buzzwords Flashcards
Patient has fever and pleuritic chest pain that is relieved by sitting up and leaning forward, saddle shaped ST elevation
irregularly irregular pulse/no clear P waves
Raised JVP
right sided heart failure
sense of impending doom
Broad complex tachycardia
Ventricular problem
Mid-diastolic murmur with a tapping apex
Mitral stenosis
Tall, tented T waves
collapsing pulse
aortic regurgitation
bounding pulse
acute CO2 retention
Fever + new onset murmur
bacterial endocarditis until proven otherwise
myocardial necrosis
coagulative necrosis due to ischaemia and hypoxia in first 3 days post MI
ECG saw tooth baseline + 150 bpm
Atrial flutter
pulmonary oedema
Alveolar bat wings, kerley B lines, Cardiomegaly, Dilated prominent upper lobe vessels, pleural Effusion
saddle shaped ST elevation
Broad QRS with slurred upstroke of R wave
Wolff-parkinson-white syndrome
blurred yellowing vision headache
digoxin toxicity
continuous machine like murmur
patent ductus arteriosus
diminished absent lower limb pulses, radiofemoral delay
coarctation of the aorta
Stony dull to percuss
Pleural effusion
right sided plueritic pain
most likely pneumonia
ground glass appearance on X ray
pulmonary fibrosis
ZN stain positive for acid fast bacilli
caseous necrosis
apical disease
most likely TB
miliary TB
spread of organism to bloodstream
organism to pulmonary artery = miliary dissemination into the lung
organism to pulmonary vein= systemic dissemination to the liver, spleen and kidneys
positive anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies
Goodpastures syndrome
chest infection with a parrot/pigeon as pet
chlamydophila psittaci
dry cough and diarrhoea after holiday
legionella pneumopila (test urine)
tall thin young man who smoke weed
bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy erythema nodosum, granulomas, fatigue and weight loss
bronchiole wider than neighboring arteriole- signet ring sign
D sign on Xray
steeple sign on Xrat
Child with barking cough
Pneumocystis pneumonia
Asthma + Nasal Polyps + Salicylate sensitivity
Samter’s Triad
Alcoholic (danger of aspiration pneumonia)
Klebsiella pneumoniae (red jelly haemopytsis
rusty sputum
pneumococcal pneumonia
morning headache
hypercapnia (CO2 in bloodstream)
ACTH secreting lung tumour
PTH secreting lung tumour
SCC of lung
small-cell carcinoma
neuroendocrine, highly malignant, and may be associated with
ectopic endocrine syndromes
increased serum ACE and Ca2+
eggshell calcification
heart failure cells seen in alveolar spaces
macrophages that have absorbed haemosiderin
chronic pulmonary oedema and associated LVH
Coin lesion found on chest radiographs
rounded solitary lesion
horner’s syndrome
local spread of cancer to the intrathoracic nodes signs= ptosis, enopthalmos, miosis, lack of sweating on the ipsilateral side of the face
gingivectomy/biting on own gums
side effect of calcium channel blockers or phenytoin
bird beak appearance
sign of bowel obstruction in lower GI
grey turner’s and cullen’s sign
acute pancreatitis
acute pancreatitis
GET SMASHED Gallstones Ethanol Trauma Steroid Mumps Autoimmune Scorpion bites Hyperlipidaemia/hypercalcaemia
murphy’s sugn
pale stools, jaundice, abdo pain
biliary obstruction
abdo distension, caput medusae, shifting dullness
portal hypertension and ascites
pyoderma gagrenosum
Tinkling bowel sounds
bowel obstruction
vesicular rash + weight loss
coeliac disease
virchows node (left supra-clavicular)
gastric cancer
urea breath test
14C breath test
bacterial overgrowth
rice water like stools
vibrio cholera
primary biliary cirrhosis
presence of AMA (anti mitochondrial antibodies)
autoimmune hepatitis
presence of ASMA (anti smooth muscle antibodies)
hepatocellular carcinoma (or teratoma)
cobblestone mucosa
indicating deep fissuring ulceration of mucosa
crohns disease
diuretic for ascites
Corkscrew oesophagus on barium swallow
diffuse oesophageal spasm
Severe abdo pain + D&V after raw milk →
Russell’s sign
self induced vomiting
Mallory’s hyaline bodies
alcoholic liver disease (acute hepatitis) and chronic active
Crypt abscess / cryptitis
Inflammatory Bowel UC
Onion skinning fibrosis, beading of bile ducts
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
“Signet RIng” cells seen on biopsy
Linitis plastica - diffuse stomach cancer
Thumb-printing on X-ray commonly at splenic flexure
Ischaemic colitis
Charcot’s triad
Acute cholangitis i.e. fever, jaundice and abdominal pain secondary to
cobble-stoned appearance on endoscopy
crohn’s disease
deep ulceration in gut mucosa- skip lesions between the ulcers give cobble-stone effect
Loss of haustra on fluroscopy
chronic UC