C-112 Civil Disturbance Flashcards
A civil disturbance presents unique problems not normally encountered in everyday emergency operations. These dangers require ____ for the safety of BSODFRES personnel.
situational awareness, common sense and a high degree of concern
Of paramount and overriding importance is that BSODFRES and BSODLE work in ____ for the highest degree of probability of ____ and ____.
- a unified, collaborative and cohesive manner
- mission success
- agency personnel safety
BSODFRES personnel, apparatus and equipment are not to be used for ____. BSODFRES personnel will avoid any ____ with persons involved in the disturbance
- crowd control, the disbursement of people, disturbance control or combative intervention against the perpetrators.
- physical contact
At all times, decisions are to be made in the interest of reasonable degrees of ____ balanced against the ____
- safety for responding personnel and equipment
* department’s responsibility to the public for emergency fire, rescue, and EMS response.
BSODFRES will NOT, in any way, participate in ____ and ____ will NOT be used for such, by our staff or by law enforcement.
- crowd control or the disbursement of crowds
* hose streams
Based on the evaluation of the Fire Chief/Emergency Manager, or his designee, the Sheriff’s Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) will be activated and staffed at an appropriate level if ____
the event is within Broward County, and may be activated if in a neighboring jurisdiction.
The Fire Chief/Emergency Manager, or his designee, will coordinate with ____, on the advisability of activating a full, or partial, Sheriff’s Emergency Operations Center (SEOC).
the Sheriff, or his designee
The Deputy Chief of Operations and/or the Assistant Chiefs of Operations will ____ at the direction of the Fire Chief/Emergency Manager.
respond to the Command Post (CP) or the Sheriff’s Emergency Operations Center (SEOC)
Civil disturbances may range from ____. Rapid mobilization of BSODFRES forces may be necessary up to and including ____
- small isolated incidents to major multiple confrontations
* the establishment of fire rescue task forces (TF).
BSODFRES will attach an ____ assigned by the Deputy Chief of Operations to the Broward Sheriff’s Office Department of Law Enforcement (BSODLE) to ____ to the IC and/or SEOC. These BSODLE and BSODFRES Command elements responsible for event specific operations will be physically co-located in ____.
- Operations Command element
- closely coordinate and provide immediate access to necessary communications and intelligence between the two departments regarding activities
- a face to face operations mode
As soon as practical, an ____ shall be stood up and identified to ensure that any issues that may arise are addressed at the earliest opportunity agency wide.
Incident Safety Officer (ISO)
Immediately upon recognition of a significant buildup of disturbance activity, Battalion Chiefs will notify ____ who will notify ____.
- Division 201 and/or Staff Duty Officer
* the Fire Chief/Emergency Manager through the COC
Resources and all calls originating from within the affected area shall be ____ to a particular request for assistance.
treated similarly to a special event, in that the IC, not the dispatcher, handles the assigning of resources
When possible or practical, a ____ should be assigned and all resources moved to this channel.
tactical channel
If Event/Area Commands are established, a ____ should be assigned if available.
separate channel for each
The IC must notify the dispatcher of ____ of the disturbance area(s). This will facilitate the dispatcher in knowing ____ and ____.
- the boundaries and/or perimeter
- which calls to forward to the IC
- which calls are to be dispatched using every day dispatch procedures
All 911 calls originating from the disturbance area will be sent by Fire Rescue Communications (FireCom) to the ____. Consideration will be given to assigning one assigned BSODFRES Coordinating Officer at the rank of ____ or above to FireCom to support ____ and to ____. Close coordination via telephone between the ____ and ____ will ensure that calls are handled by the resources assigned to the area as time, resources, and security permit.
- IC
- Captain
- the Duty Officer
- assist in coordinating resources dispatched from the center, including coordination of apparatus, mutual-aid support, move- ups, call prioritization and general dispatch operations
- IC and FireCom Duty Officer or if assigned a BSODFRES Coordinating Officer
Consideration should be given to requesting a ____ to report to the Command Post if warranted, or the SEOC, for more direct communications support.
- FireCom Supervisor
When carrying out a mission of limited scope, the TFL will not ____. Instead they will ____. The TFL will communicate needs and progress reports to ____ and not ____.
- declare themselves an IC
- retain their designated numerical TF designation
- the IC and not directly to FireCom
Once a civil disturbance is identified, a primary objective should be ____. Ideally a ____ is the first choice however, in the absence of law enforcement, ____ shall be established by the first arriving unit and transferred as ____.
