Butlet-Gender Performativity Flashcards
Judith Butler (summary)
Butler argues that gender identity is culturally rather than naturally configured. Gender is constructed through the performance of social learned behaviours. Gender and sexual identity cannot be categorised into simple binary systems.
Concept 1: Gendered identities are constructors through repetition and ritual.
- Gender and sexuality are culturally rather than naturally configured and it is long standing rituals that orient individuals towards traditional gender roles.
- Gender is not stable but constructed through repetition and rituals.
- Manerism and behaviours work as learned micro performances that signal our identity.
- Gender based cues can be learned from media products.
Concept 1: Gendered identities are constructors through repetition and ritual. (Questions)
- Are there movements in the text in which characters perform a gender based identity?
Concept 2: Gender subversion
- Heterosexuality is the dominate identity mode in western culture. Thus maintaining identities outside the social norm is a difficult/painful process. (Gender trouble)
Concept 2: Gender subversion (questions)
- Does the narrative reinforce the idea that gender subversion is difficult?
- Does the product offer positive representations of non- heteronormativity?
- Does the product provide alternative models of gender/sexuality?
Concept 3: Subjugation and marginalisation.
- Heteronormativity and male patriarchy are reinforced- by cultural practices that position non heteronormative identities and female power as a social taboo.
- The media reinforces/ co-signs subjugation of non-hetero identities through Absent, abject and parodic representations.
Absent representations
The lack of alternative representations in the media, results in the reinforcement of heteronormativity and male power as the social/behavioural norm.
Abject representations
The reinforcement of heteronormativity and male power through the suggestion that alternative identities are repulsive and unnatural.
Abject representations- based on the work of..:
Julia Kristeva- argues the media relies on a range of strategies to repulse audiences through the use of female oriented depiction intended to disturb.
Parodic representations
Imitative gender representations constructed using exaggeration and dissonance. They have the capacity to subjugate non heteronormative I’d either but also highlight the performative nature of gender.
Gender trouble
A representation/ identity that falls outside heteronormativity. Performance of gender trouble can be a difficult and painful process.
Compulsory heterosexuality
A theory that suggest heterosexuality is assumed and socially ingrained and scripted upon people in a heteronormative and patriarchal society.
Gender subversion
A representational process that undermines heteronormativity.
The process of constructing a object and person as repulsive
Gender performativity
The construction of gender through continuous repetition of micro rituals.
2 theorists that may challenge Butlers thinking
Why might Gauntlett challenge Butlers thinking?
Contemporary media practices facilitate fluid identity construction.
Society has developed a more positive view of gender subversion
Why might Zoonen challenge Butlers thinking?
Gender is socially constructed but the media reinforces male power as women internalise male power and assume the same passivity as seen in gdominate feminine representations.