freedom from disease-causing microorganism
presence of bacteria or other infectious organism or their toxin in the blood or in other tissue of the body
degree of microorganism can cause infection
types of infection
- local infection
- systemic infection
local infection
- infection where the pathogen that invade are limited to a specific point of body n remain there, multiplying until eliminated
systemic infection
- condition where pathogen spread n damage diff. parts of the body
- e.g measles n chickenpox
acute vs chronic
- acute infection
- appear suddenly or last a short time , influenza
- chronic infection
- occur slowly, over a long period, may last month or year, TB
classification of infection
- latent infectious disease
- opportunistic infection
- primary infection
- reinfection
- secondary infection
- cross-infection
- nosocomial
- subclinical
- latent infectious disease
- arises from microorganism that remain dormant in the body for long period , then become active
- opportunistic infection
- arises from microorganism which are not normally pathogenic to healthy people
- primary infection
- initial infection caused by microorganism in host
- reinfection
- the subsequent infection by same organism in the same host
- secondary infection
- new infection set up by new organism in the host when resistance of the host is lowered due to pre-existing infections disease
- cross-infection
- when a patient is suffering from a disease n a new infection is set up from another host or external source
- nosocomial
- cross infection occuring in the hospital or hospital acquired infection
- subclinical
- where clinical symptom are not apparent
stages of infection
- incubation
- prodromal
- illness
- convalescence
- time between entry of an infectious agent in the host and the onset of the symptoms
- invades the tissue n begins to multiply to produce infection
- no sign n symptoms
- time from onset of nonspecific symptoms until specific symptoms
- may be infectious to others
- early sign n symptoms present but vague
- when sign n symptom are present
- patient’ s immune response n other defense mechanism overcome the pathogen
- the person usually regain strength n health is restored
- even the patients may recover but there may be some permanent damage
- local n nonspecific defensive response of the tissue
- immediate response of the body to any kind of injury
- penyakit yg ad ‘-itis’ belakang
purpose of inflammation
- neutralize n destroy harmful agents
- limit their spread to other tissue
- prepare the damaged tissue for repair
5 classic sign of inflammation
- pain
- swelling due to accumulated fluid at the site
- redness caused by increased blood flow
- heat due to hyperemia (increase of blood supply)
- impaired function of the part
main characteristics of systemic infection
- affects the bloodstream causing symptom throughout the body
- pathogen is distributed throughout the body
- bacterial toxin leads to systemic infection
clinical manifestation of systemic infection
- malaise
*feel tired n lack of energy - fever
- chills
- cause shiver
- aches
*fore head n back - nausea
- reacts to certain smell by vomiting
- vomiting
antimicrobial therapy
- antibiotic
- subs. produced by the microorganism that suppress the growth of other microorganism and may destroy them
*categorized into :- broad spectrum = active against many gram + bacteria n gram - bacteria
- narrow spectrum = effective only against gram - bacteria
- subs. produced by the microorganism that suppress the growth of other microorganism and may destroy them
mode of action of antibiotic
- inhibitors of cell wall synthesis
- inhibitors of cell membrane func
- inhibitors of protein synthesis
- inhibitors of nucleic acid synthesis
- inhibitors of other metabolic process
antiviral chemotherapy
- antibacterial drugs are not effective against viruses
- viruses are intracellular, to attack them, chemotherapy agent must enter host cell
antifungal drugs
- Nystatin
- produce during fermentation by streptomyces noursei
- limited to yeast n fungi
- Griseofulvin
- use in the treatment of superficial fungi infection of the skin n body also some systemic mycosis
factor contributing to the evolution of resistant microbial organism (DRUG RESISTANCE)
- over prescriptions of antibiotic
- use of inappropriate antibiotic for infecting organism
- incomplete use of antibiotic prescription
- harbouring n spreading of resistant organism by carriers
- increased of antibiotic in farming , thus contaminating milk n meat
ways to minimize drug resistance
- avoid indiscriminate use of antibiotics when they are no real clinical use
- avoid use of antibiotic commonly use of generalized infections
- using correct dose of proper antibiotic to overcome infection quickly
- using combination of antibiotic of proven effectiveness
- use a diff. antibiotic when an organism gives evidence of becoming resistance to one used initially