- establishing Command
- unified command with law enforcement agency having jurisdiction
- command
- rapidly as practical to the closest Battalion Chief
The primary responsibility for overall incident safety, security, and stabilization during a civil disturbance rests with ____. BSODFRES plays a supporting role in these types of events and must integrate into either an established Command as a branch under Operations or a Unified Command structure with law enforcement.
- the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction
Because of the likelihood of multiple incidents occurring simultaneously or a rapidly expanding incident, BSODFRES must take a proactive approach in establishing a Sheriff’s Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) if warranted. The Incident Commander (IC) must ____
determine the likelihood of disturbance escalation and request to implement this procedure as needed.
While Command functions may be pre-identified in the case of a “Notice” or suspected event, most often civil disturbances will escalate as a ____ incident. Therefore command and control may be established first at the ____ and then escalate and expand to a ____
- “No Notice” type of
- Battalion level
- nearby fire station or mobile command post and ultimately to the Sheriff’s Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) located at Headquarters (HQ) within the Public Safety Building (PSB).
Decisions for BSODFRES response will be based on ____
knowledge of the situation, police intelligence reports and direction from Command.
Only essential units will be given authority and clear direction to ____
operate in the affected area.
Where possible and practical, ___ will be secured and/or relocated for safety and damage control during a disturbance.
fire stations and personal property, i.e., cars, etc.,
When civil disturbance activities may be predicted, or where activities are of a longer nature, engine and aerial staffing levels will be raised to ____
- (if an aerial is placed in service) will be staffed with four (4) persons and EMS rescue units with (3) persons.
Establishment of Task Forces
The purpose of a task force (TF) is to ____
create a group of units with integrated force protection (law enforcement, national guard, etc.), that can handle virtually any type of incident (fire, EMS, etc.) for the first few minutes.
Establishment of Task Forces
Establishing a type, single or multiple TFs is at the discretion of ____
the IC.
Establishment of Task Forces
Each TF includes a Task Force Leader (TFL) usually at the rank of ____
Battalion Chief.
Establishment of Task Forces
Task Force Types can be of the following composition and may be altered by the IC to achieve incident objectives:
i) Light Task Force (LTF)
ii) Medium Task Force (MTF
iii) Heavy Task Force (HTF)
iv) Special Task Force (STF)
Establishment of Task Forces
i) Light Task Force (LTF)
One (1) Battalion Chief, One (1) Battalion Command Aide, One (1) Suppression Unit, One (1) Rescue Unit
Establishment of Task Forces
ii) Medium Task Force (MTF)
One (1) Battalion Chief, One (1) Battalion Command Aide, Two (2) Suppression Units inclusive of an Aerial Company, One (1) Rescue Unit
Establishment of Task Forces
Heavy Task Force (HTF)
Two (2) Battalion Chiefs, Two (2) Battalion Command Aides, Three (3) Suppression Units inclusive of a Aerial Company, Two (2) Rescue Units
Establishment of Task Forces
iv) Special Task Force (STF)
One (1) Battalion Chief, One (1) Battalion Command Aide, Specialized or Grouped Units such as TRT, HM, Marine, Air, Medical assets etc.
Establishment of Task Forces
Each TF will have at least one ____. This will be coordinated through the BSODLE HQ Command.
(1) unit/squad of ready response force (RRF) or field force (FF) response platoon (RP) personnel as force protection
Establishment of Task Forces
All units in a TF will respond and function together. Single companies will not separate and operate at another location independently unless ____
specifically authorized by the TFL under extreme circumstances and for a temporary and specific purpose.
Establishment of Task Forces
TFs are designated by ____
their function (i.e. Medical STF-1, Suppression HTF-2, etc.)
Establishment of Task Forces
With the establishment of a TF, no ____ will respond or be deployed into the impact or affected area of disturbance unless directed by the IC and/or TFL. The IC will utilize Task Force (TF) with a clearly identified ____ assigned by the IC. Unless impossible, a unit of ____ should be a part of each Task Force to provide local information if necessary.
- single units
- task force leader
- mutual aid partners
Establishment of Task Forces
Consideration should be given to acquiring ____ to serve as a rehab/feeding area for those task forces that are in between assignments, and/or the ____ to provide additional protection and comfort.
