drills, pump operators and company commanders shall determine that water does not contain sand or other abrasive material, and that the suction strainer is free from obstructions. Strainer end of suction shall be kept at least___ from bottom of reservoir and ____ or more below the surface of the water
12inches ; 24 inches
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Apparatus-General,” when gasoline is dispensed from a gasoline pump to a safety can, the can shall be outside of the building. When this is not possible to follow the above order in any manner, a request for the deviation shall be made in writing to?
Fire Chief
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Apparatus-General,” Community titles designating areas served will be solely supplied by supply and maintenance. Community designators shall be pre-approved by
Command of the Bureau of Emergency Services
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Salvage- General a quick method for covering stock counters, merchandise or furniture where there is no danger of breakage is ?
one member throw
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Equipment-General,” when helicopters are used and a temporary landing site is necessary, the minimum diameters of the sites are to be:
60 feet for smaller helicopters and 100 feet for larger helicopters
According to the Manual of Operation, “Volume lll / Apparatus-General,” unless otherwise assigned, personnel should remain at least ____ from helicopters.
100 feet
According to Training Bulletin #62, “2-inch High Rise Hose Systems”, the pigtail assembly “ consists of all the following components except:
a. one 2 -1/2” 60 degree elbow
b. one 2-1/2 to 1-1/2 gated wye
***c. one 6 foot section of lightweight 2-1/2 hose
d. one light weight folding spanner
note it is a 8 foot sections
According to Training Bulletin #62, “2-inch High Rise Hose Systems”, the Dry Standpipe (class l ) System is found in buildings built prior to 1960. Outlets are adjacent to the fire escape, usually directly above the inlets at street level. Very often in these buildings the best way to get a line on a fire is:
Drop bag a 1-3/4 “ or 1-1/2” handline directly from an apparatus
According to Training Bulletin #62, “2-inch High Rise Hose Systems”, orifice plates reduce the flow of water from a particular outlet. Removal of the orifice plate is recommended in order to get the maximum flow from the outlet. When connecting to a standpipe outlet when the orifice plate has not been removed, how far should the standpipe outlet valve be opened?
According to Training Bulletin #62, “2-inch High Rise Hose Systems”, high rise hose packs consist of all of the following except:
a. two 50’ sections of lightweight blue hose
b. one 1-1/2” complete 200 gpm spray nozzle
* *c. one 1-1/2” x 2-1/2 increaser
d. five 2 ladder straps
note: it is a 2-1/2” X
1-1/2” reducer
According to Training Bulletin #62, “2-inch High Rise Hose Systems”, under pressure , the 2” lightweight blue hose has the ability to resist kinks and can be bent to withing ____ inches before it kinks.
12 inches
According to Training Bulletin #62, “2-inch High Rise Hose Systems”, when the standpipe outlet pressure exceeds ______ on combined standpipe sprinkler systems, pressure reducing valves are utilized.
150 psi
According to Training Bulletin #63 “procedure for supplementing high rise fire pumps” the procedures described within the bulletin are to be implemented on buildings with a fire pump supplying the standpipe system. High Rise buildings affected are:
a. Existing high rise built between 1960 and 1974 higher than 150 feet
b. Existing high rise buildings 75 to 150 feet retrofitted with a fire pump
c. New high rise buildings built after 1974
* d. All of the above***
According to Training Bulletin #63 “procedure for supplementing high rise fire pumps” in the event of a failure, fire department apparatus will be required to assume the building’s fire pump function by maintaining system pressure through the fire department connections. The quickest and most reliable way to identify and determine the system pressure is?
Locate the fire department connection sign which provides the system pressure
According to Training Bulletin #63 “procedure for supplementing high rise fire pumps” the member responsible for supplying the water system at a high rise building is:
the first arriving 200 series enginner
According to Training Bulletin #63 “procedure for supplementing high rise fire pumps” the engineer supplying the water system at a high rise fire should do all of the following except:
a. lay hydrant to fire
* *b. spot the apparatus at the FDC’s with the pump panel towards the building
c. remove all plugs from the FDC inlets
d. Connect two 2-1/2” lines from the apparatus to the FDC’
note the apparatus panel should face away from inlet or away from building
According to Training Bulletin #63 “procedure for supplementing high rise fire pumps” the purpose of supplementing fire pumps at high rise buildings:
designed as a back-up in case of fire pump failure
According to Training Bulletin #59 “Methods for painful stimulus”, there are currently only two approved and acceptable forms of painful stimuli that can be used in the prehospital setting. These methods are :
inter- digital pressure and pressure on the nail bed
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, the Emergency Trip Station (ETS) for each track is located at each end of the Red Line Station and readily identified by
Blue light
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, the maximum “crush load” capacity of each red line train car is _____ passengers
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, the Mezzanine Level is the first level below ground, which is the public access level to the tunnel. For initial fire department operations, the most important is the ____?
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, within the red line subway system are emergency exits which are identified by _____ exit signs which indicate street level access and may exit out of an emergency escape hatch.
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, if one collector shoe is in contact with an energized section of the third rail, the entire train is still energized. The third rail carries ___ and can be on either side of the track.
750 volts
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, the engine of the first arriving task force dispatched to a red line fire incident should initiate which of the following assignments:
fire attack ; incident tunnel
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, there are a total of 93 cross passages between tunnels in the system which are used for the transfer of passengers, or emergency responders from one bore to another . The cross passages are staggered at approximately____ intervals and will included a blue light station
750 foot
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, a deluge sprinkler system, designed for train undercarriage protection is located at track level in the station only, activation of this system is from ?
ETS/Blue Light Station
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, Metro Rail Red Line trains are propelled by ____ traction motors per car, operated from _____.
4 traction motors
750 volts (DC)
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, to shut off battery power in a Metro Rail Red Line, the trip switch in the battery box can be tripped. The battery box can be located:
Under the “B” car
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, in some red line stations, an ancillary level may be encountered as the first level below the street. In these stations. the ancillary level contains:
Train communication and control room (TC&C)
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, the DWP’s power room should not be entered by Fire Department personnel as equipment is energized with _____.
34,500 volts
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, each red line car is equipped with ___ ___ extinguishers. It/they is/are located ____
Two; 10A/60BC ; one in the operator’s cab and one between the transverse arrangement in the passenger seats
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, during an emergency, which of the following statements is not correct regarding gaining entry from outside of a red line train?
- *a. Pulling down on the emergency red ball from the access panel next to the center door. **
b. System air needs to be released
c. Only the center doors will release
d. Entry can be gained from either sided of the train
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, resetting a fire alarm by fire department personnel in Metro Red Line station can be done where?
At the TC&C
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, the area where passengers enter and exit trains is referred to as the :
Platform level
According to Training Bulletin # 116 “Metro-Rail Red Line”, metro rail red line stations are designed to accommodate a six-car train. A trip switch to disconnect power to a segment of the third rail is located at the ETS at each end of the station. Based on the answers contained below, which statement is correct regarding shutting down electrical power to the red line train?
If one collector shoe of the train is in contact with a live section of the third rail, the entire train is still energized