Canine/Feline Nematodes Flashcards
Spirocerca lupi-Common Name
Esophageal Worm
Spirocerca lupi-Hosts
DH: Dogs
IH: Dung Beetles
PH: Chickens, birds and lizards
*Reported in humans also
Spirocerca lupi-Identification
Adults: pink/red in color, reach 8cm in length
Eggs: small, elongated, 30-35um
Spirocerca lupi-Life Cycle
Indirect. PPP = 6 mths
Egg with L1 passed in vomitus/feces→ingested by IH→L1 hatches and develops into L3 and encysts in IH→DH ingests L3 within IH/PH→L3 penetrates stomach wall of DH and migrates to thoracic aorta through celiac a.→3 mths later move into esophagus and form granulomas→adult
Spirocerca lupi-Site of Infection
Adults in granulomatous nodules in wall of esophagus/stomach of DH
Spirocerca lupi-Pathogenesis and Lesions
Lesions within wall of aorta due to migrating larvae
Osteosarcoma (bone cancer)
Spondylosis (immobility of joint) of the thoracic vertebrae
Osteopathy (bone disease) of long bones
Spirocerca lupi-Clinical Signs
Esophageal granulomas interfere with swallowing and can cause regurgitation
Weakness, emaciation, and rapid loss of condition
Spirocerca lupi-Diagnosis
Fecal floatation with sodium nitrate→only positive when the adults are releasing eggs from the granulomas
Endoscopy or radiography
Spirocerca lupi-Treatment and Prevention
Macrocyclic lactones are used extra-label
Physaloptera spp.-Hosts
DH: Dogs and Cats
IH: Beetles, cockroaches and crickets
PH: Snakes and birds
Physaloptera spp.-Identification
Adults: 4-6cm, resemble ascarids in size
Eggs: elongated, 45um, more oval than Spirocerca
Physaloptera spp.-Life Cycle
Indirect. PPP = 8-10 wks.
Egg with L1 passed in vomitus/feces→Ingested by IH→L1 hatches and develops into L3 and encysts→L3 in IH or PH ingested by DH→L3 develops into an adult in stomach of DH
Physaloptera spp.-Site of Infection
Physaloptera spp.-Pathogenesis and Lesions
Small ulcers due to strong forcep-like teeth that attach to the gastric mucosa
Physaloptera spp.-Clinical Signs
Vomiting, catarrhal gastritis (inflammation of mucous membrane) and bloody stool
Physaloptera spp.-Diagnosis
Adults can be viewed in stomach with endoscopy
Elongate eggs thickened at either pole in vomitus/feces
Physaloptera spp.-Treatment and Prevention
No approved treatment
Toxocara canis-Common Name
Common Roundworm, ascarid
Toxocara canis-Hosts
Toxocara canis-Identification
Adults: large white nematodes 10-15cm, small finger-like process on tail of male
Egg: dark brown, round, thick pitted shell, 85 x 75 um
Toxocara canis-Life Cycle
Direct. PPP = 4-7 wks with direct infection following ingestion of eggs or larvae in a PH, 3 wks with prenatal infection
Per os, Transplacental or prenatal, Transmammary or Paratenic Hosts
Per os Life Cycle
Eggs with L2 infective in environ. in 2-4 wks. Infective eggs (L2) ingested by DH and hatch in small intestine→hepatic-tracheal migration→return to small intestine→mature to adult→eggs laid 4-5 wks.
This mode of infection occurs regularly in hosts under 5 wks. Older than 5 wks can still be infected but typically arrest at L3 stage due to acquired immunity
Transplacental or prenatal Life Cycle
Arrested L3 in pregnant bitch move across placenta at week 6 of gestation→brought to fetal liver by circulatory system→after birth nematodes migrate to stomach and mature in small intestine
Transmammary Life Cycle
Suckling pup may be infected with migration of L3 in the milk during first 3 wks of lactation. No further migration in pup
Paratenic Host Life Cycle
Rodents or birds may ingest infective egg→hatched L2 travel to tissues and remain until eaten by dog→further development confined to GI tract
Toxocara canis-Site of Infection
Small Intestine
Toxocara canis-Pathogenesis and Lesions
No apparent damage to tissue during larval migration
Little reaction in intestines from adults
Toxocara canis-Clinical Signs
Pneumonia from larval migration through lungs, eosinophilia from chronic infection, hypersensitization, digestive disturbances such as vomiting and diarrhea, intestinal obstruction from large numbers of adults, general malaise, anemia, pot belly appearance
No clinical signs with moderate infections
Toxocara canis-Diagnosis
Patent intestinal infection
Eggs in fecal floatation
Adults recovered in necropsy
Toxocara canis-Treatment and Prevention
Anthelmintics-Pyrantel and benzimidazole
Management of environ.
