c9 Flashcards
short summaries of research studies that have appeared in selected journals
- helps researcher determine whether the article contains the info they are seeking
- most are transitioning to electronic/online formats
Electronic databases
provide preferred alternative to manually seraching indexes or abstracts
- has a general subject area and provides access vai internet
- faster and enable user to link sev comncepts together to provide focus for a search
integratred netowrk of computers that spans the entire world; can transfer data to one another via phone lines, microwaves, fiber optics and satellites
-access info on the web
World Wide Web (WWW)
interactive info delivery service that includes a repository of resources about almost any subject imaginable including health
-documents are related by subject area and linked together, thus creating a web
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
web addresses
-unique identifiers for a location on global internet composed of internet access protocol, the location and file
Search engine
locating info on internet
-allows you to type in the name of the topic you want to find info about and after a few seconds it identifies and lists multiple sites relate to that topic
(“open access” journals)
journals available to reader online w/o restriction to cost, membership or legal barriers with the exception that the reader must be able to access the internet
-article is copyright but geenreally can be used more liberally than articles w/ more traditional copyrights
refereed or Peer reviewed journal
journal that publsihes original manuscripts only after they have been read by a panel of experts in the field (referees) and recommended for publication
references artilces from joournal,s boks, and reports pertaining to topics that fall under the subject headings for whickh the index was created.
-one index is not all-encompassing for all subjects
Government documents
range from official documents ((laws, court decisions, regaords of congressional actions) to the results of gov-sponsored technical and scientific studies (obesity, exercsie, water treament0
-organized and shelved according to superintendted of documents (SuDocs) numbers; uses colon (A1:1)
used to access inof on web
-google, safari, internet exploroer
Popular press publications
most difficult to check for credibility
- range from weekly summary-type magsazines (Time, newsweek), regular articles in newpapers, newspapre supplements (parade) to monthly magazines (reader’s digest) and tabloids
- may contain primary source of info (interview) but off are secondary sources
- often articles in the pop press include opinions or editorials that express bias of author or the editor of the publication; should be heavily scrutinized
hypertext transfer protocol
Electronic document text that is connected (hyperlinked) to the other chunks of text (or graphical elements) to which the reader or user is transferred by a mouse click.
protocol for exchanging hypertext documents btwn sites on web http://
primary popular press sources and example
published studies or eyewitness accounts written by the ppl who actually conducted the experiments or observed the events in question
- usually published by refereed journals
ex: reserach articles written by the researchers; personal records ( autobiogrpahies); podcasts or video/aduio recordings or actual lectures; speeches, debates, or evenst; offical records of leg sessions or minutes of community meetings; newspaper eyewitness accounts and annual reports
secondary sources
usually written by someon who was not presenta t the event or didnt particiapate as part of the study team
- provide summary of sev related studies or chronical a history or sequence of events
- may also provide editorial comments or alternative interpretations of the study or even
- often provid bibliography of primary resources
- ex: journal review articles, editorials, and non-eyewitness accounts of events occuring in the community, region or nation
- those found in a refereed journal are articles summarizing result of sev stuides, editorials, or positions deemed important enough (by a panel of expert reviewers) to be interesintg and useful to those who read the journal