Buss Flashcards
Three different kinds of selection:
Artificial selection
Natural selection
Sexual selection
-“known as breeding”
-occurs when humans select particular desirable traits in a breeding species
Artificial selection
- more general form of artificial selection in which nature rather than people select the traits.
-occurs when traits become either more or less common in a species over long periods of time because they do or do not lead to greater survivability
-involves “evolved strategies” for a species’ survival
Natural selection
-operates when members of the opposite sex find certain traits more appealing and attractive than others and thereby produce offspring with those traits
-the key is that these qualities have to be markers of fitness that can’t be easily faked.
Sexual selection
The evolutionary process (natural and sexual selection and chance) results in three distinct outcomes:
adaptations, by-products, and noise
-are evolved strategies that solve important survival and/or reproductive problems.
-are often the products of natural or sexual selection and must have a genetic or inherited basis to them
-(ex. Sweat glands)
-are traits that happen as a result of adaptations but are not part of the functional design
- “come along for the ride” of natural or sexual selection. (ex. Scientific ability or driving skill is each a by-product of adaptations)
-also known as “random effects,” occurs when evolution produces random changes in design that do not affect function.
- tends to be produced by chance and not selected for (ex. Shape of a belly button)
- however, assumes that the true origins of these traits reach far back in ancestral times. The true origin of personality is evolution, meaning that it is caused by an interaction between an ever changing environment and a changing body and brain.
Evolutionary theory
- is one of the few recent theories of personality that attempts once again to explain the grand view of human personality-its ultimate origins as well as its overall function and structure
Evolutionary theory
-Evolutionary meta-theory, properly conceived, provides for personality psychology the grand framework it seeks, and which has been missing almost entirely from its core formulations
-The essence of Buss’s theory of personality revolves around adaptive problems and their solutions or mechanisms.
Evolutionary theory
-behavior and personality are caused by either internal qualities or external-environmental ones
Nature and nurture of personality
-the tendency to assume that the environment alone can produce behavior void of a stable internal mechanism.
“Without internal mechanisms, there can be no behavior”
fundamental situational error
•describe our tendency to ignore situational and environmental forces when explaining the behavior of other people and instead focus on internal dispositions.
fundamental attribution error
•describe our tendency to ignore situational and environmental forces when explaining the behavior of other people and instead focus on internal dispositions.
fundamental attribution error
two fundamental problems of adaptation
•survival (food, danger, predation, etc.)
• reproduction.
In order to survive any living thing has to deal with what he called the “______ ______ ___ __________,” which include disease, parasites, food shortages, harsh climate, predators, and other natural hazards
hostile forces of nature
-The process of evolution by natural selection has produced solutions to these two basic problems of life