- transit busses
* use of other portable facilities
A unit or TF will not respond to any incident in the affected area until ____
the area security has been confirmed through command
Response into a “Restricted Area” will only occur with ____ which must remain with BSODFRES units at all times until the mission is completed, then escorted out of the “Restricted Area”. The IC will be advised immediately of ____. BSODFRES WILL NOT ____.
- force protection (law enforcement/military)
- any exceptions
- respond into “Denied Areas”. Restricted and/or Denied Areas are identified by law enforcement
The staging of fire/rescue units is anticipated in order to provide BSODLE with an opportunity to ____ of fire/rescue personnel. A Staging Officer should be assigned if practical and available.
- evaluate the safety and security considerations
Units in staging will NOT be deployed into a known or suspected impact area until ____
the IC or TFL is given reason to believe that law enforcement has the area secure and that they can maintain the security.
All fire/rescue or EMS mutual-aid units assigned to the incidents, or in staging, are to be informed fully of situations, through ____. The safety of mutual-aid units will receive the same priority as BSODFRES units.
the IC or TFL or designee, as they develop
Consideration should be given to acquiring a sizeable staging area that allows for ____. If securing a parking lot, it will take approximately ____ parking spaces for each fire apparatus in staging. Where possible, the staging area should have ____
- easy ingress and egress for a large number of fire apparatus
- eight (8)
- lighting, a nearby water supply for refilling apparatus, and restrooms nearby.
Where practical, battalion chiefs may opt to deploy reserve equipment to prevent damage to first-line fire apparatus. This decision must ____
be based on judgment and the urgency of the situation
Consideration shall be given to placing all occupants of response units in ____
a fully enclosed cab wherever possible.
Unless modified by directive, full protective equipment that is ____ shall be worn, including SCBA as called for. If operating within the impact area, a minimum of ____ shall be worn if outside of an enclosed cab or patient compartment. Company officers shall make the necessary safety decisions for members of their command.
- appropriate for the situation
* a helmet
All exposed exterior tools, equipment and devices that could be used as weapons shall be ____
removed from the exterior portions of apparatus and secured inside the vehicle compartments for safety.
Code 3 - warning lights, sirens, and horns are ____
NOT to be used while responding within impacted areas and responses will be in a non-emergency mode unless directed.
BSODFRES resources will be committed to an incident in the affected area only if ____
there is a threat to life, exposures or the IC determines that the benefits outweigh the risks.
Operations should be ____ in nature and conducted in such a fashion that ____. Consideration should be given by all deployed companies to providing a quick retreat should the conditions become ____. Supply and other lines should be____. Personnel should operate from a position of cover or remain in vehicles whenever practical. If necessary, a heavy stream attack may be used based on ____. Where multiple fires are present in a potentially unsafe area, a ____ should be deployed to achieve a quick knockdown, with tank refill taking place at ____. Salvage and overhaul will ____ when operating in this mode. In general, TF’s must operate with a ____ philosophy.
- defensive
- personnel safety is maximized
- untenable or ill advised
- kept at minimal lengths and placed only under circumstances where benefits clearly outweigh risks
- reasonable judgment and evaluation of the relative loss/risk factor which shall be used in determining if a fire should be fought or not.
- rapid blitz type attack with tank water
- a safe area
- not normally be conducted
- “hit and run”
Emergency medical transportation is to be accomplished by “load and go” procedures in those situations where ____. After ____, all appropriate pre-hospital medical operating procedures are to be carried out as per protocol. If transport is to a local hospital outside the affected area, the TF may accompany them or meet them once they are back in service at the IC and/or TFL discretion.
- either the scene stability or patient stability is questionable, or where law enforcement reports the sustainability of a secure scene is questionable
- moving the patient to a safer area
If the IC, TFL or a Company Officer believes personnel are in an unsafe situation and in the event a situation requires an immediate exit to assure the safety of our crews, he/she may order ____. Theses emergency retreat procedures may be deployed in these instances if the situation demands such.
the abandonment of their position along with committed equipment including no effort to retrieve hose lines if necessary should be employed
The IC and/or TFL retains the prerogative to elect not to fight ____ fires within an impact area, unless ____
- trash fires, dumpster fires, and vehicles
* where structural exposures or life hazards exist, or where this option would further escalate the unrest.
