Capítulo 9 - Semana 15 Flashcards
La médica que me dio la receta as muy joven.
que = that, which, who
The female doctor who gave me the prescription is very young.
El muchacho con quien sale Marta as mi primo.
quien(es) = Who/whom after a preposition or as an indirect object
The kid going out with Marta is my cousin.
Lo que necesito es más ejercicio
Lo que = what, that which
What I need is more exercise
el entorno
settings, environment
el suelo
the ground
así como también
as well as
dentro de este entorno
within this environment
el componente clave
the key component
abarca la formulación
El manual abarca todos los temas importantes para el examen.
cover, span, encompass
to cover (address) the plan/formula/design
The textbook covers all the important subjects for the exam.
La ladrona burló a sus perseguidores doblando la esquina.
evade, get by
The thief evaded her pursuers by turning round a corner.
Me duele todo; seguro que estoy incubando la gripe
Incubate, to brew
I am aching all over I must be coming down with the flu
Puesta del sol / atardecer
Sunset / for the sun to set
El lobo es un mamífero predador
Predator (n) Predatory (adj)
Abeja vs avena vs moho
Bee vs Sheep vs Mold
Monkey, cute
Avispar vs avisparse vs avispa
To liven up vs get with it vs wasp
Oso polare vs la foca
Polar bear vs seal
Hunter, poacher
Casar vs casarse
To marry vs to get married
Bisonte vs vaca
American buffalo vs cow
Invierno vs invernar
Winter vs to winter/hibernate
Amputee, one-armed person
Nutria del mar
Sea otter