BUMEDINST 6300.19 Flashcards
As a general rule, but subject to local requirements, commanders, commanding officers, and officers in charge should strive to not rotate ancillary nursing support for a minimum of one year.
Behavioral health providers must have appropriate training and may include psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, and licensed professional counselors.
Primary care services in Navy Medicine
The recommended ratio is one full time behavioral health provider per 7,500 patients enrolled.
In general, one Nurse Educator can serve the needs of approximately 7,500 patients.
Clinic Manager. Each Medical Home Port Clinic will be assigned a clinic manager who is either a military officer performing these duties as a full time job, or a civilian specifically hired for this position.
At a minimum, personnel who have not completed the Navy Medicine Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Education (NM MPT&E) Command Clinic Management Course, or personnel who cannot demonstrate a proficient track record of clinic management in the civilian sector, will not be considered.
Clinic Managers job scope
but is not limited to tracking access, tracking provider availability, managing appoint- ment templates/availability, overseeing clerical staff, managing telephone calls and consults, tracking performance, Defense Medical Human Resources System – internet (DMHRSi)
Clinic Managers job scope
making recommendations to the Department Head for any required changes to improve clinic efficiency and effectiveness in meeting patient needs. The clinic manager will also review patient satisfaction submissions to identify and recommend improvement opportunities to the Department Head.
Case Managers
In general, one case manager can meet the needs of approximately 7,200 patients. Higher acuity or need patient populations may require additional case managers, as determined by the commander, commanding officer, or officer in charge.
Medical Home Port team Pharmacists provide
- Anticoagulation clinic: medication management and patient education
- Antilipidemic clinic: medication management and patient education
- Prescription Renewal
- Overthecounter(OTC)clinic support
- Medication Reconciliation
Acute Appointment Type (ACUT) or Open Access Appointment Type (OPAC). ACUT appointment types are for patients to be seen within 24 hours; OPAC appointment types are for patients to be seen the same calendar day.
What is this partnership models align with and what is it known as?
This effort aligns with civilian models of enhanced primary care known as Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH).
What is the expectation for all Medical Home Port locations will attain Level I recognition within how long after opening?
four months after opening
What is the 4th type of appointment under medical home?
Procedural service
What is the expectation for all Medical Home Port locations will attain Level 2 recognition within how long after opening?
6 months after receiving Level 1 recognition.
How many providers are on each medical home port team?
If a team has 3 members how many must be physicians?
How many types of appointments are there under medical home port?
If a team has 5 members how many must be physicians?
What is the 3rd type of appointment under medical home?
What is the 2nd type of appointment under medical home?
What is the 1st type of appointment under medical home?
IMR consists of six elements
(1) Individual Medical Equipment.
(2) Immunizations.
(3) Readiness Laboratory Studies.
(4) Dental Readiness.
(5) Deployment Limiting Conditions.
(6) Periodic Health Assessment.
The PHA replaces the RC requirement for NAVMED 6120/3, Annual Certificate of Physical Condition, and the routine 5-year periodic physical examination for AC.
Annually, all AC and RC service members will receive an individualized face-to-face assessment of their health status to include the PHA components outlined in enclosure (1).
The PHA visit shall be documented in an approved electronic system (e.g., Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA), Dental Common Access System (DENCAS), Shipboard Non-Tactical Automated Data Processor (SNAP) Automated Medical System (SAMS), or Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS) and in the member’s health record.
Commanding Officers are responsible for ensuring the individual readiness of the personnel assigned to their units.
*****Service members who have completed medical in-processing within the previous year will not require a PHA until their subsequent birth month. All IMR data shall be entered into an approved electronic data system, as well as in the service member’s health record.
Laboratory Studies will be reviewed to ensure all required laboratory studies are current. If laboratory studies are due or due within the ensuing 11 months, they will be drawn during the PHA visit. RC service members will be advised to see their civilian provider for any laboratory studies, other than readiness laboratory studies.
AC personnel shall be HIV tested every 2 years, unless clinically indicated.
A current PHA completed within the preceding
12 months is required to participate in the Navy semiannual PFA. The PHA is in addition to and does not replace the requirement for a Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ).
If a PFA medical waiver is required, the privileged provider will so document and complete an SF 600.
***Any member of the health care team may perform the following elements of the PHA:
Hospital Corpsmen or above may perform the following:
(1) Blood pressure measurement.
(2) Height, weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI).
(3) Visual acuity testing.
(4) Immunizations.
(5) Phlebotomy.
(6) Administer the HART.
(7) Health risk prevention, health promotion, and clinical
preventive services counseling.
(8) Document consistent with paragraph 4 below.