Capillary Pressure Flashcards
H20 pushed out of the capillaries into the interstitial/ extracellular fluid
What plasma proteins are found in the capillaries?
albumins ( should never be outside of capillary)(stays in plasma)
H20 being drawn back into the blood/ capillaries
also known as opposing filtration
What blood vessels bring blood to the capillaries from the heart?
What blood vessels bring blood out of the capillaries and to the heart?
Net Filtration Pressure (NFP) Equation
Net Filtration Pressure (NFP)
pressure at the end of an arteriole or at the end of a venule
What ions and molecules diffuse through channels of the capillaries?
Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+
What freely diffuses across plasma membrane(PM)?
lipids, hormones, CO2, O2, (fat soluble)
What is the driving force for filtration?
hydrostatic pressure
Hydrostatic Pressure
caused by the force of gravity acting on all the particles within a fluid
**How much fluid is forced out the capillary/blood( via filtration)
24 liters /day
Name a type of hydrostatic pressure?
blood pressure ( pushing against the walls capillaries etc..)
What does CHP stand for?
capillary hydrostatic pressure
What does BCOP stand for?
Reabsorption driving force ( high suspended proteins)
mainly due to suspended proteins
AKA: blood colloid osmotic pressure
What is opposing filtration?
net effect @ venule end of capillaries reabsorption
What determines how fast ions or molecules diffuse?
the higher the concentration difference and the shorter the distance, molecule size( small and water soluble) ( thus happens in capillaries)
What cells are ions and molecules diffusing through?
simple Squamish endothelial cells
What is small enough to diffuse through a fenestrated capillary
ions, water soluble , small molecules like glucose
Where are albumins made?
liver ( the only place you will find plasma proteins such as albumins in the blood)
What is osmosis?
⬇️solutes means suspended plasma proteins /albumins⬇️and vice versa
happens during reabsorption
What are the effect of liver damage related to alcohol?
alcohol filtration will be ⬆️ but reabsorption will be less causing edema
What is edema?
H20 stuck in intestinal tissue outside the capillary
Process of filtration and absorption
24 L filtered ( pushed out of capillary), reabsorbed (fluid moves back into capillary) 20.4
more fluid is moved out of capillary then what comes back in due to net fluid going to lymphatic capillaries
Where is hydrostatic pressure highest?
at the end of a capillary
No net movement
NFP = 0
What happens to the net fluid that goes to the lymphatic capillaries?
becomes lymph and drains back into subclavian vein
What conditions affect hydrostatic and osmotic pressure in blood vessels (BV)?
edema ( build-up of fluid in interstitial fluid)
hemorrhage ( loss of blood)
Vasomotor reflex control center is found where?
upper medulla and lower pons
continually transmits AP’s to sympatric vasoconstrictor fibers
Where can Vasomotor reflexes and and receptors be found?
only in smooth muscle (in wall of most blood vessels) also in visceral sensory neurons and organs ex: kidneys
What effects does vasomotor tone have on blood vessels?
⬇️ of vasomotor tone and BP goes down due to BV dilation
⬆️ of vasomotor tone and BP goes up due to BV constriction/squeezing
What is vasotone?
blood vessels in a continuously in a partially constricted state
What Blood Vessels (BV) are not innervated by sympathetic vasoconstrictor fibers (single innervation)?
All blood vessels except capillaries and pre-capillary sphincters
define dual innvervation?
When organs can receive fibers from both the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems.
What are the affects of a blood vessels dilating down?
⬇️ BP
What’s the difference between baroreceptors and chemoreceptors?
Baroreceptors sends signals to vasomotor center ( increase BP, increase vasomotor tone, increase or an increase in AP to vasomotor center to dilate blood vessels and decrease BP
Chemoreceptors activated by decrease or increase in chemical changes such as low O2 or high CO2 and PH changes ( increase BP and vasomotor tone)