CAM 17 TEST 3 PASSAGE 2 Flashcards
derive (v)
= get, obtain, receive
snack (V)
= to eat small amounts of food between main meals
exclusive (a)
= unique, rare, exceptional
property (n)
= quality, characteristic
solid (a)
= hard, firm
preservation (n)
= maintenance, conservation, continuation
seize (v)
= capture, grab, grasp
devote (v)
= dedicate, give, offer
conservationist (n)
= someone who works to protect animals, plants
etc or to protect old buildings
plantation (n)
= farm, agricultural estate, cultivated area
an area where trees are grown for wood
destruction (n)
= ruin, damage, devastation
= declining, deteriorating, falling
gradually becoming smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number
dwindling population
dwindling resources
monoculture (n)
= the practice of growing only one crop or keeping
only one type of animal on an area of farm land
endangered (a)
= are, threatened, vulnerable
= a large ape with long arms and long orange-brown
duoi uoi
fauna (a)
= wildlife, creature, animal
radical (a)
= fundamental, essential, profound
boycott (v)
= refuse, avoid, reject
nuanced (a)
= made slightly different in appearance, meaning,
sound, etc.
eradicate (v)
= eliminate, emove, abolish
livelihood (n)
= living, income, source of revenue
strike (v)
= hit, reach, achieve
utilitarian (a)
= useful, practical, down-to-earth
a bone of contention (n)
= something that two or more people
argue about strongly over a long period of time
immensely (adv)
= hugely, enormously, massively
yield (n)
= production, harvest
= mostly, mainly, principally, primarily
patch (n)
= area, spot, piece
emission (n)
= release, discharge, emanation
sequester (v)
= to separate and store a harmful substance
out of hand
uncontrollable, out of control, unmanageable
regulate (v)
= control, adjust, standardize
insist (v)
= require, demand, enforce
transparency (n)
= honesty, without secret
sterile (a)
= lacking diversity
(of a living being) unable to produce young, or (of land) unable to produce plants or crops
kho khan, ko sinh san dc
bird’s nest fern
cay duong xi
= relating to a plant that grows on another plant
but does not feed from it
= method, technique
keystone (n)
= foundation, base, cornerstone
fungi (n)
= mushroom, molds, toadstool
invertebrate (n)
= a living creature that does not have a
amphibians (n)
= an animal such as a frog that can live both on
land and in water