If a decision is made to use a hydrant, ____ are to be secured once the hydrant is opened. Consideration should be given to mutual aid requests for ____
- wrenches
* tankers to avoid having to “commit” an engine to a hydrant via a supply line.
If a unit or TF observes another fire while responding to, or working on, an alarm, ____.
the IC will be notified
TF missions will require operations that are ____ and focus on ____. Requests for additional resources from a TFL to Command may or may not be granted and the TFL must be prepared to ____. Fire and EMS operations as well as on scene command procedures shall ____
- restricted in scope in an austere environment
- doing the most good with limited resources
- operate accordingly
- minimize personnel exposure to incident threats.
Firefighting will be kept to the necessary minimum with efforts being directed toward ____. While attacking fires, remain as mobile as possible in case evacuation is necessary.
the control and confinement of the fire through a defensive attack while keeping in mind the protection of personnel and equipment
Chemical agents used by law enforcement for emergency crowd control may ____ Fire & Rescue personnel. In the event that they have not withdrawn, decontamination will be accomplished through ____. Material Safety Data Sheets should be made available by law enforcement
- contaminate
* coordination with the Hazardous Materials advisors from the Regional Response Team
If personnel are physically or verbally attacked or threatened, apparatus and personnel will ____
immediately take cover and will be withdrawn immediately. If ordered to evacuate, place equipment back on apparatus only if it can be done so without jeopardizing personnel safety.
Modified SOP’s – The IC may in his purview modify SOG’s for crew safety to include:
i) No Fire Rescue personnel on roofs
ii) No laddering of buildings
iii) Deactivate aerial ladder truck companies in the
impact area
iv) No overhauling of fires
v) No interior fire attack
vi) No SCBA
vii) Location of Command Post (CP) and IC or TFL
within the confines of the command vehicle or other secure location
Personnel and Staffing
BSODFRES personnel will work their regular shifts unless ____. Extra units may be placed in service if ____
- otherwise notified
* the situation warrants or escalates significantly.
Personnel and Staffing
Shift changes will be coordinated by ____. Personnel may be directed to report to ____
- the IC or Operations
* a staging area or base camp outside the incident perimeter for transport to duty stations.
Personnel and Staffing
As per the Sheriff’s Policy Manual (SPM) Non-DLE Sworn employees will not carry firearms or weapons while ____.
on duty for BSODFRES, in any BSO facility or vehicle
Personnel and Staffing
No transfer of units will be made without ____
authorization from the IC. Additionally, units will not independently return to quarters without approval of the IC.
Personnel and Staffing
A Command Aide or Fire Inspector may be assigned to ____
the IC and/or TFL’s to support Event/Area operations as an adjunct.
Fire Station Security
Steps should be taken to help increase fire station security within the affected areas:
i. Close all hurricane shutters if equipped
ii. Close and lock all exterior doors, perimeter gates/fencing
iii. Ensure that exterior lighting is on at night
iv. Test generator and station fuel levels
Fire Station Security
If necessary, law enforcement may be requested through ____ to enforce a security perimeter around the station.
the IC
Fire Station Security
If it becomes necessary to vacate a fire station due to security concerns, this should be coordinated through ____ and if possible bring ____.
- the IC as soon as practical
* all station bunker gear to the fall back/retreat/flee to location
Fire Station Security
Requests to use a fire station for a police staging and/or forward command post must be approved by ____
the Fire Chief/Emergency Manager or his designee
Records retention is crucial. Document all ____, in detail, for possible ____ and shall be considered ____.
- cases and information
- cost recovery and later investigation
- Public Safety Sensitive (PSS)
Photos of fire incident locations, and fire incident damage should be ____ and shall be considered ____.
- captured at an opportune time
* Public Safety Sensitive (PSS)
Fire Rescue Personnel shall utilize NIMS forms i.e. ____ where warranted.
201, 203, 204, 205, 207, 214
Incident Command Systems (ICS), National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) and Electronic Patient Care Record (ePCR) reports will be completed in a timely manner by all personnel unless ____. In these rare instances, officers will ____.
- extraordinary circumstances dictate an exception by the Battalion Chief
- complete reports as soon as possible after the incident/disturbance
Photos of any damage to our property or apparatus should be ____.
taken before repairs are made
A report of all staff hours, including all mutual aid staff hours, must be prepared by ____ including any requested ____ forms.
- the Battalion Chief
* ICS-214 and overtime