CAM 16 TEST 1 Flashcards
having a great influence or effect
relating to animal fat
tissue (n)
the material forming animal or plant cells
shed light on something
to make something easier to understand, by providing new or better information
mutation (n)
change, alteration, transformation, modification
đột biến, sự biến chuyển
genome (n)
all the genes in one type of living thing
bộ gen
osteoporosis (n)
a medical condition in which your bones
become weak and break easily
loãng xương
starvation (n)
hunger, food shortage, famine
remodel (v)
to change the shape, structure, or appearance of something, especially a building
den (n)
the home of some animals, for example lions or
hang ổ
cub (n)
the baby of a wild animal such as a lion or a bear
deplete (v)
to reduce the amount of something that is
present or available
reserve (n)
a supply of something kept to be used if it is
dense (a)
thick, solid, compressed, condensed
physiologist (n)
a person who studies physiology
nhà sinh lý học
paradox (n)
a situation that seems strange because it
involves two ideas or qualities that are very different
nghịch lý
hibernate (v)
if an animal hibernates, it sleeps for the
whole winter
resort to something
the fact of doing something in a particular situation because there is no other way of achieving something
nhờ cậy
reformation (n)
when something is completely changed in order to improve it
sự cải thiện, cải cách
bedridden (a)
unable to leave your bed, especially because you are old or ill
anecdotal (a)
not based on facts or careful study
ko hoàn toàn đúng
dislodge (v)
to remove something or someone, especially by force, from a fixed position
= knock down sth
đánh bật
barrel (n)
a large curved container with a flat top and
bottom, made of wood or metal, and used for storing
beer, wine etc
deliberate (a)
purposeful, conscious, intentional,
calculated, planned
sled (n)
a small vehicle used for sliding over snow,
often used by children or in some sports
majestic (a)
very big, impressive, or beautiful
thought-out (a)
planned and organized carefully, well etc
agile (a)
able to move quickly and easily
astonishing (a)
amazing, surprising, shocking
in the wild
in natural and free conditions, not kept
or controlled by people
majestic (a)
very big, impressive, or beautiful,
hùng vĩ
monument (n)
a building, statue, or other large
structure that is built to remind people of an
important event or famous person
di tích, đài kỷ niêm
grand (a) = majestic
outstanding, impressive, majestic
tribute (n)
pay tribute to s.o
something that you say, do, or give in order
to express your respect or admiration for someone
reign (n)
the period when someone is king, queen, or
underground passage (n)
way, road, channel, route, path that is underground
deceased (a) (n)
-which covered underground passages where the deceased person
was buried.
conceived of sth
think of, consider, perceive
- conceived of building a taller tomb
stack (v)
load, pile, heap
slab (n)
a thick flat piece of a hard material such as
attribute sth to sth
assign, attach, ascribe
to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing:
inward (a)
inner, interior, hidden
incline (n)
a slope
courtyard (n)
an open space that is completely or
partly surrounded by buildings
shrine (n) = temple
a place that is connected with a holy event
or holy person, and that people visit to pray
trench (n)
a long narrow hole dug into the surface of
the ground
to carve (v)
to cut a pattern or letter on the surface of
chamber (n)
hall, boardroom, meeting room
vessel (n)
a ship or large boat
inscribe (v)
to carefully cut, print, or write words on
khắc lên, in lên
excavate (v)
if a scientist or archaeologist excavates
an area of land, they dig carefully to find ancient
objects, bones etc
predecessor (n)
someone who had your job before
you started doing it
shaft (n)
a passage which goes down through a
building or down into the ground, so that someone
or something can get in or out
precaution (n) =
something you do in advance in order to prevent
something dangerous or unpleasant from happening
đề phòng
intricate (a)
complicated, complex, sophisticated,
astonish (v)
surprise, overwhelm, amaze
archetype (n)
a perfect example of something,
because it has all the most important qualities of
things that belong to that type
embody (v)
=represent, exemplify, symbolize
disruptive (a)
causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way
outperform (v)
to be more successful than someone
or something else
take over (v)
to take control of something
peripheral (a)
not as important as other things or
people in a particular activity, idea, or situation
ngoại vi
novice (n)
beginner, learner, trainee, apprentice
người mới vào nghề
define (v)
to describe something correctly and thoroughly, and to say what standards, limits, qualities etc it has that make it different from other things
short-sighted view
not considering the possible effects in
the future of something that seems good now – used to show disapproval
creep into (v)
to move in a quiet, careful way, especially
to avoid attracting attention
dilemma (n)
a situation in which it is very difficult to
decide what to do, because all the choices seem
equally good or equally bad
trajectory (n)
the events that happen during a period
of time, which often lead to a particular aim or result
quỹ đạo
envisage (v) = imagine
to think that something is likely to happen in the future
fallacy (n)
a false idea or belief, especially one that a
lot of people believe is true
lối ngụy biện
apocalyptic (a)
warning people about terrible events
that will happen in the future
ngày tận thế
misguided (v)
intended to be helpful but in fact making a situation worse
lạc lối, súi bậy
redeploy (v)
to move someone or something to a
different place or job
seize a chance/an opportunity/the initiative
to quickly and eagerly do something when you have the chance to
enforce (v)
to make something happen or force someone to do something
thi hành
a call to arms
something that makes people want to take
action and get involved in an attempt to deal with a bad situation
mệnh lệnh/ khích lệ hành động
pre-empt (v)
to make what someone has planned to do or
say unnecessary or ineffective by saying or doing something first
bold (policy)
very strong or bright so that you notice them
astounding (a)
amazing, surprising, shocking
kinh ngạc
subsistence (n)
the condition of only just having
enough money or food to stay alive
pronounced (a)
= very great or noticeable