Cap12 Antiicing ,de Icing And Rain Protection Flashcards
De icing and anti icing
~hot bleed air ~hot engine oil ~electrically heated mats ~pneumatically ~fluid is pumped under pressure through pores on the leading edges
Ice protection area
~wing leading edges ~tail surfaces ~windscreen ~engine and intake inlets ~propellers ~pitot static and flight instruments probes
Ice detection systems
~vibrating rod system»vibrated at 40KHz and chenges its frequency when ice builds up
~pressure detector sys»an aneroid capsule is connected to a tube which protrudes into the airflow ,normally the tube expands due to airflow,but when it get clogged tube pressure drops and ice warning is triggered
Electrical ice dector sensor:
Is composed by
~a reference voltage loop >a fixed voltage is applied to the refence loop
~detector loop»a pulsed higher voltage is applied to the detector
If ice rather than water ,is present on the sensor ,the final temperature of the detector loop will be much lower at the end of the pulse
A large voltga difference between the partds will trigger
Boot DE ICING system
Pneaumatic boots are a de icing system only
Use in light a/c and medium
~most systems required ice thickness of between 0.5cm and 1.5cm
~vacuum pressure ensure boots sits absolutly flush when not used
~pressure of 18psi and vacuum of 2.2psi
~two cycle rates for light heavy icing
~cntrolled by time
Fluid based ANTI ICING system
~sequence is controlled by a timer
~flows back to melt ice
~fluid is pumped by resorvoir into a perforated strips on the leading edges
Electrical anti icing protection
~electricvasl powered mats
~engine bleed air
~internal systems»For the engine like the spinner and fan are always ON heated by engine oil or hot internal engine air,crew have no control over internal system
~parts like nascelle is controlled by pilot
Turbo prop
~can be electrically heated
Ice delfflector door
Some truboprop a/c use an ice deflector door
This allow ice particles to be directed out to the atmosphere rather tham beign drawn into the enines
Propeller anti icing /de icing
~cover an area of upto 50% of the blades area
~power is supplied through slip rings and brushes
~on a prop with an odd number of clades,all blades must be heated simulstaneously
~mat heated sequence to reduce the electrically load ( 5 sec on 5sec off)
Electrical Propeller anticing and decing
Prop ant-icing and dicing systems operate two cycles
~fast cylce» for light icing
~slow cycle» for heavy icing condition
Fluid prop ice protection
This weeps de icing fluid from a “slinger ring “ at the roort blade
The fluid is spread by centrifulforce
This system is not used in moderm props
Windscreen ice protection
Windscreen is heated to 35 degress via electrical element gold or iridium trioxide.the supply is frequency wild 115ac controller is DC supplied
Rain repellent and rain removal system
Rain repellent liquid
~vision may be limited for up to 15sec after itial application
~fluid is toxic,so masks with 100% oxg selected if leaks into the flight deck.
~the wipers are limited in speed,for example 737max ias 160
~fast setting»120 cycle per minute
~slow setting»80 cycles per miute
Eu ops states
‘A commander shall not commence a flight nor intentionally fly into expected or actual icing conditions unless the airplane is certificated and equipped to cope with such conditions’