C-102 Carbon Monoxide Incidents Flashcards
A. To identify and safely mitigate incidents involving carbon monoxide (CO) when released or potentially released within the confines of a building, structure, or other enclosed area.
B. To identify when it is permissible to allow members of the public, emergency personnel, etc. to occupy the space without protective equipment.
Carbon monoxide (CO/UN1016) is an odorless, colorless, flammable poison gas produced as a byproduct of ____ with an auto-ignition temperature of approximately 1292 degrees Fahrenheit. CO gas should be presumed to be present if ____
- incomplete combustion
- a combustion engine or other CO producing equipment is utilized intentionally or by accident inside of a building, structure, or other enclosed area, or any instance where incomplete combustion has taken place (i.e. building fires).
The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that an average of 140 people die each year from unintentional exposure to carbon monoxide associated with consumer products. Consumers die when they improperly use ____. Consumer Product Safety Commission staff are aware, through police, medical examiner and news reports of at least 32 CO deaths related to portable generators from October 1 through December 31, 2006.
- gas generators, charcoal grills, and fuel burning camping heaters and stoves inside their homes or in other enclosed or partially enclosed spaces during power outages. They also die when furnaces that have not been professionally and annually inspected leak CO
When a person breathes in CO, the CO combines with ____ in the blood to form poisonous ____. The amount of COHb in a person’s blood is expressed as ____. A measurement of ____ COHb or greater is a confirmation of CO poisoning.
- oxygen
- carboxyhemoglobin (COHb)
- a percentage
- 10%
D. CO poisoning can occur when exposed to:
- 70 ppm CO for slightly more than three hours.
- 150 ppm CO for 50 minutes.
- 400 ppm CO for 15 minutes.
E. These benchmarks are built into industry standards for CO alarms.
- A CO alarm must sound at exposures predicted to reach 10% COHb in heavily exercising individuals.
- A CO alarm cannot sound with exposed to 30 ppm for fewer than thirty days or at 70 ppm for less than one hour.
F. Keeping a person’s COHb below 10% is recognized as ____
a method of protecting healthy adults against the harmful effects of CO.
When responding to CO type incidents (automatic CO alarms or when there is a suspected presence of CO), atmospheric monitoring will be performed by ____
an available component of the Hazardous Materials Team as determined by the Incident Commander.
- The Hazardous Materials Team shall respond to reports of CO incidents as a supplement to primary responding units.
Full personal protective equipment (PPE), including SCBA, shall be utilized until ____
atmospheric monitoring determines that the hazard has been cleared to acceptable and permissible levels and an enhanced level of protection is no longer required.
During the salvage and overhaul functions following a fire incident, ____
the heightened awareness of fire fighter safety will be maintained with the same level of intensity as the incipient and fire attack phases of the incident. Fire fighters are prone to high CO levels during the salvage and overhaul phases and shall utilize full PPE as indicated above.
Upon arrival at a CO incident, evaluate ____
the condition of the occupants. If occupants are experiencing symptoms associated with CO exposure, remove them from the structure and provide patient assessment and treatment as outlined with Department protocols.
During the CO investigation process, occupants should be ____. Leave all outside doors and windows ____. Upon arrival of the Hazardous Materials Team, measure CO from ____. Identify any areas of the structure with ____. Crews are reminded that ____ is not to be utilized to determine a clear atmosphere.
- evacuated from the residence or structure
- closed
- the center of the various rooms to include all areas of the residence
- measured CO levels
- their LifePak CO monitor
- The Haz-Mat Team must utilize their monitors to clear the structure.
CO Levels Greater Than Zero:
- Once the source of the elevated CO is located, ____
then correct the problem by either turning off the appliance or removing the source.
CO Levels Greater Than Zero:
2. Potential sources of elevated CO include:
a. Gas appliances.
b. Internal combustion engines (lawnmowers, generators, vehicles idling in garage, etc.).
c. Charcoal grill.
CO Levels Greater Than Zero:
- Using ____, ventilate the CO to the outside of the structure.
an electric fan
CO Levels Greater Than Zero:
- After ventilating, when the monitor shows ____, occupants can return to the home.
CO levels of 0 ppm
CO Levels Greater Than Zero:
If no apparent source of elevated CO levels are found, ____
advise the resident to contact a heating, ventilating, or air conditioning (HVAC) company immediately to identify and correct the conditions causing the elevated CO levels.
CO Levels Greater Than Zero:
Advise all occupants to call 911 if their ____
CO alarm sounds, particularly if they have followed the above recommendations.
CO Levels of Zero ppm:
- Advised occupants ____
that no detectable levels of CO were not found.
CO Levels of Zero ppm:
- If the call was the result of a CO alarm activation, advised the resident ____
to review the manufacturer’s instructions regarding an activated Co alarm and to contact the manufacturer if necessary. CO alarms have a limited life and may need to be replaced. Advise occupants to never ignore an activated CO alarm and to call 911 should alarm activate.
CO Alarm Installation
- Should an occupant ask about proper CO alarm installation, provide the following information:
a. CO alarms should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends that one CO alarm be installed in the hallway outside the bedrooms in each separate sleeping area of the home.
b. CO alarms may be installed into a plug-in receptacle or high on the wall because CO from any source will be well mixed with the air in the house. Ensure furniture or draperies do not cover the alarm.