Cancer Class 3 - Medical Protocols & Massage Therapy - Surgery Flashcards
The most effective treatment option is to ______ localized cancer. It may include chemo and/or radiation pre/post-surgery.
______________ surgery is not really a cancer surgery. It improves the __________/function of an area impacted by cancer.
__________ surgery involves physically removing and examining a sample of cells called a ______.
T/F - Diagnostic surgery is looking for metaplasia.
False - Diagnostic surgery is looking for ANAPLASIA.
____________ surgery is commonly referred to as preventative surgery, where no cancer cells are present yet.
If there is increased an risk of breast cancer, a __________ can be performed as a ____________ surgery.
__________ surgery is for patients that are terminally ill and it improves their quality of life.
__________ surgery is used to reduce the tumour load if there are multiple tumors present. They would remove the biggest ones and follow-up with ____________, in hopes that the immune system can deal with the smaller ones.
When there is no presence of cancer cells in the periphery of the tissue sample.
Clear Margins
Some post-surgical ______________/precautions for a patient with any recent surgical procedure (__-__ weeks ago) include:
- Trauma to the body (e.g. physical, mental, emotional)
- Consider hygiene (e.g. incision from surgery)
- Be careful with traction and PROM
- Positioning
1-2 Weeks
The expected presentation of post-surgical tissue (1-2 weeks ago) is _____.
S.H.A.R.P. (Swelling, Heat, Altered Function, Redness, Pain)
T/F - Massage therapists can begin onsite treatment to a post-surgical incision after 4-6 weeks.
False - Massage therapists can begin onsite treatment to a post-surgical incision ASAP.
The following are absolute general _________________ to treating a patient post-surgery:
- Fever
- Septicemia
- Patient unwillingness
- Unstable vital signs
- Certain drugs
The following are aspects of good ____ resolution:
- Aesthetically pleasing
- No pain
- Flexibility and proper collagen alignment following functional lines of stress and movement patterns
- Sufficient perfusion and drainage
- Normal sensation
- No nerve compression
Our role as massage therapists when beginning on-site work post-surgery for the general population is to promote good ____ tissue and help the patient with ____________ levels.
Scar Tissue
Dissociation Levels
From 24-48 hours post-surgery, a seal or _____ will develop as a barrier against germs. We want to use the __ inch avoidance rule, as this is a local contraindication for massage.
4 inch
For the first 5 days post-surgery, there will be formation of ___________ tissue, which is very delicate, sensitive and cannot withstand ________.
T/F - Formation of granulation tissue is not a local contraindication for massage.
False - Formation of granulation tissue IS a local contraindication for massage.
From __ to ___ days post-surgery, the sutures or stitches are removed.
5-10 days
From 7-10 days, there is light _______________ (aka. proliferation) if “clean healing” is happening. This means there is adequate _________ and absence of infection.
T/F - Ideally we would want to begin our scar work techniques at the 2 week post-surgery mark.
From __ to __ weeks, there is heavy collagenization (aka. consolidation/___________).
4-6 weeks
T/F - For cancer patients, it is much harder to follow a typical time frame when it comes to massage therapy post-surgery.
Some adverse __________ for cancer patients that would delay/absolutely contraindicate onsite manual work include:
- Acute inflammation (SHARP signs)
- Immunocompromised patients (presence of infection)
- Potential thrombosis (DVT)
- Oozing/lack of closure at surgical site (low WBC counts)
- Poor perfusion (less blood cells to promote healing)
- Actue sharp pain (aka. cancer pain, paradoxical pain)
- Skin is too fragile (modify techniques)
There will be _________ immune function in the first week post-surgery. The concern for massage will depend on if clear _______ where achieved or not.
T/F - If clear margins were achieved, it means that they managed to successfully take out the cancer. This is not a high level of concern for massage.
T/F - If clear margins were not achieved, there is still a high level of cancer cells. However, this is not a definite concern for massage and we don’t need to check-in with a professional prior to treating.
False - If clear margins were not achieved, there is still a high level of cancer cells. THIS IS a definite concern for massage and we NEED TO check-in with a professional prior to treating.
There may be more fluctuations in ____________ and tissue status, depending on their cancer journey.
T/F - Cancer patients are at a lower risk for infection, but if they do contract something they will have more difficulty fighting it.
False - Cancer patients are at a HIGHER risk for infection, AND if they do contract something they will have more difficulty fighting it.
Cancer patients can have an increased or decreased risk of ___________ problems, depending on the type of cancer they have and if their drug cocktail affects their ability to clot.
There may be slower or poorer quality of _______ for cancer patients.
____________ may be a factor for cancer patients, especially if they aren’t feeling well due to cancer toxicity and side effects of chemotherapy.
T/F - Chemotherapy and radiation can delay, completely stop or even reverse healing of scar tissue for cancer patients.
_______ can be extensive and cause decreased function/vulnerability of multiple structures.
T/F - Extra structures, such as lymph nodes or part of the esophagus, can be removed during surgery to ensure clear margins are achieved.
Involves a horizontal incision and short cut in the axillary area. They are placed at the end of an extensive surgery to prevent hematoma and decrease congestion.
______ are tunnelled under the skin to the surgical site and are kept in place with a stitch. _____ will fill with fluid and are then emptied, along with the tubes being flushed with ______.
T/F - Drains are kept in for 1 week, or when there is less than 2-3 tbsp of fluid collected in a day.
False - Drains are kept in for 2-3 WEEKS, or when there is less than 2-3 tbsp of fluid collected in a day.
T/F - Patients won’t typically complain about the small drain incisions compared to the large surgical incision.
False - Patients WILL typically complain MORE about the small drain incisions compared to the large surgical incision.
It is important to be aware that post-surgical _____ can create disablement, disfigurement and have an emotional impact on the cancer patient.
Some issues related to _____ for cancer patients include:
- Decreased ROM
- Increased pain
- Potential nerve entrapment
- Poor perfusion
- Secondary issues (e.g. compression syndromes)
A type of surgery related to intestinal cancer in which a hole is created in the abdominal wall (stoma) that allows waste to leave the body.
Some major concerns for RMTs related to _____ bags include:
- Don’t lay patient on bag
- Raise bag above level of body
- Be aware of infection
- Ensure proper communication during turning
- Check-in about emptying bag before treatment