CAM 16 TEST 3 Flashcards
rigging (N)
ropes, chains, wires
dây thừng, cột (buồm)
excavate (v)
dig, mine, quarry, exhume
vessels (n)
a ship or large boat
plank (n)
a long narrow piece of wooden board, used
especially for making structures to walk on
tấm ván
stitching (v)
sewing, seam, needlework, embroidery
Địa trung hải
ballast (n)
heavy material that is carried by a ship to make it more steady in the water
hull (n)
the main part of a ship that goes in the water
cripple (v) = damage, destroy
to damage something badly so that it no longer works or is no longer effective
naval (a)
marine, nautical, maritime, seafaring
lính hải quân
pierce (v)
stab, impale, cut, slice
khoét, đâm, đục
rowers (n)
oarsperson, sculler, cockswain
người chèo thuyền
supersede (v)
to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned
rudder (n)
= tiller
flat part at the back of a ship or aircraft that can be turned in order to control
the direction in which it moves
bánh lái thuyền
stern (n)
the back of a ship
tiller (n)
wheel, rudder, controls
mast (n)
a tall pole on which the sails or flags on a ship are hung
cột buồm
granite (n)
a very hard grey rock, often used in building
gigantic (a)
huge, enormous, vast
intercept (v)
interrupt, stop, seize, capture
greatly facilitate (V)
help, aid, assist, make easy
mariner (n)
a sailor
swell (n)
the way the sea moves up and down
sóng biển
resemble (v)
look like, bear a resemblance to, be
similar to
textile (a)
fabric, cloth, material, knit
dệt may
hides (n)
skin, pelt, fleece, fur
thaw (v)
melt, defrost, soften, liquify
degradation (n)
an experience or situation that makes you feel ashamed and angry
suy thoái
swiftly (a)
speedy, fast, quick, rapid
glacier (a)
relating to ice
area, spot, blotch, bit, smear
thread (v)
xuyên qua
congregate (v) = gather
to come together in a group
settlement (n)
an official agreement or decision that
ends an argument, a court case, or a fight, or the
action of making an agreement
hiệp ước, thuộc địa
community, village, town,
amid (preposition)
among, amongst, within, in
ở giữa
boulder (n)
a large round piece of rock
discard (v)
to get rid of something
misplace (v)
to lose something for a short time by putting it in the wrong place
traverse (v)
cross, pass over, get over
terrain (n)
a particular type of land
địa hình
(mountain) passes
passage, route, road, way
a height above the level of the sea
venture (v)
a new business activity that involves taking risks
mạo hiểm
disintegrate (v)
to break up, or make something break up, into very small pieces
phân tán, tan rã
extract (v)
to remove an object from somewhere,
especially with difficulty
molecule (n)
particle, bit, iota, jot
cellular (a)
consisting of or relating to the cells of
plants or animals
gauge (n)
an instrument for measuring the size or
amount of something
thước đo
dictate (v)
determine, influence, shape, control
proportional (a)
relative, relational, comparative
cân đối , tương xứng
thủy ngân
bud (v)
ra nụ, mọc mầm
thermal (a)
relating to or caused by heat
bind (v)
attach, connect, unite, tie
suppress (v)
overpower, overwhelm, overturn, conquer, defeat
detach (v)
separate, remove, disengage,
disconnect, isolate
dual (a)
having two of something or two parts
oak (n)
a large tree that is common in northern
countries, or the hard wood of this tree
cây sồi
soak (v)
wet, sodden, drench, dowse, douse