CAM 17 TEST 2 PASSAGE 3 Flashcards
sheer (adj)
=pure, absolute, complete
used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except
tuyệt đối
genius (n)
= mastermind, brilliance, outstanding ability
very great and rare natural ability or skills
naturalist (n)
= biologist, botanist, natural scientist
người nghiên cứu và biết nhiều về động thực vật
disregard (v)
= ignore, disrespect, neglect
không quan tâm hoặc tôn trọng thứ gì đó
predecessor (n)
someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series:
người hay vật đi trước, tiên phong
spontaneously (adv)
= impulsively, suddenly, naturally
in a way that is natural, often sudden, and not planned or forced
tự động, tự phát, tự sinh
realm (n)
=field, area, domain
lĩnh vực
endeavor (n)
= attempt, effort, try
nổ lực
set aside
to ignore or not think about a particular
fact or situation while considering a matter
bỏ qua
monumental (adj)
= colossal, massive, gigantic.
very big or very great
duly (adv)
=accordingly, suitably, appropriately
đúng đắn, đúng lúc, thích đáng
unheralded (adj)
not previously known about or recognized as good
postulate (v)
= hypothesize, assume, theorize
to suggest a theory, idea, etc. as a basic principle from which a further idea is formed or developed
fanciful (adj)
imaginary, make-believe, fictional
không thực tế
wild speculation (n)
something that you say that is not based on facts and is probably wrong
phỏng đoán ko có căn cứ và sai
conceive (v)
= create, invent, form
to bring a thought or idea into being; imagine
chuyển hóa ý tưởng thành hiện thực; nhận thức, tưởng tượng
make something of something/someone
to have an impression or an understanding about something
glean (v)
pick up, gather, collect
to collect information in small amounts and often with difficulty
arbitrary (adj)
= random, chance, haphazard
based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason
tùy ý, vô căn cứ
stirrup (n)
one of a pair of pieces that hang from the
side of a horse’s saddle, used for resting your foot
when you are riding
bàn đạp yên ngựa
confer (v)
= give, provide, grant
to give an honor, official title, or ability to someone:
trao, ban, câps, thương thuyết vs ai
jocky (n)
người đua ngựa chuyên nghiệp
shrewd (adj)
= wise, cunning, clever
having or based on a clear understanding and good judgment of a situation, resulting in an advantage
thông minh, khôn ngoan
outrun (v)
move faster or further than s.o or sth
adoption (n)
accepting or starting to use something new
thoroughbred (n)
(animals) with parents that are of the same breed and have good qualities
giống thuần chủng, có nòi giống tôts
misadventure (n)
= accident, misfortune, mishap
rủi ro, tai nạn
serendipity (n)
=luck, chance, fate
the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance
may mắn tình cờ
afflix (v)
=stick, fasten, attach
give the lie to
= to prove that something is not true
ingenious (adj)
=clever, resourceful, inventive
very intelligent and skillful
rất tài giỏi và khéo léo
designing (adj)
used to describe someone who tries to
get what they want, usually dishonestly
mưu mô, quỷ quyệt
banal (adj)
boring, ordinary, not original
tầm thường, sáo rỗng
force be at work (phr)
have a particular influence
invoke (v)
mention, refer, quote
advance (v)
to suggest an idea or theory
groundbreaking (adj)
revolutionary, innovative, advanced
đột phá
refrain (v)
avoid doing, cease, hold back
tránh hoặc dừng làm việc gì
variation (n)
sự biến đổi
provenance (n)
origin, background, birth place
nơi bắt nguồn
constrain (v)
restrain, restrict, control
chế ngự, kìm lại