Removal of feces
Toxocara cati-Common Name
Common roundworm, ascarid
Toxocara cati-Hosts
Toxocara cati-Identification
Adults: large white nematodes 4-10cm, cervical alae shaped as an arrow head with the posterior margins almost at a right angle to the body
Eggs: thick pitted shell, colorless, 60 x 80 um.
Toxocara cati-Life Cycle
Per os, transmammary (RARE), paratenic hosts
Transplacental or prenatal DOES NOT occur
Toxocara cati-Site of Infection
Small Intestine
Toxocara cati-Pathogenesis and Lesions
Little migration
Toxocara cati-Clinical Signs
Pneumonia from larval migration through lungs, eosinophilia from chronic infection, hypersensitization, digestive disturbances such as vomiting and diarrhea, intestinal obstruction from large numbers of adults, general malaise, anemia, pot belly appearance
Toxocara cati-Diagnosis
Eggs in fecal floatation
Toxocara cati-Treatment and Prevention
Anthelmintics-Pyrantel and benzimidazole
Management of environ.
Removal of feces
Control of ascarids should concentrate on kittens
Toxascaris leonina-Common Name
Toxacaris leonina-Hosts
Dogs and cats
Toxacaris leonina-Identification
Adults: large white nematode with prominent process 6-10cm
Eggs: slightly ovoid with smooth thick shell
Toxacaris leonina-Life Cycle
Direct. PPP = 10-11 wks.
Per Os, Paratenic hosts
Toxacaris leonina-Site of Infection
Small intestine
Toxacaris leonina-Pathogenesis and Lesions
Toxacaris leonina-Clinical Signs
Typically non-pathogenic.
Adults can cause vomiting/diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, general malaise, anemia and pot belly appearance.
Toxacaris leonina-Diagnosis
Eggs in fecal floatation
Adults in small intestine in necropsy
Toxacaris leonina-Treatment and Prevention
Anthelmintics-Pyrantel and benzimidazole
Management of environ.
Removal of feces
Ancylostoma caninum-Common Name
Ancylostoma caninum-Hosts
DH: Dogs and Foxes
Ancylostoma caninum-Identification
Adults: 1-2cm, characteristic “hook” posture, large buccal capsule with 3 pairs of marginal teeth
Eggs: thin-shelled, oval, 60 x 40 um
Ancylostoma caninum-Life Cycle
Direct. PPP = 2-3 wks.
Eggs hatch, molt and develop to L3 (infective stage)
Percutaneous or penetration of oral mucosa if ingested,
Per Os, Paratenic hosts, Transplacental, Transmammary
Ancylostoma caninum-Site of Infection
Small intestine
Ancylostoma caninum-Pathogenesis and Lesions
Acute or chronic hemorrhagic anemia caused by adults
Skin reactions at sites of percutaneous infection
Ancylostoma caninum-Clinical Signs
Acute infections cause anemia and lassitude (little energy). Severe anemia can be accompanied by diarrhea with blood/mucous.
Chronic infections cause weight loss, poor hair coat, loss of appetite.
Ancylostoma caninum-Diagnosis
Eggs on fecal floatation
Adults at necropsy in small intestine
Ancylostoma caninum-Treatment and Prevention
Anthelminthics such as mebendazole, fenbendazole and nitroscanate
With severe infection may require parenteral iron or blood transfusion
Keep kennel floors clean
Treat weaned pups every 3 mths.
Ancylostoma tubaeforme-Common Name