C&P Conventional Breaching Flashcards
Critical factors
Charge thickness
Intent is to create spalling
Charges will not cut rebar ( use bulk explosives p=d
0 LB - 5 LB = 1”
5 LB - 40 LB = 2”
40 LB - 300 LB = 4”
300 LB + = 8”
Formula for breaching
P= R3 x K x C
Internal breaching radius rules of thumb
External breaching radius rules of thumb
Ext: = thickness of target
Round breaching radius up to nearest 1/2 ft
Int= 1/2 the breaching radius of target for charges center mass
= remaining thickness of target not drilled if not placed center mass
Round breaching radius up to nearest 1/4 ft
Material factors
Assume target consists of strongest material if not specified
Always assume reinforced concrete if unknown, and masonry is first class unless exact construction is known.
Tamping factors
Efficient = internal center mass
Quickly = ground placed untamped
Charge not fully tamped unless tamp depth is equal or greater than breaching radius
of charges formula & rules of thumb
N= W/ 2 x R
If N is less than 1.25 use 1 charge
If N is equal to 1.25 but less than 2.5 use 2 charges
If N is equal to or greater than 2.5 round off to nearest whole # ex: 3.1=3 or 4.5 = 5
Counterforce rules of thumb and formula
Effective against rectangular masonry or concrete columns up to 4” thick
Must have 3 free faces or free standing
Relies on shockwave collision
Round measurements up to next 1/2 ft
Only works on non reinforced concrete
S2: f fewP= 1.5 x breaching radius
CDAT rules
Uses shockwave collision
Placed knee high 15” center to center
Equal distance between shots create maximum shock wave