CAM 17 TEST 4 PASSAGE 1 & 2 Flashcards
compile (v)
collect, accumulate, compose
guild (n)
association, union
liên đoàn
ledgers (n)
journal, book, record
sổ sách
census (n)
an official process of counting and finding out about the people
inventory (n)
list, record, account
bản kiểm kê
archive (n)
a place where a large number of historical records are stored
lưu trữ
conundrum (n)
mystery, puzzle, challenge
câu đố, câu hỏi hóc búa
puzzle (v)
confuse, bewilder, baffle
causal link (n)
a link between two things in which one causes
the other
mediocre (a)
ordinary and not very good,
middling, average, unexceptional
embroidery, stitching
badger (n)
an animal that has black and white fur, lives
in holes in the ground
bright red
bodice (n)
the upper part of a woman’s dress
worldly (adv)
relating to physical things and ordinary life
slate (n)
in the past, a small, thin, rectangular piece of
rock, usually in a wooden frame, used for writing on
đá phiến
stifle (v) = prevent
stop, prevent, hamper
I don’t know how I managed to stifle my anger.
industriousness (n)
hard work, diligence,
sermon (n)
talk, lecture, lesson
unfold (v)
If a situation or story unfolds, it becomes
clear to other people
chastise (v)
penalize, scold, punish
spinster (n)
an unmarried woman, usually one who is
no longer young and seems unlikely to marry
reprimand (v)
strong official criticism of a person or their behaviour (khiển trách)
= tell off, scold, rebuke
counter (v)
dispute, argue against, oppose
ordinance (n)
order, rule, regulation
summon (v)
to order someone to come to or be present
at a particular place
defiance (n)
disobedience, insolence, rebelliousness, protest
held back
to stop someone or something developing
or doing as well as they should
threshold (n)
line, limit, base
tipping point (n)
the time at which a change or an effect
cannot be stopped
legislate (v)
If a government legislates, it makes a new
undermine (v)
weaken, destabilize, threaten
monopoly (n)
domination, supremacy, authority
block (v)
prevent, stop, deter
barrier (n)
blockade, obstacle, difficulty
strained (a)
stressed, tense, anxious
fuel (v)
stimulate, energize, promote
staple (a)
basic, core, prime
pest (n)
insect, bug, vermin
existence, maintenance, sustenance
sinh kế, đủ để sinh sống
paddy (n)
a field in which rice is grown in water
devastating (a)
overwhelming, shocking, upsetting
tàn phá
insectivore (n)
a creature that eats insects for food
insectivorous (a): eating only insects
feast (v)
eat, devour, indulge
a plague of
a large number of things that are
unpleasant or likely to cause damage
swarm (n)
a large group, crowd, mass, flock
bầy, đàn, đống
suppressor (n)
a thing or person that prevents something bad from happening
prey on (v)
hunt, catch
set out (v)
to start an activity with a particular aim
state-of-the-art (a)
advanced, high-tech, up-to-the-minute
echolocation (n)
a process in which animals, find their way in
the dark by producing sound waves that echo when they are reflected off an object
especially, specifically, favorably
forage (v)
search for food
artificial, synthetic # natural
rain or other liquid that flows off the land into
susceptible (a)
vulnerable, prone to, at risk
infestation (n)
a large number of animals and insects
that carry disease
twig borer (n)
any of several beetles, beetle larvae that
bore into the twigs
sâu đục thân cây
twig: cành cây
borer: an insect that makes holes in plants
infest (v)
to cause a problem by being present in large
cicada (n)
an insect that lives in hot countries, has large
transparent wings, and makes a high singing noise
stake (n)
investment, claim, share
river blindness (n)
disease that affects the skin and
roost (v)
settle, rest, sleep
considered to be holy and deserving respect
especially because of a connection with a god
quantify (v)
calculate, compute, measure