C-100 Swarming Insect Incidents Flashcards
To establish guidelines for response to swarming insect incidents, particularly Africanized honeybees. These guidelines can be applied to other swarming insects as well.
Africanized honeybees are a possible threat in Broward County. In other areas, bee attacks have been responsible for severe injuries and a number of deaths. Africanized honeybees are characterized by extremely aggressive behavior. They have a tendency to swarm and relentlessly attack persons perceived as a threat. An attack by an Africanized honeybee swarm can be life threatening.
BSODFRES personnel with known allergies to insect stings should notify their immediate supervisor. In the event that a BSODFRES member with a known allergy to insect stings is dispatched to an insect-related call, that person ____
will remain in the staging area and will not become involved in victim rescue or any other situation where there is a higher than normal possibility of insect stings.
B. When responding to an incident where swarming insects are involved directly, or indirectly, the mission of the BSODFRES is ____
to rescue the individual(s) from immediate danger and provide emergency treatment.
BSODFRES personnel respond to bee and swarming insect incidents that threaten public safety. BSODFRES will not respond to ____
“pest control” calls (i.e. the killing of bees or other pests that are not posing an immediate threat to the public).
Responding units shall proceed to the scene being cautious not to commit themselves in the path of the insects (approximately ____ from the swarm). ____ may aggravate the insects; therefore, ____ is strategically indicated.
- 150’
- Loud noises
- cessation of audible warning devices when nearing the reported location
BSODFRES personnel may be asked to mitigate a swarm of stinging insects on public or private property. If no eminent threat exists on private property, ____. BSODFRES personnel may be requested to abate a similar situation on public property. If such request is made, and it is determined such abatement can occur in accordance with the procedures contained herein, personnel may ____. Final clarification regarding such actions, if necessary, shall be at the discretion of ____
- the property owner shall be advised to obtain the services of a licensed insect (bee) removal service
- proceed accordingly
- the district Battalion Chief.
Upon arrival at a swarming insect incident, a rapid evaluation should be made by the first arriving company officer and the following activities implemented:
- Determine if there are any victims who will require rescue or medical treatment.
- Prepare crew members in appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for victim rescue (bunker gear with ankles, wrists, mask/Nomex hood interface taped with collar up and SCBA).
- Designate a Level II staging area for subsequent arriving units outside potential swarm migration (up to approximately 1⁄4 mile).
With all entry personnel donned in appropriate PPE, entry should be made with appropriate resources to facilitate:
- Delivery of 1 3⁄4” fog flowing 3% aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) consistent with standard practices to facilitate “grounding” of the swarming insects and victim extraction.
- The hose line shall be advanced by the fire fighter at a quick pace towards the affected patient sweeping the air surrounding the fire fighters and the patient with a fog stream to clear swarming insects. The patient should be quickly moved while at the same time, sweeping the surrounding air with the foam spray.
- If a hive or colony is obviously nearby with insects swarming out towards the victim and/or fire fighters, it is appropriate to spray the hive or colony using a combination of fog and straight streams in order to stop the onslaught of bees. Priority is victim rescue, and hives or colonies should not be actively searched out.
- The foam shall continue to be sprayed into the air, on fire fighters and the patient while fire fighters retreat to a minimum safe distance of approximately 150’ from the swarm. At this time, the extraction destination should be re-evaluated to determine if the location is far enough away from the swarming insects in order to begin definitive treatment of the patient as Africanized honeybees have the ability to pursue the victim(s) and rescuers for up to 1⁄4 mile.
- The victim should be treated in accordance with medical care protocols related to presenting symptoms (i.e. insect stings, anaphylaxis, etc.).
- Upon successful victim extraction and “grounding” of swarming insects in the immediate area, response crews shall relocate to the Staging Area.
E. Major Swarming Stinging Insects.
- Incident Command shall request representatives from ____ in establishing a Unified Command to develop an appropriate Incident Action Plan (IAP) to mitigate the situation.
the Agricultural and Health Department
- Upon identifying the location of a swarm of insects, in particular Africanized honeybees, the Incident Commander shall notify ____. Anticipation of the involvement of an ____ should be a strategic consideration. The Incident Commander should keep in mind that wild bees are ____. These procedures are intended to address ____
- the local Department of Agriculture, Health Department, and State Warning Point
- extermination service to evaluate the hive or colony for threat of Africanized honeybee activity
- an important part of our environment as bees are responsible for pollinating much of the vegetation in our area
- rescue and removal of swarming insect sting victims, not for the general eradication of insect colonies that pose no threat to the general public.