C13 - The Earths Atmosphere 2️⃣✅ Flashcards
What was the earths early atmosphere made up of?
About 95% carbon dioxide, almost no oxygen and a small amount of nitrogen.
What is the earths current atmosphere made of?
A very small % of carbon dioxide, around 80% nitrogen, 20% oxygen and little to no water vapour
How is it believed that the earth early atmosphere came to be?
Via intense volcanic activity that released gasses like carbon dioxide that formed the early atmosphere
How did the oceans form?
The little amount of water vapour In the earths early atmosphere started to condense as the earth started to cool down, ultimately making the water vapour into liquid water, forming our oceans
Why is there little no to water vapour in earths current atmosphere?
Because it all condensed into liquid when the earth cooled
How was oxygen produced in the early stages of the earth?
Due to oceans forming, simple plant life came to be. This simple plant life (algae) started to absorb carbon dioxide and undergo photosynthesis, ultimately producing oxygen.
Why did the earths atmosphere shift from mainly CO2 to O2?
Because the early plant life was absorbing the CO2 and producing O2, shifting the amounts of gasses to predominantly O2 rather than CO2
Other than via plant life, why did CO2 decrease in our atmosphere?
Sedimentary rocks formed, contains fossil fuels and therefore carbon, ultimately decreasing the amount in the atmosphere
What happened to the carbon in plants when they died?
They would sink to the bottom of the ocean, therefore trapping the carbon down under the ocean, decreasing its concentration in the atmosphere
What is the greenhouse effect?
The constant maintaining of the temperature of the earth by greenhouse gasses.
What are the main greenhouse gasses?
Methane, Carbon dioxide and water
How does the greenhouse effect work?
The sun emits short wavelength radiation which warms the earth
The earth looses the heat by emitting long wavelength radiation back up into space
The greenhouse gasses absorb some of the long wavelength radiation, re-radiating it back down to earth, consequently warming the earth so life can survive
Why is the greenhouse effect important?
Because it allows for the earth to be warm enough to support life
What is global warming?
When humans are increasing the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, therefore increasing the amount of heat re-radiated back at earth, warming it beyond its optimal level
How does deforestation increases global warming rates?
By cutting down trees reduces the ammount od CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis
How do cattle increase global warming rates?
Cattle produce methan, a greenhouse gas. By humans farming cattle excessively, too much methane is released into the atmosphere, therefore adding to global warming
How does landfill increase global warming rates?
The anerobic decay of waste in ladfill by microoganisms produces methane which contributes to global warming
As global temperature increases, what things could happen all around the world?
- Ice caps melting, therefore loss of habitat
- Sea levels rising, loss of animal and human habitats
As a result of global warming what is more common?
Extreme weather events are more common and severe e.g. flooding, storms
What effect does changes in rainfall have on the environment?
- Lack of rain causes drought & famine
- Too much rain can damage crops
Why is climate change/ global warming killing off animal/ plant species?
As climate change is happening so rapidly, animals and plants cannot adapt to the new environment quick enough, so die out
What is carbon footprint?
The total ammount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses emitted over the full life cycle of a product, service, event, company or person
How is carbon dioxide produced?
Complete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels
What effects does carbon dioxide have?
Global warming
How is water vapour produced?
The complete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels
What effect does water vapour have?
Global warming
How is Carbon monoxide produced?
Incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels (not enough oxygen)
What effect does Carbon monoxide have?
Its a toxic gas - it binds to haemoglobin on RBC in place of oxygen causing less respiration and therefore health/ respiritory issues
How is sulfur dioxide produced?
Sulfur reacting with oxygen during combustion
What effect does sulfur dioxide have?
Can cause respiritory problems and acid rain which kills wildlife and damages buildings
How is nitrogen oxide produced?
High temperature engines cause nitrogen in air to react with oxygen in the air
What effect does nitrogen oxide have?
Can cause respiritory problems and acid rain which kills wildlife and damages buildings
How are solid particulates/ unburned fuel/ soot produced?
When diesil incompletely combusts tiny particles of carbon (soot) and unburnt fuel are produced (together called particulates)
What effect does solid particulates/ unburned fuel/ soot have?
Can cause lung damage and global dimming.
What is global dimming?
When particulates in the upper atmosphere reflect sunlight back into space, therefore less reaches earth and eath gets colder
Name all 6 pollutants
- Carbon dioxide
- Water vapour
- Carbon monoxide
- Sulfur dioxide
- Nitrogen oxide
- Particulates