C4 - obj 7-9 Flashcards
Describe the structure and function of cutaneous membranes
Structure: keratinized stratified squamous epithelium (epidermis) attached to a thick layer of areolar/dense connective tissue (dermis) which covers the body surface.
Function: protection/temp reg/sensation/metabolic funct/blood reservoir/excretion
Describe the structure and function of mucous membranes
line passageways open to the exterior
Structure: layers of epithelia (columnar/stratified squamous), lamina propria (areolar ct) sometimes muscularis (smooth muscle)
Function: absorption, secretion, protection
Describe the structure and function of serous membranes
line the insides of body cavities (parietal and visceral) that do not open to the exterior
Structure: layer of mesothelium (simple squamous) and
a layer of loose connective (areolar)
Function: minimize friction
Petaining to the walls of a cavity
Pertaining to an internal organ of the body or the inner part of a structure
Define organ
Two or more tissues that carry out a specific function
List examples of the regenerative capacity of different tissues (good-mod-weak)
Good - epithelial, bone
Moderate - smooth muscle, dense reg CT
Weak - cardiac muscle, nervous tissue in brain/spinal cord
2 layers of serous membrane that line the thoracic cavity and cover the surface of the lung (pleurisy)
Double layered sac enclosing the heart and forming its superficial layer; has fibrous and serous layers (pericarditis)
Serous membrane lining the interior of the abdominal cavity and covering the surfaces of the abdominal region (peritonitis)
The moist membrane found in closed ventral body cavities
Outline the process of tissue repair involved in normal healing of a superficial wound.
Inflammation, organization restores blood supply, regeneration and fibrosis effect permanent repair
Explain “inflammation”
severed vessels bleed, inflammatory chems released, local blood vessels become more permeable allowing wbc, fluid, clot proteins to seep in, clotting occurs
Explain “organization restores blood supply”
Clot is replaced by granulation tissue which restores vascular supply, fibroblasts produce collagen fibers that bridge gap, macroph phago dead and dying cells and debris, surface epithelial multiply over granulation tissue
Explain “regeneration and fibrosis effect permanent repair”
fibrosed area matures and contracts, epithlelium thickens, epithelium with underlying scar tissue is result.