CACREP AREA: Human Growth and Development Flashcards
Freud’s stages are psychosexual while Erik Erikson’s stages are…?
In Freud’s psychodynamic theory, instincts are emphasized. Erik Erikson is an ego psychologist. Ego psychologist…?
Believe in man’s powers of reasoning to control behavior
HINT: Erikson stressed ego function. Ego is LOGICAL, RATIONAL, and UTILIZES POWER OF CONTROL to keep impulses in check
The only psychoanalyst who created a developmental theory which encompasses the entire life span was?
Erik Erikson
The statement “the ego is dependent of the id” would most likely reflect the work of?
Sigmund Freud (who created psychodynamic theory)
Jean Piaget’s idiographic approach created his theory with four stages. The correct order from stage 1 to stage 4 is?
1) Sensorimotor
2) Pre-Operations
3) Concrete Operations
4) Formal Operations
Some behavioral scientists have been critical of Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget’s developmental research in as much as…?
His findings were often derived from observing his own children
A tall skinny pitcher of water is emptied into a small squatty pitcher. A child indicates that she feels the small pitcher has less water. The child has not yet mastered…?
In Piagetian literature, conservation would most likely refer to…?
Volume or mass
A child masters conservation in the Piagetian stage known as?
Concrete operations (ages 7-11 years old)
HINT: Conservation is part of the Concrete Operations Stage (ages 7-11) of Piaget’s theory. Both begin with the letter “C”
__?__ expanded on Piaget’s conceptualization of moral development
Lawrence Kohlberg
According to Jean Piaget, a child masters the concept of reversibility in the third stage, known as concrete operations or concrete operational thought. This notion suggests…?
One can undo an action, hence an object (i.e., glass of water) can return to its initial shape.
During a thunderstorm, a 6-year-old child in Piaget’s stage of preoperational thought (stage 2) says “the rain is following me”. This is an example of?
HINT: Egocentrism conveys that the child cannot view the world from the vantage point of someone else.
Lawrence Kohlberg suggested what about morality?
There are three levels of morality
The Heinz dilemma is to Kohlberg’s theory as…?
A typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered
HEINZ DILEMMA STORY: Heinz Dilemma is about Heinz deciding whether to steal an expensive drug to save his dying wife. The pharmacist refuses to lower the price or accept delayed payment. Heinz’s choice highlights moral reasoning: should he obey the law or break it to save his wife?
HINT: Heinz dilemma is a method Kohlberg uses to assess level and stage of moral development in an individual – his stages/levels apply to ALL persons
The term identity crises comes from the work of?
**HINT: **5th stage of Eriksons psychosocial theory = Identity vs. Role Confusion (ages 12-18)
Kohlberg’s three levels of morality are?
1) Preconventional
2) Conventional
3) Postconventional
**HINT: **
1) PREconventional = child responds to consequences (reward/punishments influence)
2) CONventional = individual wants to meet standards of family, society, and nation
3) POSTconventional (self-accepted morality) = individual is concerned with universal, ethical principles of justice, dignitity, and equality of human rights. Kohlberg notes many people NEVER reach this stage
Trust vs mistrust is…?
Erikson’s first stage of of psychosocial development
A person who has successfully mastered Erikson’s first seven stages would be ready to enter Erikson’s final and eighth stage, which is…?
Integrity vs despair
In Kohlberg’s first or preconvetional level, the individual’s moral behavior is guided by…?
Kohlberg’s second level of morality is known as conventional morality. This level is chracterized by?
A desire to live up to society’s expectations and to conform
Kohlberg’s highest level of morality is termed postconvetional moraility. Here the individual…?
Has self-imposed morals and ethics
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, level 3, which is postconventional or self-accepted moral principles…?
Is the highest level of morality. However, some people never reach this level
The zone of promixal development was…?
Pioneered by Lev Vygotsky
**HINT: **Zone of promixal development = describes difference between child’s performance without a teacher vs their capabilities with one.
Which is true: Freud and Erikson…?
Could be classified as maturationists
John Bowlby, the British psychiatrist, is most closely associated with?
Bonding and attachment
HINT: Bowlby and Bonding both start with the letter “B” – Bowlby believed bonding and attachment to have surving value and part of leading a normal life for a child
In which Eriksonian stage does the midlife crises occur?
Generativity versus stagnation
The researcher who is well known for his work with maternal deprivation and isolation in rhesus monkeys is…?
Harry Harlow
The statement: “Males are better than females when preforming mathematical calculations” is…?
True according to research by Eleanor Maccoby and Carol Jacklin
The Eriksonian stage that focuses heavily on sharing your life with another person is…?
Initimacy versus isolation (ages 23-34 years)
We often refer to individuals as conformists. Which of these individuals would most likely conform to his or her peers?
A 13-year-old male middle school student
HINT: Conformity peaks in the early teens
In Harry Harlow’s experiments with baby monkey’s…?
The baby monkey was more likely to cling to a terry-cloth surrogate mother than a wire surrogate mother
Freud postulated the psychosexual stages as…?
Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
Concerning suicide, in adolescence…?
Males commit suicide more often than females, but females attempt suicide more often
Concerning suicide, in the general U.S. population…?
Suicide rates tend to increase with age
The fear of death is…?
Greatest during middle age
In Freudian theory, attachment is a major factor that…?
Primarily evolves during the oral stage
When comparing girls to boys, it would be noted that in general…?
**HINT: **Multiple answers
- Girls grow up to smile more
- Girls are using more feeling words by age 2
- Girls are better able to read people without verbal cues at any age
The Freudian developmental stage, which “least” emphasizes sexuality is…?
Latent = hidden meaning of a dream
**HINT: **Latency is the only Freudian developmental stage not primarily psychosexual in nature (occurs in ages 6-12)
In terms of parenting young children, what is true?
Boys are punished more than girls
When developmental theorists speak of nature or nurture, they really mean…?
How much heredity or enviroment interact to influence development
Nature = heredity/genetics | Nuture = enviroment